How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home

According to medical statistics, pregnant women often suffer from unpleasant pain caused by hemorrhoids. Experts explain this by the pressure of the uterus growing together with the fetus on the rectum.

In this place in humans, there are special plexuses swelling under the pressure of the uterus at the time of a bowel movement and promoting the development of hemorrhoids.

Why do you need to get rid of hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

There is an erroneous opinion that hemorrhoids are not particularly dangerous for the future mother’s health. Gynecologists often refute it. After all, hemorrhoids cause not only discomfort, but can significantly complicate the course of pregnancy and even affect the process of childbirth.

In addition, regular bleeding from the anus contributes to anemia, which worsens the future mother's condition, both during pregnancy and in the postpartum stage.

How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy with drugs

Medical practice shows that hemorrhoids can be successfully treated during pregnancy with conservative methods. Doctors do not recommend self-treatment, because the hemorrhoids on the pharmaceutical market are represented by a great many, but their selection for each pregnant woman should be carried out individually.

The main drugs for getting rid of hemorrhoids of future mothers are:

  1. Effective remedy ointment and candles "Relief" for local use. A preparation based on shark liver, which has an active healing effect and a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels. This drug can be used both during gestation and after childbirth.
  2. Iodine-containing candles "Neo-Anuzol" is an excellent remedy for hemorrhoids, the only contraindication of which is iodine intolerance.
  3. Inexpensive drug "Posterizan", release form: ointment and candles.
  4. Well proven agent "Prokto-glevenol" helps even with particularly complex forms of the disease. Among the contraindications is: do not apply in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  5. Cheap hemorrhoids "Hepatrombin" is also used at the preparatory stage before surgery.
  6. Promoting the rapid healing of tissues at the site of the occurrence of hemorrhoidal formations of candles with sea buckthorn. You can use the drug for a long time.
  7. A useful heparin ointment is used in the initial, non-triggered stages of the disease.

The best treatment for the future mother, which will be safe for her condition and the health of the baby, will be selected by the attending physician, having studied the history of the disease.

Removal of hemorrhoids

When running forms of hemorrhoids pregnant non-surgical removal of hemorrhoids is recommended. This procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, and does not pose a risk to the health of the expectant mother. The degree of neglect of the disease is determined by the attending physician.

Among the procedures by which you can remove hemorrhoids during pregnancy, there are:

  • sclerotherapy - under the action of a special device, which the doctor inserts into the resulting node, the vessels begin to grow together, and after a week the hemorrhoid dies;
  • treatment of hemorrhoids with latex rings that pinch the knot and block the access of blood to it, due to which the formation of hemorrhoids dies;
  • impact on a hemorrhoid with a laser or a special apparatus with infrared rays - this method treats advanced forms of hemorrhoids 2 and 3 degrees.

The above methods of treatment of hemorrhoids do not carry any danger to the health of the future mother. As for surgery, they try to completely avoid it in the treatment of pregnant women. Surgery is extremely rarely used only in case of particularly advanced acute hemorrhoids.

What can be treated hemorrhoids at home

Sometimes for the treatment of external and internal hemorrhoids during pregnancy recipes help traditional medicine. It is advised to use them in combination with conservative methods of treatment of this disease. Popular councils of folk practitioners are:

  1. Swallowing garlic cloves, which will leave the anus undigested, and cauterize the ulcers with their substances.
  2. When hemorrhoids helps cooked vitamin mixture of an equal amount of dried apricots, raisins and prunes. Such a mixture is mixed with floral honey and applied in a tablespoon before each meal.
  3. Considered useful infusion made from viburnum berries. To prepare it, 50 g of dried berries pour 250 ml of boiling water and boil on gentle fire for 25 minutes. Apply the infusion of a tablespoon before each meal.
  4. A well-proven treating agent for hemorrhoids is juice from fresh rowan berries. It should be drunk pregnant at least 3 times a day, 100 ml, with a glass of cool water. If desired, the juice can be slightly sweetened by adding a teaspoon of honey.

These folk remedies will not harm the health of expectant mothers.

