Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck of a child: causes, symptoms, treatment methods

The concepts of the norm during palpation and visualization of the lymph nodes in the neck of a child are answered by the absence of visible protuberances and a slight palpation of the tubercles when strongly pressed on their location.

In situations where these conditions are violated, talk about the increase in lymphatic formations. These symptoms are not always assessed as pathology - before you come to this conclusion, you need to consult a doctor and make a diagnosis.

The role of lymph nodes in the body

In total, the human body has about a thousand small lymphatic points, which are a smaller copy of larger nodes that organize control over a certain part of the body. Formations are located in apparent chaos, clusters and singly along the length of the coronary vessels and near various organs.

The value of any of the nodules is difficult to overestimate, since each of them contains a complex porous substance that cleans the entrusted area from all elements that are dangerous to the body.

Stroma - the contents of the lymph node membrane, is a filter with respect to the circulating lymph and cells that have a distorted DNA structure (for example, with a predisposition to cancer).

At the heart of the task of the regulatory bodies is the distribution of the extracellular fluid equally in the lymph, blood, muscle tissue and nearby organs. Therefore, the inflammatory or destructive process in the area of ​​control of a lymph node is immediately reflected in it by increasing the load. The node begins to increase in size, indicating a weakened area.

As a signal of an acute problem, the increase can be inflammatory and rapid, with painful symptoms and fever. The formation of visible convexity on the background of an asymptomatic course will indicate, rather, a weakened immunity or conditional physiological pathology.

Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck of a child: causes

Many parents are interested in why the child can be constantly enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. Now we will try to understand this question.

The proliferation of the lymph node does not indicate an error or an accidental failure in the filtering apparatus, but rather confirms its immaculate functionality. Lymphadenopathy (a pathological development of a lymph node caused by an inflammatory etiology) may indicate several types of disorders in the body, conditionally divided into groups according to the extent of the lesion:

  • localized - that is, covering a small area, not more than one lymphatic bunch;
  • regional - also covers a small space, but with the capture of two lymphatic clusters, located side by side;
  • generalized - lymph nodes, in clusters and separately, are affected haphazardly, with extensive coverage of near and far territories.

Since localized and regional lymphadenopathies are similar in their mode of expression, the same factors are called the reasons for their growth on the neck of the child:

  • transferred flu, bronchial and other acute respiratory diseases;
  • infections characteristic of childhood;
  • defeat viral infections of the nasopharynx;
  • carious inflammations, diseases of the gums and oral cavity;
  • tumors on the neck with a high developmental dynamics.

But the disease in a child can be in the nature of extensive damage to the body during acute progression.

Then the lymph system contaminated with pathogenic elements responds with massive outbreaks, and the nodes saturated with unpurified lymph begin to bulge under the skin all over the body of the sick child.

The diagnosis in this case will indicate generalized lymphadenopathy as a complication of one or more of the following diseases:

  • hepatitis, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis and other infectious infections;
  • autoimmune diseases, weakened immunity, metastases from advanced tumors, metabolic disorders, leukocytosis;
  • allergic reaction or consequence of side effects of drugs.

None of these diseases is associated with a specific age group of the child, and therefore, it can occur at any time.

All of these reasons can occur in children at almost any age and require careful diagnosis by a specialist. Treatment of lymphadenopathy will depend on the identified disease, the condition of the child and the presence of various associated pathologies.

Symptoms of enlarged lymph nodes

An enlarged lymph node, even with painless expression, is easy to detect at a glance - they will become even more obvious with a tactile examination. The size of the process up to 15 mm, if the tubercle was found by chance, when probing and was not accompanied by complaints and anxiety of the child, is not considered a reason for going to the doctor.

The situation can be controlled at home, without taking any therapeutic measures.

If the appearance of visible symptoms is associated with discomfort or pain — it is difficult for the child to turn or bend his head, there is an increase in temperature, or the place of bulge is filled with redness, the emergency call is the only reasonable measure and should not be delayed.

When the manifestations are extremely painful, independent palpation cannot be performed. If this is possible, then the first thing to look for is the structure of inflammation.

A malleable, soft formation is characteristic of a normal inflammatory process, not associated with the growth of a malignant tumor or tuberculosis. The harder the bump is, the more alarming the sign is.

Position of enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and diagnosis

The neck area of ​​the child is indicated by four clusters of lymph nodes:

  • sublingual;
  • chin;
  • submandibular;
  • supraclavicular.

