How to quickly remove fat from the legs and buttocks

Are you dreaming about slender and toned legs, which accompany you with a look? But, unfortunately, for most women, extra pounds are deposited in the lower part of the body, making it heavier and making the figure disproportionate.

Cellulite appears, the skin becomes flabby. This is facilitated by both the features of female physiology and the sedentary lifestyle that many of us often lead. Men who spend more time at the computer than in the gym face the same problem.

How to remove fat from the legs - a question that flows smoothly from what has been said.

An integrated approach will help to cope with the situation, including nutrition correction, special exercises, massage and wraps for problem areas.

Is it possible to remove the fat from the legs for a week

Such a question is often asked on the eve of holidays or on the eve of holidays. Of course, completely get rid of excess fat in the legs and thighs in such a short time will not work.

However, it is possible to strengthen the muscles and make the legs more taut. To do this, you need to adjust the food, reducing the amount of carbohydrates to a minimum, accustom yourself to drink enough clean water (1 liter of water for every 30 kg of human weight).

Exercise for emergency weight loss should be intense. For example, you can combine a special set of exercises with morning runs and trips to the pool. Accelerate the process of losing weight helps daily douche. A stream of water should be directed from the bottom up, alternating the minimum and maximum temperature.

Nutrition Correction - 60% Success

The basis of the diet should be foods rich in fiber. Raw and baked vegetables, fresh fruits and berries activate peristalsis and activate fat metabolism, allowing you to quickly say goodbye to fat deposits.

To improve the condition of the skin, often suffering from dryness and dehydration during the diet, help oils - olive and sunflower, nuts, avocados, fish and seafood.

Chicken and rabbit meat, milk and dairy products, egg white - one of the main products for weight loss in the legs and thighs. Proteins perfectly saturate, not giving to experience a feeling of hunger, forcing to empty the refrigerator before bedtime, and allow you to part with fat, not muscle, which often happens when there is a lack of protein in the diet losing weight.

Onions, hot peppers, garlic, and ginger have a pronounced ergotropic effect on the body, speeding up the metabolism and causing extra centimeters on the thighs to melt completely. It is worth drawing energy from slow carbohydrates - bread and pasta from wholemeal flour, buckwheat, brown rice.

Sugar soda, mayonnaise, sausage, canned food, pastries and other fast carbohydrates will be completely excluded from the menu. Restrictions apply to potatoes. Sugar should be minimized or completely abandoned, replacing it with a small amount of honey or a sugar substitute.

The best exercises for the legs and buttocks

Now it's time to learn how to remove fat from the legs with the help of exercises. The best time to practice is morning.

Perform exercises should be on an empty stomach, after drinking a glass of water.

Warm-up, preparing the muscles for loads - is required. It can be jumping on the spot, and even a dance in front of a mirror. The standard complex for legs and buttocks consists of the following exercises:

  1. Squats. This is the best way to correct the shape of the legs and reduce the fat layer in the hips. Legs should be put on shoulder width, to put hands behind a head, having clamped palms in the lock. With a flat back, without lifting your feet from the floor, you should squat as low as possible on the exhale, and when inhaling - return to the starting position;
  2. Lunges. These exercises work directly on the breeches zone, removing such hateful ears. Starting position - standing, hands placed at the waist (to further enhance the effect of the load and pump up a spectacular relief, you can pick up dumbbells and lower them along the body). A broad step is being made, the weight of the body is transferred to the front foot. Back leg - straight, on the toe;
  3. Side swing. For the next exercise, you must lie on your side, strain your lower body, swing the upper leg. After that, she bends at the knee and is led forward (to the floor). The next step is to swing the second leg (bottom);
  4. Swing back. Starting position - lying on the stomach, hands in front of the head. Without lifting the upper body from the floor, alternately lift the legs. This exercise allows you to work the back of the thigh;
  5. Incomplete squats. Squatting, as if on an invisible chair, you can quickly improve the shape of the buttocks, get rid of cellulite. Exercise is performed at a slow pace. Sitting down, you should stay in this position for a few seconds. The knees should not go beyond the toes of the legs that are shoulder-width apart;
  6. Exercises such as "bicycle" and "scissors, not only get rid of excess fat on the legs, but also work out the press, forming a graceful waist.

Each exercise is performed 10 times (3 sets). During the workout, you can alternate them at your discretion.

How to make sleeker calves and get rid of fat on the inside of the thigh

Some girls want to make slimmer just some part of their legs, no matter how strange it may sound. This is also possible, if desired, of course. Let's talk further about how to remove fat from the calves, from the sides and between the legs.

The easiest and most effective way to make calves thinner is an exercise that can be done even in the office. It is enough several times a day to go on socks 20-30 times, holding the back of a chair.

Despite the seeming simplicity, the load is quite noticeable, and the result of such an exercise will be noticeable after 2 weeks.

You can make the load even more efficient by changing the position of your legs - straight, with your toes in and your toes out (pli).

A lot of experience brings fat on the inside of the thighs. To overcome the trouble will help the following set of exercises:

  1. Squats with legs apart and toes apart;
  2. Squatting with the ball between the hips;
  3. Squeezing the ball in a prone position (legs bent at an angle of 90 degrees, feet pressed to the floor).