But in any case, you should not be treated only by the methods of traditional medicine, it is important to be able to competently combine them with conservative treatment.

Ways to treat the disease after pregnancy

For the treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth, the same medications that can treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy are recommended. These drugs do not penetrate into breast milk and are absolutely safe for both the health of a young mother and a newly born baby. These include:

  • ointment and candles "Relief";
  • candles "Neo-Anuzol";
  • ointment and candles "Posterizan";
  • agent "Procto-glevenol";
  • drug "Hepatrombin";
  • candles with sea buckthorn;
  • heparin ointment.

In addition to these drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids young mothers can use the ointment "Vishnevsky", which contributes to the rapid relief from swelling and inflammation. Before applying the product, doctors advise you to take a bath with diluted potassium permanganate to disinfect and slightly dry the inflamed areas.

Quite good reviews of women who struggled with hemorrhoids in the postpartum period, has the ointment "Troxevasin."

This drug has a beneficial effect on the condition of the blood vessels, restores their walls, which have lost elasticity, and, thus, helps to accelerate recovery.

In the initial stages, the disease is treated with the help of candles with the medicinal plant Calendula, which effectively and quickly heals wounds and small cracks.

Tangible anti-inflammatory effect have candles based on propolis. Thanks to their use, pain syndrome is rather quickly eliminated. The drug is contraindicated for moms who have allergic reactions to bee products.

Prevention: nutrition and lifestyle

Whatever the effective treatment for hemorrhoids, pregnant women better to do everything possible to avoid the formation of hemorrhoids. Experts recommend following these tips, which will serve as good preventive measures for this disease:

  1. Getting rid of regular constipation and normalizing the proper functioning of the intestines is the best method of prevention. To do this, pregnant women should follow a diet that includes healthy fruits and vegetables. Dried apricots, prunes, carrots, green apples, broccoli, cauliflower, beets and potatoes are useful for good intestinal function. In the morning, expectant mothers are recommended to eat oatmeal barley. It is better to exclude from your diet: too fatty meat, alcohol, baking, spicy and salty dishes.
  2. Performing gymnastic exercises helps to avoid harmful blood stasis in the pelvic organs. To do this, in the supine position, you need to raise the pelvis up and be in this state for several minutes. As a prophylaxis of disease, circular movements with a pelvis in a standing position are useful.
  3. Expectant mothers should give up long walks and work in a sitting or standing position.

Following these simple tips will allow pregnant women to maintain health and excellent well-being.

Women reviews

This summer a long-awaited firstborn appeared in my life. Carrying a child was not easy: I couldn’t get pregnant for a long time, and according to doctors, I gave birth to my boy rather late, at 34 years old. Consulted during pregnancy with a good gynecologist, who knows his business. At the 5th month of pregnancy, I had complaints of hemorrhoids. The treatment was simple: a combination of candles "Relief" with heparin ointment. At the 7th month, the signs of hemorrhoids were completely gone.

Angelina, 26 years old, Moscow

I gave birth to a child at 23 years old. I have a non-lean, sedentary lifestyle at work and at home, contributing to the appearance of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. I was very worried about my condition. The discomfort and discomfort constantly haunted me. I read a lot of information on the Internet that hemorrhoids can affect childbirth.

My first child was born. Therefore, such predictions especially frightened me. She turned for help to the doctor in the antenatal clinic. The doctor advised means "Prokto-glivenol". The drug is not cheap, costs about 400 rubles, but the effect is noticeable after a week of use. I advise future mothers to try it for yourself.

Inga, 32 years old, Kaliningrad

I recently had a third child. There were no problems with hemorrhoids during the first two pregnancies, and during the third pregnancy I was diagnosed with this disease of the second degree.

The doctor advised to undergo the procedure for removing hemorrhoids with a laser. I didn’t feel pain because they perform a mini operation under local anesthesia. Two weeks after the operation, I completely forgot that I once had hemorrhoids.

Olga, 38 years old, Novosibirsk

What to do with hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be found also in the following video.

Watch the video: Constipation relief during pregnancy - Treatments and cures (May 2024).