Instructions for use nis tablets for children and adults

Pain in various diseases sometimes just do not give a normal life and perform the necessary daily activities, especially when the pain is just unbearable. But to relieve the condition, you can take niz pain pills.

This drug can quickly muffle the discomfort and greatly alleviate the course of the disease. But before you take it, it is worth considering the full description and terms of use.

Types, drug composition and pharmacological action

The composition of the anesthetic drug Nise includes the active substance - nimesulide. Its content can be 50 mg and 100 mg, so the drug is available in two forms, depending on the dose of the active component.

In addition to the main element, there are other additional components:

  • calcium phosphate;
  • corn starch;
  • carboxymethyl starch sodium;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • talc.

The drug in the form of tablets has analgesic, antipyretic, anticoagulant effects. It also causes the processes of slowing down the reactions of fat oxidation, prevents the formation of hormone-like components during inflammatory reactions.

The components of the drug are well absorbed, they are transformed in the liver during biochemical reactions.

Complete excretion occurs with the help of the kidneys, during this process there is no accumulation of clusters. In accordance with the instructions for use, the half-life is approximately 3 hours.

Indications and contraindications

Nise is recommended if you have the following indications:

  • with symptoms of gout;
  • during rheumatoid arthritis;
  • with ankylosing spondylitis;
  • to eliminate unpleasant sensations in osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome;
  • with sciatica;
  • to relieve lumbago condition;
  • inflammation of the nerve roots of the spine;
  • with symptoms of osteoarthritis;
  • inflammatory processes in joints of various kinds;
  • to eliminate pain in the joints, as well as stiffness in the morning;
  • muscle pain with a different nature of origin;
  • inflammation of the ligaments, tendons, articular bags;
  • to reduce pain with post-traumatic origin (bruises, sprains);
  • to alleviate the condition of toothache, menstrual pain, pain in the lower abdomen, headache;
  • recommended for use with fever symptoms.

Before starting the use of the drug Nise, it is necessary to carefully examine its contraindications.

  1. You can not take pills in the presence of chronic erosive processes in the stomach and intestines during the period of active exacerbation;
  2. Bleeding from the stomach and intestines or suspicion of them;
  3. Liver and kidney function disorders;
  4. It should not be used in the presence of renal or hepatic insufficiency;
  5. In the presence of individual intolerance to the components;
  6. Period of carrying a child;
  7. Lactation;
  8. It should not be used by children under the age of 12;
  9. With dermatitis atopic nature;
  10. In case of bronchial asthma.

Instructions for use tablets Nise

Before use, be sure to consult with your doctor, because it is a specialist who can accurately answer whether this drug can be used or not.

According to the description in the instructions noted that the use of the drug after eating food, to reduce its irritant effect on the structure of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.

When taking a pill it is recommended to drink about ½ cup with enough water. When taking it is not worth crushing it, rubbing it into powder.

If the medication is used for children from 12 years old, then they are allowed to give 1-2 tablets with a dosage not exceeding 50 mg. Medication is taken twice a day or as needed. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 400 mg.

Children under the age of 12 are prescribed to nis in the form of a suspension. But it is necessary to use the medicine under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

The period of taking the medicine should be determined by the doctor, it depends on the patient's condition. On average, the drug should be used for about a week, but the main thing is not more than 10 days. If this period is exceeded, side symptoms may occur.

Method of use during pregnancy and lactation

Due to the fact that the effect of the main components of the drug on the body of a woman during the period of carrying a child has not been studied, it should not be used during pregnancy. If suddenly a woman took an anesthetic and became pregnant during this period, then it is better to immediately stop using the drug and consult a gynecologist.

This pregnancy should be under strict medical supervision throughout its entire period. In addition, after the birth of the child should be fully examined, it will help determine whether the child has a pathology in the development of blood formation systems.

Do not take Nise while breastfeeding a child, because its constituent components are excreted along with milk. If suddenly there is an urgent need to take this drug, then for the period of its use should abandon breastfeeding.