In turn, each group is characterized by a position characterizing the danger zone:

The position of the inflamed lymph nodeConditioned Pathology
Back of the neck, occipital regionThe development of the disease in the scalp
Near the earsInflammation in the middle or outer ear
Behind the lower jaw, behind the neckNasopharyngeal inflammation
Behind the lower jaw, the center of the neckInfectious course - scarlet fever, sore throat, etc.
Side of the neckViral current in the nasopharynx
Chin sectionDental, maxillofacial problems
Jaw areaStomatitis, gingivitis

Diagnosis involves determining the cause of an increase in the lymph nodes, and in the case of determining the disease - tracking the pathogenesis and clarifying all the circumstances for further treatment. The survey includes:

  • physical examination;
  • X-ray diagnostics for the detection of all inflamed nodes;
  • general blood analysis;
  • sampling by biopsy;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, computed tomography.

If the problem was addressed to the therapist, then after collecting the history and issuing referrals for general tests, consultation with a specialist will be required.

Treatment of enlarged lymph nodes in the neck of a child

Therapies for the treatment of lymph nodes do not exist, since inflammations themselves are only a symptomatic indicator. As the cure of the underlying disease cures, the size of the nodes and the discomfort accompanying the painful process will disappear on their own.

When clarifying the clinic of the disease provocateur, treatment is prescribed, which should continue even after the full restoration of the normal structure of the lymph nodes - at least two weeks from the start of therapy.

  1. Standard therapy, that is, the use of drugs to destroy infectious pathogens, enhance immunity and relieve allergic manifestations, often goes hand in hand with physiotherapeutic measures;
  2. Surgical intervention is caused by a neglected process with purulent, neoplastic formations complicated by metastases.

In the first case, the use of traditional methods of treatment is justified by the high effect of home remedies, but such treatment can only take place as a concomitant of the main one. Each individual case of addition to the prescribed treatment of aids should be negotiated with the doctor to eliminate the contradiction between the drugs.

The second option provides for urgent measures - homeopathic medicines, herbal medicine and other methods of alternative medicine are irrelevant here and may become relevant only during the period of rehabilitation and rehabilitation procedures.

Drug treatment

Since the diseases provoking an increase in the lymph nodes present in different etiologies, the treatment will take into account the relevant directions. One common feature for all types of therapies caused by acute inflammation of the lymph nodes will be to alleviate the condition of the patient through the use of anti-histamine drugs. It can be: claritin, zodak, Erius, zyrtek.

After a surgical intervention, the use of antibiotics and drugs aimed at improving the immune defense is mandatory. Among the broad-spectrum antibiotics that are suitable for children, are called amoxiclav, ampicillin, flemoxin solutab.

The lymphadenitis on the neck in the occiput, triggered by the presence of the virus, is removed with targeted drugs: arbidol, cycloferon, tilorone, isoprinosine, amixin.

Home treatment

Disadvantages associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes must be removed sparingly, so as not to cause skin irritation and aggravation of the situation in the child. In this case, the traditional means of alternative medicine, prepared according to the following or similar recipes are applicable:

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of oregano herbs, yarrow and hop cones, add to the dry mixture a glass of chilled boiled water. Then heat the composition in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and leave to infuse for another 15 minutes. Then the hot remedy must be filtered through double gauze and, divided into 3 portions, drink during the day 20-30 minutes before eating;
  2. In 120 ml of chilled boiled water dissolve 10-12 drops of echinacea tincture. Drink regardless of meals, three times a day (discuss the course with your doctor);
  3. As a rinse, dilute 3 grams of bread soda in a glass of warmed water. The same purpose corresponds to 5 drops of aloe vera juice dissolved in 180 g of water.

For external use to children, Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyolum is best recommended.

Komarovsky warns: prohibitions with enlarged lymph nodes

Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend parents to panic, finding a subcutaneous education in the child’s neck. If a child has a normal appetite, he does not show excitement and is not capricious, even with a slight pressure on the anxious area, the concerns of the parents are understandable, but most likely they have no basis. See a doctor should, but it will not be about inflammation, and the increase in nodes.

In any case, the lymph nodes at the slightest suspicion of their pathological changes should not be exposed to:

  • warming up with a UV lamp;
  • overlaying alcohol compresses;
  • antibiotic treatment without a prescription.
The presence of puffiness, redness, and in the child's behavior - tearfulness or complaints of pain is already a sufficient reason for the urgent testing.

Preventive measures

Prevention of lymphadenopathy of the neck is a constant monitoring of the health of the child and regular examination by an ENT doctor and a dentist. A timely reorganization of the oral cavity and timely cured diseases of the nasopharynx will save the cervical lymph nodes from overload.

It should be remembered that the inflammation of the cervical lymphatic groups can be triggered by common diseases, so parents should not shy away from a comprehensive diagnosis, if the doctor sees this as a necessity.

More information about the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky about lymph nodes increased in a child can be found in the following video.

Watch the video: Ear & Sinus Problems : How to Drain the Lymph Gland From an Ear Infection (April 2024).