Why do acne appear on the chin and how to get rid of it

Chin acne is a very common problem. These seemingly minor symptoms may be a sign of some serious illnesses. In addition, for many they are trite inconvenience, it is simply not aesthetic. This article is intended to tell about the causes of acne, how to get rid of them and how to avoid their appearance.

The causes of acne on the chin

Such formations - a signal to the body that it is not all right. Acne on the chin can be caused by various inflammations, hormonal instability, the common cold, and many other ailments. In women and men, it manifests itself in different ways, as will be discussed in detail.

Among women

There are several main causes of acne on the chin in women, such as ovarian problems. Inflammatory processes of the reproductive system often manifest themselves through acne on the face. This is because the failure of the ovaries affects the endocrine system: acne indicates the production of certain hormones.

In addition, it may be a sign of disease of the pelvic organs. For example, problems with the mammary glands, small intestine, lymphatic system, uterus and other organs.

However, in women this may be due not to a disease, but to a simple hormonal alteration of the body, for example, during the menstrual period.

Obviously, hormonal drugs, such as contraceptives, can also provoke this. Inflammation on the face may appear due to bad habits or unhealthy diet. In addition, poor quality cosmetics and allergic reactions can be the source of the problem.

A specialist should be consulted if there are any other symptoms of pathological conditions of the endocrine or urogenital system. Very often acne can appear simply because of the contact of the clothes with the skin or because of the habit of often touching the chin.

In men

Acne in the chin can appear in the stronger sex. The most common:

  1. Allergy or irritation. This is indicated by small red acne, usually itchy. In this case, it is worth looking for what triggered the rash: products of the daily diet or, perhaps, chemicals.
  2. Sebum. If there is a lot of it, it can form a large single inflammation.
  3. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Weak immunity and colds.
  5. Pathologies of the hormonal system, imbalance in the production of male hormones.
  6. Diseases of the thyroid gland and diabetes.
  7. Parasitic tick-iron.
  8. Excessive sweating.

To avoid the appearance of acne on the chin, you should carefully monitor the hygiene of the face and avoid self-extrusion of acne. It can also provoke inflammation.

What do acne chins say

Only a doctor can identify the cause of the occurrence of an unpleasant illness. Acne can talk about serious disruptions in the body's work, as well as malnutrition, lack of certain vitamins and microelements, an excess of harmful food additives, allergies to household chemicals or inattention in matters of personal hygiene.

Very often this phenomenon can be caused genetically. In other words, it is not a matter of illness or bad habits, but simply of heredity. In addition, acne is a normal sign of growing up. In adolescence, there is a dramatic change in hormonal levels in both girls and boys, which provokes the appearance of inflammation on the entire surface of the skin of the face.

In any case, one should not immediately panic and go to a dermatologist, especially if the inflammation does not cause significant discomfort and does not appear often. For starters, you can try to get rid of inflammation at home, with drugs or folk remedies. The main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations and prohibitions, otherwise there is a risk to aggravate the situation.

Treatment methods

Traditional medicine has a large arsenal of tools to effectively combat acne. Before you go to specialists or take medicines, you should try them, because most often they help.

  1. Good help medicinal herbs: chamomile, aloe leaves, calendula, mint, a series, St. John's wort. You can prepare decoctions from different components, smear problem areas with the juice of these herbs. For the latter, aloe is well suited. Aloe leaf juice softens the skin and reduces inflammation. The broth of birch buds, which has antibacterial properties, is very popular.
  2. Many people recommend smearing problem areas with toothpaste, which dries the skin, which facilitates the removal of acne. Moreover, the paste should be chosen on a herbal basis.
  3. In addition, many advise the use of cosmetic clay. It is great for eliminating acne.
  4. Popular procedures with steam and chamomile. All you need is a small bath or any other suitable container.
  5. Excellent help tar soap. Tar has drying properties.

If the methods of traditional medicine do not help, you can use other methods.

How to get rid at home

Often, to get rid of acne, it is not necessary to go to a dermatologist. There is a huge range of cosmetic and hygiene products that you can use. Doctors usually prescribe such drugs as:

  • Salicylic acid;
  • Ichthyol ointment;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Levomekol;
  • Baziron AU;
  • Skinoren;
  • Differin;
  • Klenzit;
  • Zinerit;
  • Klerasil;
  • Polysorb;
  • Fusicutan;
  • Fuziderm;
  • Acne derm.

If these are medicines and other pharmaceutical medicines, you should consult a doctor before taking it, as they have contraindications and are not appropriate in every situation. These drugs have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and drying properties. A specific drug is prescribed for certain types and manifestations of inflammation.

Gels, ointments and other cosmetic products do not have serious contraindications. However, the use of scrubs and peels should be abandoned, as this can cause even more skin irritation. Also, you can not use any tincture of alcohol.

It is strictly not recommended to squeeze dusts. In addition to the fact that there is always a risk of infecting the wound (even if using special antiseptic agents), inflammation is likely to reappear in the same place after a while.

Extrusion is done by professional cosmetologists. Only a doctor can carry out the procedure most competently, effectively and in compliance with all the rules. A visit to a cosmetologist can get rid of this problem for a very long time.

Preventive measures

There are a number of simple recommendations that will help avoid unpleasant defects on the chin and other parts of the face.

  1. Proper nutrition. Flour, sweet, drinks with caffeine content, alcohol - all this should, if not exclude from the diet, then reduce the amount of consumption. Rejecting these products will not only prevent acne, but also help avoid other health problems.
  2. Refusal of bad habits, especially smoking.
  3. Healthy lifestyle. This is not only proper nutrition or rejection of certain products. It is important, for example, to establish a sleep mode. Lack of healthy sleep can cause hormonal disruptions, which, in turn, manifest on the chin.
  4. Hygiene. It should be as often as possible to clean the skin on the face. For this, there is a whole arsenal of affordable cosmetics and hygiene products.
  5. Limiting the contact of hands with problem areas of the skin.

These recommendations are perfect for anyone who is concerned about skin problems.

Acne on the chin of women - signs

Many people believe that acne on the chin is not always a manifestation of irritation or illness, but may be a sign that reports changes in the near future. Moreover, this phenomenon can be interpreted in different ways.

For example, many people believe that this is to the successful completion of an important business or to new acquaintances that will be pleasant and useful. The most unpleasant and pessimistic interpretation is separation, moreover, due to adultery.

To believe or not to believe in these signs is a personal matter.


Acne on the chin or in any other area of ​​the skin of the face is always an unpleasant aesthetic, and often uncomfortable physiological phenomenon. But very often they appear for natural reasons, you can eliminate them at home. If the above recommendations did not help get rid of the problem, it is a reason to visit a doctor.

Even if the appearance of acne is not triggered by serious violations in the body, a dermatologist will help you choose the right and effective treatment, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the skin. The main thing is to closely monitor your health and listen to your body.

Watch the video: Put an End to Adult Acne (May 2024).