All exercises for the calves and inner thighs are done slowly and smoothly, 10-15 repetitions in 3 sets. Only in this case, the result will not keep you waiting, and the figure will find the desired shape.

How to quickly remove fat from the legs of a man

Representatives of the strong half of humanity also suffer from excess fat on their legs. To cope with the problem will help a simple exercise, which should be performed 5-6 times a week.

The inventory that will be required to complete it is a door jamb and weight, which depends on the degree of physical fitness of the man (from 2 to 16 kg).

Leaning your hands on the joint (a reliable chair will do), you should slowly raise your weight above the floor. The legs and buttocks are tense. Keep the weight on the weight should be as long as possible, until there is a strong tension in the muscles. Repeat the need for 5-7 times on each leg.

Wraps, eliminating extra centimeters in the legs

A great addition to exercise and diet will be wraps. They accelerate blood circulation, break down fats and eliminate toxins. Regular wrappings not only get rid of extra centimeters, but also tone up the skin and increase its elasticity.

Before you begin the procedure, the body must be prepared - take a shower, use a scrub (for example, from coffee grounds, sea salt and olive oil). The following types of wraps available for home use are considered one of the most effective:

  1. Sweets will appreciate the aromatic "chocolate" recipe of the mixture, for which it is necessary to dilute 200 g of cocoa powder with hot water (about 0.5 l);
  2. Effective for weight loss in the legs and hips coffee wrap. (3 tablespoons ground coffee diluted with warm milk);
  3. Good results can be achieved by using as a fighter for slenderness blue clay, diluted with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream;
  4. To prepare a mixture that can overcome fatty deposits, add 20 drops of essential oil (juniper, lavender, orange, grapefruit) to 20 ml of warm base oil (olive or almond);
  5. Spices are useful for weight loss, not only as a seasoning - they work well as part of anti-cellulite wraps (20 ml of olive oil is mixed with 1 tsp red pepper and 2 tsp ground cinnamon and 6-7 drops of your favorite essential oils).

When choosing a suitable mixture, it should be borne in mind that people who have varicose veins and spider veins, recipes, which include warming spices, should be abandoned. Whatever recipe for the wrapping mix you choose, you should monitor its consistency during preparation.

Liquid consistency will make the procedure uncomfortable, and too thick will lead to difficulties in applying. The mixture should be creamy.

The prepared composition is applied to the skin evenly. Legs are wrapped in cling film (from bottom to top - in a spiral). Then you should either wrap yourself with a blanket and lie down for 40 minutes, or wear warm pants and do physical activity.

After this time, the composition is washed off with warm water, the skin is smeared with cream (nourishing or anti-cellulite). The standard wrapping course is 3 weeks (every other day). After a week break, you can repeat it.

The miraculous power of massage

An excellent way to say goodbye to those extra pounds is not only expensive salon procedures - pressure therapy or LPG - massage. Excellent results can be achieved by massaging problem areas at home. This may be a vacuum or manual massage.

For the vacuum option, you need special banks that are sold in any pharmacy. The procedure is done every other day for 2 weeks. The technique is as follows:

  1. The skin of the legs and thighs, preheated with a massage brush, is oiled;
  2. The can is applied to the thigh and slowly moves upwards, moving along wavy, straight or zigzag lines. The skin should retract by 1-3 cm. This will not lead to vascular injuries and not causes of pain;
  3. The time of work on each zone is 10-15 minutes;
  4. After the massage, the skin must be soothed and moisturized with a cream.

Manual massage is done directly after a shower or a bath. The skin is smeared with oil heated in the palms in circular motions. The legs are massaged from the bottom up, starting from the calves, without affecting the inside of the thighs.

When massaging, blood rushes to the treated area, speeding up metabolic processes. The pressure should be strong enough, but the pain and discomfort should not be. Massage time of the legs and buttocks is about 20-30 minutes.

Recommendations of specialists

  1. Regularly doing physical exertion, you not only lose weight in the leg area, but part with extra centimeters at the waist, strengthen your arms and back;
  2. To enhance the effectiveness of diet and exercise can be using salt baths (500 grams of sea salt per bath), which should be taken every other day, alternating with massages or wraps;
  3. Contraindications to any type of foot massage are: pregnancy, menstruation, thrombophlebitis, capillary fragility, cardiovascular disorders;
  4. If you do not allow the state of health to load the muscles, you should pay attention to such an option as swimming or aqua aerobics - strengthening muscles, forcing the fat to leave their homes, quickly tightening the skin and returning its elasticity;
  5. To achieve the result, the problem should be approached comprehensively, working on the problem area with the help of proper nutrition, physical exertion, and wraps.

Use the recommendations of nutritionists and trainers to make your legs a source of pride in the shortest possible time.

Do not give up good habits acquired during the fight against fat, after the legs become the subject of admiration for others.

Continuing to work on yourself, you can improve even the most ideal figure.

Another effective set of exercises for slender legs is in the next video.

Watch the video: How to Tone and Slim Your Butt Under 20 Minutes (April 2024).