Why does a woman's stomach hurt in early pregnancy

Pain in the abdomen during early pregnancy is one of the most frequently troubling problems for a woman. Small pains are natural and are associated with the restructuring of the body. But when the intensity of symptoms increases, you need to be alert and ready to take action.

Why does the stomach hurt

Painful symptoms can have physiological, pregnancy-related causes and signal the pathology that has arisen. Conditionally, the causes of pain can be divided into two categories:

  • obstetric: hypertonicity of the uterus, ectopic pregnancy, the possibility of miscarriage, rupture of the cyst of the corpus luteum;
  • non-obstetric: dyspepsia, acute cystitis, uterine ligament, ovarian cyst, acute appendicitis, constipation, acute cholecystitis, gastritis and others.

Sometimes the cause of the pain is not worth the anxiety, since the symptom is explained by a developing pregnancy, which is accompanied by a serious restructuring of the body. Hormonal changes, growth of the uterus.

The emerging fetus puts pressure on the muscles, veins and joints of the maternal organism.

Pain in the lower abdomen occurs as a result of weight lifting, long standing on the legs, and a change in body position. Termination of physical activity or position leads to the disappearance of symptoms. It is recommended to take a warm bath, lie on your side, it is easy to massage your back.

The first pain symptoms appear a week after conception, when pregnancy is not yet known. There is the introduction of the ovum into the endometrium.

This causes microscopic injuries of the mucous membrane, blood vessels, so it is possible to release a few drops of blood. Hormonal background changes in the direction of increasing progesterone, which can also cause pain.

These processes are natural and should not scare a woman. But just in case, you can pay a visit to the gynecologist.

What do abdominal pains mean in early pregnancy?

Obstetric pain is the most dangerous symptom. Pain symptom also appears in infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, inflammatory processes in the uterus, fallopian tubes. A visit to the doctor is necessary.

Hypertonus of the uterus

Hypertonus of the uterus, when the stomach becomes like a stone, is familiar to almost all pregnant women. The cause of this condition is reduced progesterone levels. Reception No-shpy, Magne-B6, Riabala ease the symptom.

Serious symptom is fever, chills, headache. Especially alert should discharge with an admixture of blood.

Then it is better to call an ambulance at home; it is not recommended to go to the doctor yourself.


The threat of loss of the fetus most often exists during the first trimester of its carrying. When this occurs, the detachment of the ovum, as a result of which bloody vaginal discharge.

Then spasms are felt, as during menstruation. The pain is dull, aching, periodically subsiding, gives in the lower back. With increased tone of the uterus becomes acute cramping. Pregnancy can be saved if you report the symptoms to the doctor in time.

Ectopic pregnancy

The natural place of attachment of a fertilized egg is the uterine mucosa. But in pathological cases, the embryo can begin to develop in the fallopian tubes, ovary, cervix.

A woman feels pain in the abdomen, bleeding occurs. Mild painful symptoms as the fetus grows stronger.

Preserving such a pregnancy is not possible. The growth of the fetus leads to a rupture of its attachment and creates a serious threat to the life of the woman.

Then begins profuse bleeding, back pain, pain shock may occur. Without urgent surgical intervention can not do.

Rupture of the ovarian cyst

In early pregnancy, sometimes there is a cyst of the corpus luteum, formed in the area of ​​the bursting follicle. The function of education is to produce progesterone at the initial stage of pregnancy, until the placenta is finally formed.

Formed due to the accumulation of a large amount of fluid cyst of the corpus luteum causes slight pain in the lower abdomen. She is not considered dangerous if the woman is not zealous with physical exertion.

Damage or twisting arises from abrupt physical movements or injuries during intense sexual intercourse. There is severe unilateral pain, not affected by painkillers.

A fever also occurs, and the woman experiences weakness. Internal bleeding may begin, as in ectopic pregnancy. Treatment is carried out promptly in the gynecology office.

