Eyes water: the reasons for what to do at home

As it has long been said, the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Man is the only living thing that can cry. Tears are like the quintessence of feelings, reflected sensual drops from the heart.

But the cause of tears can be not only emotions, there are also physiological and painful causes of tearing.

The article will discuss the process of tearing, the causes of excessive tearing, medical devices, give drop-by-eye reviews, raise the issue of tearing in a child, and give tips on keeping your eyes in order.

Why do tears flow

Physiological causes:

  • reaction to weather conditions;
  • mechanical, chemical, light injuries;
  • yawning laughter;
  • cry.

Painful causes:

  • excessive secretion;
  • obstruction of the tear ducts.

In turn, hypersecretory arises in connection with such phenomena as:

  • allergy;
  • eye inflammation;
  • general inflammation in the body;
  • fatigue;
  • lack of vitamins B2 and K;
  • eye injuries (refer to physiological reasons);
  • age changes;
  • dry eye syndrome

Obstruction causes:

  • inflammation of the lacrimal sac;
  • narrowing nasolacrimal canal;
  • violation of tearing by the lacrimal papilla and the lacrimal point;
  • pathology of the nasal mucosa (polyps, edema, sinusitis, rhinitis);
  • turn of the century.


Why are watery eyes on the street? Most often, people are confronted with an epiphora, an excessive release of fluid from the eyes on the street - in the wind, in the sun, in the cold.

There is no cause for alarm here, since the natural normal reaction of the eye to external irritation occurs. The eyes are very sensitive, because they are vulnerable and easily accessible for all sorts of effects. The main eye protection are tears.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that when the wind, frost, as well as in the bright sun, the eyes tend to protect themselves and an intense tear release begins. Cold and bad weather constricts the tear duct on the surface. As a result, the patency through it is reduced, the canal cannot quickly let in tears, and instead of going to the nasopharynx, they go outside - the eyes are intensely watering.

As for the wind, the eye responds with an abundant tear release to the threat of foreign bodies coming to itself. It is also a defense mechanism designed to protect the vulnerable cornea and the eyeball as a whole.

As you can see, tearing is for the most part a normal biological process for the well-functioning of the body.

Drip tears

What to do if a teary eye from an adult? A reliable, convenient and fast solution to such an unpleasant problem as watery eyes, especially annoying for women with makeup, are properly chosen, high-quality drops from tearing.

Of course, before using any drops, it is worth getting approval from an ophthalmologist, who will also tell you how to apply the remedy optimally.

What drops will help? They are selected depending on the causes of increased tearing and pharmacological action - to alleviate the disease or to eliminate it.

So, antihistamines are necessary for allergic tears.

Hormonal drugs are applicable to the inflammatory roots of the phenomenon. This, for example, Dexamethasone, Indocollir, Diclofenac. Okomistin drops, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and alleviate the condition, are widespread and effective - they remove redness of the eyes and eliminate tears.

This medicine, being a powerful antiseptic, perfectly resists viruses and bacteria, prevents the appearance of fungi, chlamydia, herpes.

Similar results can be achieved with the help of drops Zovirax, Azopt, Botox.


Okomistin drops is an excellent antiseptic, similar to Miramistin, but of ophthalmic orientation. They can be used to treat the eyes and also to the ears. In general, the drug has a wide spectrum of action.

The main effect of the remedy, of course, is the suppression of pathogenic microflora and the inviolability of human cells. In addition, the drops are endowed with healing and immunopower properties.

The drug does not cause itching during installation, acts quickly, is multifunctional. It is even used to treat suppurative inflammation of the operative and near-operative period. About the drug you can find numerous reviews, mostly positive.

With a slight inconvenience the product can reveal the short shelf life of an open bottle.

The price of a panacea for the eyes is low - about 200 rubles.

Eye fatigue is removed by means that are close in composition and consistency to the mucous membrane of the eye itself - Vizin, Opcon-A, Nafkon-A. In this case, it is necessary to be moderate and careful, since such preparations cause dry eyes over time, and therefore they should not be used continuously.


Quite famous thanks to an active advertising company Vizin drops have become, positioning themselves as an excellent means for the eyes at a very affordable price (about 150 rubles).

This drug removes puffiness and constricts blood vessels, acting very quickly - in a few minutes, but the duration of the effect is local, from 4 to 8 hours. Applicable for inflammation, for example, with conjunctivitis, with swelling of the nasopharynx, with swelling, resulting from the wearing of lenses.

The product is buried in the eyes about 3 times a day, but not more than 4 days, as it is addictive and has side effects in the form of irritation and sometimes allergies.

One of the drawbacks of the drug can be identified short shelf life after opening the bottle - a month. During this period, the drops are not spent, as a result, new ones are acquired at the next need.

Also, as mentioned above, Vizin, with prolonged and frequent use, forms dry eyes, habituation, and redness and lacrimation remain unchanged.

There are also drops that have both antihistamine and vasoconstrictor effect - Sofradex, Tobradex.

Popular wisdom against red and watery eyes

What if the eye is red and watery? On tired, reddened eyes, filled with tears, you can take care at home, applying the treatment of folk remedies.

Various herbal decoctions, first of all chamomile, calendula, plantain, cornflower, cumin, relieve tension well. Warm lotions of them give a long-awaited calm, relax muscles and relieve redness.

A quick and simple way to relieve the pain in the eyes are considered to be lotions from tea leaves.

Also, an excellent folk remedy for eyes is a potato - crushed on a grater and applied to the eyes with a wet towel for 40-60 minutes, it will relieve irritation, fatigue, tearing, also acting as an excellent care product, because the potato whitens the skin, relieves swelling and removes dark circles under the eyes.

For those who suffer from tearing eyes on the street, a recipe with millet is perfect: you need to cook 2 tablespoons of this cereal in a liter of water and for 2 weeks every night before bedtime apply cotton pads dipped in broth to your eyes for 10-15 minutes

A newborn baby's eye: what to do

First, it must be borne in mind that in an infant the lacrimal glands begin to work only by the 3rd month of life, before that it cries without tears. It is not surprising that during this period there may be disruptions in the functioning of the lacrimal canals and glands, which no one will notice.

The obstruction described above, the underdevelopment of the canals, their improper formation due to the trauma of childbirth, degeneration, atrophy, and allergy are varied causes of tearing of the newborn.

It is not necessary to neglect the observed redness and tearing, hoping that this condition will pass by itself. Having addressed to the pediatrician in time, the parents will relieve the baby from discomfort, pain and, perhaps, will have time to stop the developing pathology.


To prevent tearing of the eyes, their fatigue and in general, maintaining eye health and eyesight in good shape does not take much time and effort. Here are easy and fast ways to keep your eyes functioning normally:

  • daily gymnastics for the eyes in different variations;
  • eye massage with finger pillows;
  • palming (applying hot palms to the eyes);
  • rinsing eyes in the mornings and evenings with purified water;
  • grass lotions;
  • eye masks from infusion of aloe, dill, propolis.


The eyes are the most sensitive and vulnerable organ of the human body, which seeks to protect itself with increased external influence. Tearing during climate change is a normal reaction of the body, but it causes discomfort to most people.

Other mechanical eye irritations, attaining a certain age, illness, and even pathology are also the cause of tears. In any case, if there is excessive tearing, you should not wave your hand at it and ignore the signal from the inside.

A competent doctor will help identify the cause of the disorder and prescribe an effective treatment, often very simple - use eye drops and carry out preventive light measures in the form of exercises, lotions, massage.

More information about why your eyes are watering is in the next video.

Watch the video: Why Do My Eyes Water? (May 2024).