Teething in children: consistency, timing and possible problems

Teething in children is a painful process that brings discomfort to babies and parents. The sequence of eruption should know every parent to protect his child from the negative consequences. The main duty of moms and dads is to make it easier for a child to have a difficult time.

Terms teething milk teeth in a child

The newborn baby immediately has many reasons to disturb their parents, because for some time there is an adaptation. This is the time when newly-made moms and dads don't think about the upcoming discomfort.

The appearance of the first incisors is the main sign of growing up the crumbs. The generally accepted norm is the appearance of teeth at 6 months of age. In some cases, the process may begin earlier, at 4-5 months, or later, at 9-10 months.

There are anomalous cases when children are born with several incised incisors. Previously teething, requires parents to carefully monitor their condition.

The condition of the child during teething, in most cases worsens, the temperature may rise, intestinal upset may occur, vomiting appears. Fortunately, some children bypass this problem.

The main goal of parents is to help the kid in this difficult time. Because a child can behave completely unpredictably, cry loudly, sleep poorly. Unfortunately, all aids do not guarantee complete relief from pain.

If at the age of 6 months the baby doesn’t have incisors, the parents shouldn’t sound the alarm. Perhaps the body crumbs, not yet ready to grow. All established standards are only approximate.

At the stage of 1 year, according to pediatricians, the child should have from 6 to 8 teeth. But there are cases when, even at this age, they are absent.

If there are no pronounced reasons for concern: the lag of development, past diseases, then you should wait a bit.

Causes affecting eruption:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • climatic conditions;
  • baby food composition;
  • congenital abnormalities;
  • care for the baby.

With existing pathologies and the absence of teeth at the age of 1 year, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Teething in children under one year: sequence

Teeth in children under 1 year old, usually grow in pairs. The first are most often cut the lower incisors, but in some cases, the upper ones first grow. Often by the end of the first year of life, the baby already has a pair of upper and lower incisors.

Teething sequence:

  1. Lower center cutters;
  2. Upper center cutters;
  3. Side cutters.

In some cases, edentia is found in children - this is the complete absence of tooth germs. Therefore, if the eruption does not occur for a long time, it is necessary to visit a doctor who will send you an x-ray.

From the pictures you can accurately determine whether this ailment.

Symptoms of teething, how to facilitate their baby

The main symptom that determines the beginning of eruption is inflammation of the gums, which becomes red. Just before the appearance of the tooth, the gum becomes white and swollen.

Parents try to make this problem easier for the child, sometimes they give them bread and croutons to chew, but it is extremely dangerous to use this method, because small particles of bread can get into the respiratory tract.

To relieve pain from the eruption, you can special ointments, as part of which there is menthol. Of course, the ointment will not be able to affect the speed of eruption, it will only ease the sensations. The most common types of ointment:

  • kamistad;
  • dentinox;
  • Dr. Baby.

All sorts of ointments and gels should not be used for a long time, no more than 3-4 days in a row.

Traditional medicine for pain relief:

  • herbal tea consisting of lavender, lemon balm, chamomile, peppermint, soothes inflamed gums;
  • tincture of valerian, when rubbed into the baby’s gum, will not only soothe the pain, but also ensure healthy sleep;
  • Sage tincture is used to treat sore gums.

If the eruption occurs with complications in the form of high temperature, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In the gum, you can rub sage tincture

Possible problems

Not always the process of the appearance of teeth in a child passes without any problems. The most common ailments are:

  1. Wrong location. The cause may be jaw injuries, as well as congenital defects and a hereditary feature;
  2. If you allow the baby to suck on the nipple for a long time, the formation of an incorrect bite is possible;
  3. The appearance of red spots on the enamel is associated with impaired metabolic processes in the body that occurred even in the womb;
  4. Brown spots are evidence of the use of antibiotics by the mother during pregnancy, as well as by the child in the process of growing up;
  5. Greenish areas appear due to the destruction of red blood cells.
  6. With a lack of vitamin D, the child may develop rickets. This disease affects dental growth.

Most problems can be avoided if you carefully monitor the formation of teeth in the baby. When one or another problem is already present, it is necessary to turn to a pediatric dentist in order to carry out the treatment at an early stage.