Side effects and overdose

When taking an analgesic medication, the following side effects may occur:

  • disorders in the activity of the digestive system - pain in the epigastric region, nausea, problems with appetite or its absence, vomiting, pain in the right hypochondrium, upset stool, heartburn symptoms, flatulence, belching with a sour taste, exacerbation of chronic pathologies , manifestation of Crohn's disease, an increase in the size of the liver and an increase in transaminase activity;
  • violation of the nervous system - headaches and dizziness;
  • Disorders of the hematopoietic system - manifestations of tombocytopenia; there may be a decrease in the number of white blood cells in the blood, symptoms of anemia, agranulocytosis;
  • rashes on the surface of the skin, itching, irritation;
  • bouts of bronchial asthma;
  • manifestations of bronchospasm;
  • urticaria symptoms may occur.

If you suddenly experience the above conditions, it is best to stop taking the medication and immediately consult a doctor.

It is important to strictly observe the dosage of the drug, otherwise with prolonged use in high doses may increase the above-mentioned side symptoms.

When you take the drug in high doses, the following symptoms of overdose often occur:

  • bleeding in the stomach and intestines;
  • high blood pressure;
  • suppression of the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • respiratory function disorder.

If an overdose occurs, it is necessary to wash the stomach, then the patient is given activated charcoal. If necessary, symptomatic treatment is performed in the subsequent period.

Special instructions, interaction with other drugs

When using the drug Nise tablets, be sure to observe the following special instructions:

  1. If patients have a history of problems with the functioning of the kidneys and liver, then the daily dosage of the drug should be determined by the doctor depending on the characteristics of the patient. In this case, all therapeutic therapy should be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist;
  2. If there are allergies to aspirin and drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid, then before taking the medicine Nise, be sure to consult with your doctor;
  3. Sometimes dizziness may occur while taking pain medication. For the reason, during the reception period it is worth refraining from driving a vehicle, as well as from doing work that requires high concentration of attention.

The interaction of the drug with other drugs:

  • not recommended in conjunction with drugs such as Digoxin, Phenytoin, as well as with drugs containing lithium. When these drugs interact, there is a decrease in the therapeutic effect of these drugs;
  • during the simultaneous use of this drug in conjunction with the hypoglycemic group, it is required to regularly measure the indicator of sugar and glucose in the blood;
  • If Nise is used in conjunction with antihypertensive drugs, a significant reduction in pressure is possible. For this reason, you should not use these tools together;
  • not recommended for use with anticoagulants, because it increases the risk of internal bleeding.

Price tablets Nise, their analogues

Buy tablets Nise can be almost any pharmacy. In Russia, the price per pack of tablets ranges from 190 to 220 rubles.

The following medicines are related to analogues of this drug:

  • Ketonal The cost of packing tablets ranges from 200 to 320 rubles;
  • Ketorol. Packaging tablets cost from 45 rubles;
  • Naklofen. For the packaging of tablets in a pharmacy, you can pay an average of 100 rubles;
  • Artroker. Packing with 100 capsules can be bought for 2500 rubles;
  • Cefecone. This tool is available in the form of candles, packaging costs from 45 rubles.


During menstruation, I always have very strong pains, sometimes they can be endured, but sometimes the pain is simply unbearable. In these cases, I immediately take pain medication. For a long time, a certain analgesic drank, but after it was not in the pharmacy, I had to take Nise on the advice of a pharmacist. Its action came almost immediately after admission, the pain was completely gone. Now I only take this medicine.

Oksana, 18 years old, Moscow

At night, the tooth became very sick, so it was not possible to go to the dentist. Well in the medicine cabinet I found the drug Nise. After taking one pill, the pain was completely gone and I was able to sleep normally. True, in the morning the pain reappeared, and I had to take another pill and go to see a doctor. But it relieves this remedy very well.

Kristina, 32 years old, Kemerovo

About the drug Nise can also be found in the following video a little more information.

Watch the video: 23 SMART LIFE HACKS FOR EVERY OCCASION (April 2024).