What to do with elevated platelets in the blood

Platelets are important elements of the blood. They are responsible for its clotting. There are norms within which the platelet count should be. Excess or deficiency of these elements is a pathology.

What are platelets

Many people are concerned about the issue of platelets. Platelets are blood cells that, like other elements, are formed in the bone marrow. Their main task is to form a primary congestion to close the injury site and assist in blood clotting. In addition, they indirectly perform the task of immune cells, capturing the bacterium and forming a thrombus.

The life span of platelets is approximately 10 days. After that, they are destroyed in the liver or spleen. In the absence of disease, the process of blood formation takes place in the standard mode.

A change in the number of platelets up or down can speak about a variety of pathologies. Some of them represent a real threat to human health and life.

The number of blood plates is determined by a simple blood test. Such a survey is conducted primarily in the event of suspicion of any disease. Also, this analysis is used for preventive examination. If deviations are detected, it is necessary to continue the diagnosis, determine the cause and eliminate the pathology.

What do elevated platelets in the blood mean?

An increase in the number of blood plates in the blood can mean that acute infectious inflammation or another serious illness begins. This condition is called thrombocytosis. Thrombocytosis almost never occurs independently. Elevated blood platelets are present in the following diseases:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • inflammation of various organs.

It is worth noting that thrombocytosis develops with heavy bleeding as a response of the body to the violation of the integrity of the skin. Diseases of the bone marrow and severe stress can also cause an increase in platelets.

The rate of platelets in the blood is considered an indicator of 180-360 U / μl, while in women during menstruation and pregnancy, the level may fall or slightly increase. Exceeding the upper limit of the norm is considered pathology. The higher the deviation, the harder is thrombocytosis. In case of severe deviations from the norm, immediate diagnosis and serious measures are required.

Causes of imbalance

The cause of elevated levels can be different diseases. It can also be an individual feature of the body. With a slight deviation from normal values ​​and no complaints about the person being monitored.

Thrombocytosis is divided into primary and secondary. Secondary occurs solely as a symptom of a disease. The cause of the primary abnormality is the improper operation of the bone marrow. It may be a congenital defect or an acquired disorder. Eliminating the primary cause of elevated platelets in the blood is much more difficult.

To determine the root cause of deviations, it is necessary to undergo an examination in a hospital. A person at the initial stage of the disease may not feel the manifestations, so you need to regularly visit a specialist. During the diagnosis, it will be possible to determine the severity and type of the disease.

The number of platelets in the blood is influenced by the sex and age of the person. It is necessary to pay attention to this. Also, after some illness or serious bleeding for a while, the level is above or below normal.

Among women

Increased platelet counts in women may be due to pregnancy. Already in the early stages of strong toxicosis may be accompanied by an increase in the number of these elements in the blood. Severe excess of the norm is a threat of termination of pregnancy and woman's health. It is necessary to eliminate thrombocytosis at its first detection, if the values ​​exceed 400 U / μl. After elimination it is necessary to continue monitoring the patient.

Also, an increased number of platelets in women can occur under the same circumstances as in men. The physician must consider all possible options to make an accurate diagnosis. To eliminate abnormalities during pregnancy, the treatment regimen should be selected with maximum precision. It is necessary to use less toxic drugs, carefully select the dosage and timing of treatment. It is advisable to eliminate the pathology in stationary conditions.

In children

Thrombocytosis can also develop in children. Doctors say that the primary manifestations in childhood occur much less frequently. This means that an increased amount is almost always associated with the presence of a disease.

In children, elevated platelets can occur due to the same diseases as adults. Also, may first make themselves known to genetic diseases. For example, erythremia may be manifested by a slight increase in platelets and a significant increase in red blood cells.

It is necessary to conduct a detailed examination to find out the cause of deviations from the norm. It should be noted that in children aged 5 to 7 years, the normal number of platelets in the blood are values ​​up to 400-450 U / µl. It all depends on the age and individual characteristics of the child.

When growing up, the performance gradually returns to normal. In children older than 14 years, the rate of platelet content in the blood corresponds to an adult.

What can it say?

Elevated platelet levels indicate the presence of pathology, if the deviations are significant and persist for 1 month. At the first detection of minor thrombocytosis, the doctor prescribes a general treatment, which consists in normalizing the daily regimen and proper nutrition. If after a month the results of the analysis are the same or become worse, a specialized examination is appointed.

Increased platelet count may be the norm if it originated as a response to blood loss or an illness. After the elimination of the disease, their number should return to normal. If this does not happen, then there is a pathology that must be diagnosed.

Elevated platelet counts may be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Among them are:

  • headache;
  • bleeding;
  • itching;
  • tingling in limbs.

With a slight deviation from the norm, no symptoms occur. If timely treatment is not carried out, the pathology develops. In addition to the manifestations of thrombocytosis, a person may be disturbed by the symptoms of the underlying disease.

If a person has a slight excess of the platelet rate during his life, and he is not worried about any diseases, then this level is considered normal. Any sudden abnormality is a sign of a disease. The sooner measures are taken, the faster and easier it will be possible to get rid of the pathology.

How to raise the level of platelets in the blood quickly

In some cases, people may need to increase their platelet count in their blood. To this resort, if their number is far below the norm. With their shortage, there may be problems with blood clotting, frequent bleeding and hematomas. In order to fix the problem, diagnosis is carried out and treatment is prescribed.

Just as with thrombocytosis, it is necessary to find the cause of deviations, which should be eliminated first. Reduced levels can occur with nutrient deficiencies. In this case, it is enough only to adjust the diet and start eating vitamins.

Specialized methods can be used to rapidly increase platelet levels in the blood. It is extremely important to increase intake:

  • folic acid;
  • gland.

Correction of the diet can only help with a slight deviation from the norm. It is important to eat right and maintain the correct daily routine. This will help in the shortest possible time to normalize the number of blood plates.

If there is a strong deficiency, then special medications are used. To do this, apply tools that stimulate the bone marrow. To eliminate the development of dangerous complications due to the lack of level of blood platelets, means are used that perform their function. Hemostatic agents are used that increase blood clotting.

When elevated platelets are detected, appropriate measures should be taken. Specific actions depend on the severity of the deviation and the individual characteristics of the person. At the very least, a preventive examination should be carried out. If no dangerous diseases are detected, monitoring continues. A person must adjust his lifestyle to bring the level of all elements in the blood in order.

Watch the video: Blood Platelets: Ingredients for Healing (May 2024).