Why lays ears during pregnancy and how to solve the problem

Pregnancy is a special time for every woman. The future mother attentively listens to her body, because now life has arisen there. And every new symptom or possible discomfort should not be ignored.

Often, future mothers are faced with congestion of ears at different stages of pregnancy. Such a symptom may manifest as a regular sign of pregnancy, and a sign of the disease. In any case, it can not be ignored.

Why lays ears during pregnancy

Basically, ear congestion occurs when the pressure difference between the middle and outer ear, which are separated by the eardrum. The pressure in the middle ear in turn appears due to swelling in the nasopharynx. The causes of this swelling may be hormonal, physiological or inflammatory.

From early pregnancy, a woman's hormones are changing. A sharp increase in progesterone and estrogen contributes to fluid retention in the body, which leads to swelling of the mucous membrane, often called "rhinitis of pregnant women" - asymptomatic nasal congestion of the nose and ears. Such rhinitis disappears after childbirth.

Ear congestion contribute to the natural physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman, they include:

  • weight change. With a sharp increase in weight, swelling may occur, which significantly create a load during fast walking or sudden movements, and the woman feels stuffy;
  • sudden change in pressure. Since the thirteenth week of pregnancy, the blood volume in the body increases three times. Not rarely, this is accompanied by hypertension — an increase in pressure, or hypotension — a decrease in blood pressure. The characteristic symptoms of these diagnoses often include ear congestion;
  • hemoglobin level. Iron, an important trace element in the development of the fetus, its lack contributes to the slow transport of oxygen in the body, and hence the appearance of congestion.

If the congestion is accompanied by general malaise, pain and discharge from the nose or ear canals, then the cause may be an inflammatory disease.

An urgent need to consult with the otolaryngologist to determine the disease and further treatment. The cause may be sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis - all this requires medical treatment and medical supervision.

There are a number of causes of congestion: changes in atmospheric pressure, a foreign body in the ear, injury.

Ear pledged during pregnancy - what to do?

There are quick ways to remove an unpleasant symptom:

  • gum. In the process of chewing, the muscles of the Eustachian tube contract and over time, the congestion passes;
  • deep breath or yawning;
  • inhale, close your nose and try to "exhale" through the ears;
  • lie down.

If the congestion does not go away or recurs, it is worth referring to the ENT and gynecologist to eliminate the danger to the fetus and reduce the discomfort to the woman.

Having identified the causes, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment:

  • drops or local antibiotics for inflammation;
  • with overweight and with hypertension, a diet is prescribed for pregnant women;
  • if there is low blood pressure, the doctor prescribes a blood test for hemoglobin. If necessary, adjust the level of hemoglobin can be a drug.

With a cold, it lays ears in a pregnant woman - what to do?

A runny nose has always been an unpleasant symptom, and in combination with congestion it is a real test for a pregnant woman. Usually, with such symptoms, vasoconstrictive drops come to the rescue, but most of them have contraindications during pregnancy, especially drops have a temporary effect.

Do not tolerate this condition and especially self-medicate.

A competent ENT doctor will examine the woman, and will offer treatment that will help the mother and will not bring harm to the child. Often, doctors prescribe for concomitant treatment of vasoconstrictor drops, but in pediatric dosage or only in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.


To reduce the likelihood of ear congestion during pregnancy, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • carry out timely hygiene;
  • control pressure;
  • stick to a diet, exclude spicy, salty, sweet foods, as well as coffee and carbonated drinks;
  • observe the regime of the day.
All these recommendations will not allow to face such a symptom as ear congestion, but if it still happened, you should consult with your doctor in order to preserve the health of the expectant mother and child.

In addition, why lays ears, you can learn from the following video.

Watch the video: Natural Remedies for Ear Infection (May 2024).