Baby teeth care

Some parents think that careful care of baby teeth is not required at all. After all, the change will still come sometime indigenous. However, proper care is crucial.

In the first year of life, the baby’s saliva is viscous, has a thick texture. It is necessary to disinfect the bacteria that a child can get, due to the habit, to taste everything around. However, the nutrition that the crumb receives also has an effect.

Parents should monitor the baby's diet so that fresh fruits, dairy products are on the menu, and all products with harmful ingredients are completely excluded.

Teeth damaged from an early age can cause many problems:

  • bad speech;
  • malocclusion;
  • further education of caries on the molars.

To clean the mouth of the baby, you can only baby toothpaste. Because it has the most natural composition. The same benefits of children's toothpastes in their special taste. The baby should be pleased with this process, so manufacturers are trying to produce pastes with fruit flavors.

Baby toothbrush should not have too stiff bristles. Because the enamel of milk teeth is not strong enough. Movement in the mouth should be delicate.

When do baby teeth fall out?

The change of milk teeth occurs at 6-7 years of age. The body of each person is arranged in its own way, so sometimes the period of loss may vary.

In total, 12 milk teeth should fall out, the rest immediately grow indigenous and remain for life. Loss in most cases does not cause pain.

With the process of growing up, the roots weaken and dissolve, and under them a new, molar tooth erupts. That is why it is important to prevent the formation of caries, because a new tooth can also be destroyed.

Permanent molars of the root grow up later, because in early childhood the size of the jaw was not enough for so many teeth. The fallout begins in the same way as the growth from the lower incisors, then the upper ones fall out. In 12-13 years, the last fangs fall out. Closer to the age of 14, the child must change all the milk teeth to the molars.

After 18 years, the G8 grows, but for some people they may never grow. If the process of changing is accompanied by pain, inflammation of the gums, the dentist needs to be examined.

During the fallout, parents should be most attentive to the nutrition of the child, because at this time, when new teeth are only being formed, the body should receive all the important trace elements.

Molar eruption in children: consistency

The correct sequence of growth of indigenous molars is important in the formation of bite. There are abnormal deviations in which some of them do not grow at all, or grow incorrectly.

The sequence of the appearance of molars:

  1. Appear "six", aged 6 to 7 years;
  2. Centering incisors appear, instead of milk ones;
  3. Side cutters, replace dairy;
  4. Appear "four", to replace the dairy;
  5. Root canines appear, instead of milky;
  6. Appear "five", to replace the dairy;
  7. The "sevens" appear, aged 11 to 13 years;
  8. Eight appear, after 18 years.

Sometimes the roots of milk teeth do not completely dissolve, and as a result, they prevent the root teeth from cutting out. Therefore, every parent is obliged to follow the entire process of eruption from birth to adolescence.

Question answer

The eruption time does not coincide with the generally accepted terms - what to do?

It means that the time of eruption in a child has not yet come, each person is individual, therefore it’s not worth equating all with the standard terms. For example, the G-8 does not grow in all people, and this is not considered a deviation.

How long does the body temperature not decrease during eruption?

Increased temperature in infants during eruption is associated with an inflammatory process in the body.

Most often, body temperature quickly returns to normal. Therefore, it is important to remember that if a high temperature rises at this time and lasts a long time, you need to look for another reason.

Why does bad breath occur in a baby during teething?

Due to the fact that blood can enter the oral cavity, there is a sharp, unpleasant smell. Saliva at this time is involved in the process of disinfecting the wound, which can also lead to a change in its composition, due to which odor may appear.

If unpleasant smell is observed for a long time, you need to consult a doctor to eliminate possible stomach problems.

Are the teeth later cut through stronger?

The eruption time does not affect the strength. The main rule of healthy teeth is timely care and observation by a specialist.


Many problems that occur in adulthood are associated with inattention of parents to the milk teeth in childhood. Therefore, in order to protect your child from all sorts of diseases, it is necessary to undergo an examination at the dentist in time, to monitor hygiene, to enter into the diet as much as possible of fresh fruits and vegetables.

And some more information about teething in babies - in the next video.

Watch the video: Teething Syndrome When Your Baby Starts Teething (April 2024).