Mosquitoes in the apartment - we get rid of available means

With the onset of heat, mosquitoes appear on the street, which penetrate into the apartment and bother the inhabitants with their annoying buzz. But beyond that, these flying insects bite, which is quite unpleasant. What can be done to get rid of mosquitoes, and what effective means are available in case of their occurrence?

How do mosquitoes get into the house

Mosquitoes live and breed on the street, where there is a favorable environment for them, but they enter the house through open doors and windows, if they do not have a mosquito net. Also, bloodsuckers can penetrate through the ventilation and sewer holes. But this applies to the spring and summer season, but in the fall or winter, mosquitoes can appear if, in the warm season, the female mosquito laid an egg laying somewhere in a secluded place in the house.

Therefore, it is very important to find out where the habitat is located and to destroy the center, so that in the winter these insects do not cause discomfort to the residents of the apartment.

Modern methods of mosquito control

Problems with mosquitoes occur every year with the onset of heat. Accordingly, there are many methods of dealing with volatile bloodsuckers.

Mosquito net

The best option would be to install windows and balcony doors with a fine-mesh mosquito net. Often they are sold complete with plastic windows, but in the case when the apartment has wooden frames, you can solve this problem with ordinary gauze. It should be attached to the window openings using small nails or clerical buttons. Also gauze is recommended to tighten the ventilation and sewer holes, because in most cases it is through them that mosquitoes fly into the housing.


The fumigator is translated from Latin as “smoke”, “fumigate” and is considered one of the reliable means of providing an opportunity to get rid of flying bloodsuckers very quickly. Today, there are various devices with special plates or tanks with insecticidal liquid, which emit special substances into the air, thereby diminishing midges, flies and mosquitoes. Among the most popular mosquito devices are:

  • Raptor;
  • Raid;
  • Moskitoll;
  • Fumitoks;
  • Picnic Familly.

It is also worth saying that pyrethroid insecticides, for example, esbiotrin and pralletrine (a synthetic analogue of Dalma chamomile extract), are often at the heart of fumigators.


This tool, intended mainly for use in the country or in the gazebo. The mosquito coil works on the same principle as the fumigator, emitting insecticides into the air. The difference is that the helix needs to be burnt and it should smolder. But for security reasons, singed mosquito coils should be placed on a metal surface in order to avoid ignition of inflammable things.

Ultrasonic Repeller

The presented device works either from the network or on batteries. The essence of his work lies in the fact that he emits an ultrasound, which is similar to the signal that male mosquitoes reproduce when a danger arises. Thus, insects do not fly into the apartment.

How to quickly get rid of mosquitoes folk methods

The buzz of mosquitoes is not always pleasant, but most of all they bother at night when people go to bed.

To get rid of these insects, you can use effective folk remedies:

  1. It is recommended to put pots with tomatoes on the windowsill, as mosquitoes do not like the smell of the leaves of these plants.
  2. In addition to tomatoes, indoor geranium has a deterring effect. You can put in a vase lilac, lavender or bird cherry. The last two marked plants can be used in dried form.
  3. Also do not tolerate "night flying vampires" aromas of essential oils of basil, eucalyptus and cloves. You can moisten a cotton pad in the indicated oils and put it next to the bed.
  4. Camphor is another effective way to prevent the appearance of mosquitoes in housing. It should be heated in a pan and walk around the apartment. But do not leave it in the bedroom. Despite the fact that camphor is not harmful to human health, but a long stay in the room where this oil is smoked can cause dizziness or headache.
  5. You can take a lemon, squeeze juice from it and anoint open areas of the body.
  6. You need to take a small onion, a little cloves and boil them in water. Then cut the onions into rings, lay them on plates, adding a little boiled cloves. Plates should be placed around the apartment, it is especially recommended to put in the bedroom.
  7. Basil and cloves are considered a good means of expelling mosquitoes from an apartment. To do this, put these seasonings on a platter and place them on the windowsills.
  8. In order not to disturb mosquitoes, it is recommended to lay out walnut or elderberry leaves in the house. But this method is effective only for the time while the leaves from the designated plants are fresh. Therefore, they often need to be updated.

Since mosquitoes hate the aroma of spices, but their use as a means to fight flying insects will be not only effective, but also pleasant in terms of flavoring housing. You can also use regular vanilla. To do this, dilute 1 tbsp in a glass of warm water. l vanilla, and then dip a fleece or cotton pad in the resulting solution and rub the skin. Mosquitoes will not bite, and a pleasant smell will be an additional bonus. You can also add vanilla powder to baby cream, mix well and apply to the skin, so you can drive away annoying bloodsuckers.

Safety for children and pets

To get rid of mosquitoes in the apartment can be a variety of means that are sold in the store or use traditional methods. But It is worth noting that not all of them can be used when there are small children in the house and there are pets.

Such means are considered the safest:

  1. Essential oils from lavender, vanilla, olives, basil.
  2. The use of repellents in the form of creams, sprays, which are recommended to be applied to the skin before going out.
  3. Insecticides, which are represented by liquids that are sprayed or special plates installed in the house.
  4. Ultrasound devices. They are safe for kids, because the child is not able to catch the emitting signal, while not emit harmful substances.

But it should be said that before choosing sprays or creams should pay attention to their content, so it is recommended to read the instructions for their use by all means. Each tool is written age from which you can use certain tools for children.

Preventing the reappearance of mosquitoes

Getting rid of mosquitoes in the apartment by various means and methods is not a guarantee of effectiveness, because some means have a temporary effect and after it ends buzzing insects may reappear. Quite often, in addition to the main season, mosquitoes in the apartment can be seen in the fall or winter. The thing is that with the cooling, some individuals hide in sewer pipes, and during the heating season they can move into housing.

To get rid once and for all of the annoying bloodsuckers, it is recommended to make prevention. Its essence lies in the fact that it is necessary not only to deal with adults, but also to destroy the root cause, namely, to find the source where they live and multiply. The best option would be to contact the specialists to disinfect all the premises in an apartment building.

Mosquito bit: what to do?

Mosquito bites are not only unpleasant, but also cause severe itching at the site of the bite, which is extremely undesirable to scratch. Remove the inflammatory process and itching can be with the help of folk remedies. For example, make a lotion from raw potatoes or anoint with ammonia. In the case of the formation of edema at the site of the bite, you should attach a piece of ice to it.

It is also worth saying that the flying "bloodsuckers" not only bite, but can also carry various diseases, therefore, when adverse symptoms occur after mosquito bites, it is imperative to consult a therapist.

Summing up, it is safe to say that the problem with mosquitoes can be solved in a short time, if you know what methods you can get rid of them, as well as what means are most effective in such cases.

Watch the video: 10 Ways to Get Rid of Spiders, Ants, Bugs and Bees In Your Home (April 2024).