Other causes of pain

Due to the fundamental restructuring of the body during gestation, latent diseases may appear or exacerbate existing ones. Therefore, pain can occur for a variety of reasons.

  1. Sprain of the uterus. An organism growing inside the uterus leads to its stretching, a change in the ratio with other organs. Ligaments, fixing the uterus in its normal position, are stretched. A woman feels a brief pain, ending with a change in body posture;
  2. Cystitis in acute form. Occurs due to hypothermia, pressure of the uterus on the bladder, too tight linen, violation of hygienic norms. A filled bladder causes sharp pains. They become cutting at the end of urination, blood may be excreted. One of the characteristic symptoms are frequent urination, but urine is excreted in small quantities;
  3. Cholecystitis. The presence of cholelithiasis in a pregnant woman, as well as an improper diet, provoke an attack of the acute form of cholecystitis, exacerbation of the chronic. The aching pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium is permanent, aggravated by changing the position of the body. Nausea, vomiting, bitter taste in the mouth, heartburn, belching. The help of the doctor is required;
  4. Appendicitis. The pain arising in the zone of epigastrium moves to the right side. Inflamed appendix leads to intoxication of the body, high temperature, vomiting. Urgent hospitalization is required;
  5. Diseases of the duodenum. Infectious intestinal lesions cause his increased tone. When carrying a fetus, this phenomenon provokes an increase in the tone of the uterus. Multiplication of infection provokes abortion. The presence of inflammation is indicated by the following symptoms: nausea, loose stools, vomiting, pain in the umbilical region.

What to do to stop hurting stomach

Pregnancy causes new dietary habits. A woman begins to eat more than her usual diet.

The body responds by reducing motility, intestines, gas, symptoms of gastritis. A woman who has gastritis before the onset of pregnancy risks getting aggravated.

Pain in the upper abdomen occurs as a result of eating salty, spicy foods, overeating. So there are painful sensations that disappear after taking appropriate measures.

Preparations for the stomach, diet, proper diet - all this helps to eliminate pain. It is also not recommended to take such medications as Paracetamol, Nurofen, hormonal agents.

The effect of hormones leads to a decrease in intestinal peristalsis, resulting in the formation of constipation. The problem is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

To activate the normal activity of the intestines in the diet include fiber, exercise helps well.

It is recommended to take warm baths for 5-10 minutes, the water temperature should be about 37 degrees. There is a special gymnastics for pregnant women, exercises which help to relax muscles and eliminate pain.

In the early term of gestation, you should do squats, body turns, exercises, developing muscles of the perineum, pelvic floor, abdomen.

It is necessary to exercise caution in the days corresponding to the menstruation, eliminating exercises with raising hands. Enough 20 minutes of simple exercises per day to improve the condition.

You can not be nervous, you need to get enough sleep, giving sleep at least 9 hours a day. Do not underestimate the positive impact of regular walks. This allows you to lead a moderately active lifestyle.

Severe abdominal pain in the early stages

Seek help from a doctor is required when observing such signs:

  • vaginal discharge with blood;
  • bleeding;
  • painful urination, burning sensation;
  • chills, fever;
  • vomiting.

The most dangerous periods of pregnancy: from the second to the third, from the third to the seventh and from the ninth to the twelfth week. During these periods, you need to be most attentive to your well-being and pain.

With painful sensations, you should not start an independent drug treatment. The cause of severe pain can only establish a specialist.

You can not go anywhere or go, you should call the doctor at home and quietly wait.

Does everyone have a stomachache in early pregnancy?

Almost all pregnant women feel little pain or discomfort. This is normal for the most intense period of her life.

Significant changes in the body do not pass without a trace. In the first trimester, the child goes through several stages of its formation.

The uterus and the fetus grow in it, putting pressure on the muscles, ligaments stretch. The mother's body is under great strain.

Pregnancy, especially the first one, causes many worries and anxieties. Panic should not be, just need constant contact with your doctor. In case of serious signs, it is better to call a specialist to the house.

Some more additional information on the topic of the article is in the next video.