Cashew Nuts: Daily Rates, Health Benefits and Harm

Cashew nuts is an imported product that grows in Brazil, as well as in Iran, Vietnam and Azerbaijan. They are nothing but a seed of cashew apples that grows on the surface of the fruit.

Initially, they have shells, but they are always sold purified, since the shells themselves contain chemical acids that are harmful to human health. Cashew kernels themselves are a storehouse of beneficial properties and vitamins.

The composition of cashew nuts, their calories and daily intake

The composition of fancy cashew nuts, similar to commas, includes a huge amount of useful substances that can not only positively influence the human body, but also prolong its life.

VitaminsTrace elementsOther useful substances per 100 g of product
Vitamin PP is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract, improves skin condition, affects glucose metabolism;Potassium


Vitamin B1 - a positive effect on the work of the heart, stomach, memory, and also contributes to the formation of body cells;PhosphorusAlimentary fiber

Vitamin B2 - acts on the body's immune system;

Vitamin E has a positive effect on reproductive function.MagnesiumPhytosterols
 SodiumFatty acid

If you compare the caloric content of cashews with the rest of the nuts, the overseas product has a lower calorie content - about 595 kcal per 100 g of product, of which 25.7 g are for proteins, 48 ​​g for fats exactly, and 13.2 g for carbohydrates .

If you eat roasted nuts, the number of calories will be slightly lower - 572 kcal, where 17.4 g are proteins, 42.2 g are fats and 30.5 g are carbohydrates.

Based on the calculations, it is easy to understand that cashews are not the lowest-calorie product, so lovers of these nuts should be moderately eaten:

  • 20 grams of nuts is the best choice for a light snack that does not exceed 140 kcal;
  • 60 g is already a full-fledged meal, since such a handful of nuts will contain 400 kcal;
  • 100 g or more is already above the norm, since the caloric content of such a daily diet may well be equated with gluttony.

In order to receive a daily dose of beneficial micronutrients and vitamins that are found in cashews, nutritionists recommend eating no more than 30 grams of this product per day. However, if the goal is to lose weight, then these nuts should be consumed with a maximum of 15 g per day.

Cashew Nuts: What is the Benefit?

Cashew is a very useful product that everyone should add to their diet. What is contained in these nuts and how it affects human health:

What are the beneficial properties of cashew nuts in general:

  1. Tones the body, restores strength, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  2. It is very useful for those whose work is associated with mental work, as well as those who have heart problems;
  3. Has anti-sclerotic properties, improves memory;
  4. It is able to prevent vascular diseases, as it tends to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity;
  5. It is useful for teeth, as it strengthens their enamel, and also counteracts inflammation in the oral cavity;
  6. It is useful for those who suffer from respiratory diseases, for example, asthma, bronchitis, pharyngitis, as well as influenza or seasonal colds.

It is highly recommended to eat these nuts to those people who are diagnosed with diabetes. Most importantly, it does not exceed the daily rate of 20-30 grams.

Also recommended for use by the elderly, as they are able to maintain the memory and vision of a person at the proper level.

Cashews are useful in diagnosing early stages of tumors, as this product contains a substance such as proanthocyanidin that can destroy cancer cells.

People who are prone to insomnia, depression, emotional breakdowns are also recommended to eat cashews at least several times a week.

It is known that these nuts are very useful for men, as they increase potency and libido, and also help to quickly restore power after a long physical exertion.

No less useful are cashews and women, since they have the properties to improve the condition of the skin, reduce inflammation on the skin, and also maintain the body tone during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Vitamin E contained in cashews is the key to carrying a healthy baby. In addition, this vitamin will increase blood clotting and enhance the nutrition of body cells.

This product can be eaten even during the diet. The only indication is that the dose is not more than 20 grams and only fresh. Otherwise, the diet may be in jeopardy.

Harm and contraindications to the use of cashews

Despite the fact that these nuts have a high content of nutrients, they have a downside. As mentioned above, cashews cannot be abused, as the caloric value of 100 grams of the product is quite high.

If you fully eat and plus everything, there are 100 grams of nuts every day, then there can be no question of losing weight. Worse, a person will simply start to gain excess weight.

Other adverse properties of this product are as follows:

  1. Cashew is a highly allergenic product, so it should be avoided by allergies and children under 3 years old;
  2. May cause impaired liver function;
  3. Useful in the early stages of pregnancy, but not recommended during the third trimester;
  4. Abuse of cashews can lead to nausea and even vomiting, as well as diarrhea and severe skin rashes;
  5. Contraindicated in people with diseased kidneys and urolithiasis;
  6. There is also an individual intolerance to the product.

How to choose and store cashews

When choosing nuts, you must first pay attention to their integrity and fleshy appearance, that is, the cashew kernels should not be broken and dry. When buying cashew in the shell, you should pay attention to the absence of holes and cracks, as well as to relative weight with a small size.

Store nuts should be in the refrigerator, pre-packed in a plastic container.

They can even be frozen and stored in this form for about six months, but should be eaten only in thawed form.

Application tips

The best way to use cashews is to use them raw. You can also add these nuts to vegetable salads.

From cashews you can make a delicious folk remedy against colds and sore throat. For this you need to crush several nucleoli and mix them with natural honey. This tool also helps with stomach pain.

If you use cashews fried, it is best to do this using a microwave oven, setting the temperature at 75 degrees.

For more information about cashews, see the next video.

Watch the video: 6 Nuts You Should Not Be Eating (April 2024).