How to accurately determine the sex of the unborn baby without ultrasound

Every future parents want to quickly find out who will be born to them - a girl or a boy? Very often, women go to various tricky tricks, trying to determine the sex of the baby in the first trimester of pregnancy. There are many such methods, some of which originated in ancient times.

What determines the sex of the unborn child

Everyone knows that for medical reasons the sex of the child is completely dependent on the man. To be a supporter of this theory or not is a purely individual matter. Among the population there is a perception that statistics is still not so straightforward and was able to identify several other factors.

The gender of the future offspring may depend on the following factors:

  1. The weight of a woman carrying pregnancy. Overweight women often give birth to boys, and slender girls give birth.
  2. Nutrition. Eating certain foods can help plan the baby’s gender before pregnancy.
  3. Season. Conception, which occurred in the autumn, foreshadows the appearance of a boy, in the spring - a girl.
  4. Socio-economic status. As a rule, boys are most often born in high-income families.
  5. Temperament of the future mother. In strong-willed and strong-willed women there is an increased level of testosterone in the body, which contributes to the birth of a boy.

Of course, it is impossible to determine exactly what factor will have its impact on the sex of the unborn child. It remains only to take into account all the above conditions and hope for their effectiveness.

How do experts determine the sex of the child?

The most popular medical method of detecting the sex of the unborn child is ultrasound. To say about who is in the womb of a pregnant woman, a specialist can already in the 18th week of pregnancy.

The disadvantage of this method is that it does not guarantee absolute accuracy, it often happened that the ultrasound scan showed an error. In addition to this method, there are a number of others that some women do not even realize.

These include:

  1. Cordocentesis. Its essence lies in the collection of cord blood, the probability of certainty is very high.
  2. Amniocentesis. This method involves the study of amniotic fluid, is conducted to identify genetic disorders.
  3. Gender test. It has much in common with the usual pregnancy test. By the color and structure of the urine, female specialists can accurately determine the sex of the fetus, starting as early as the ninth week of pregnancy.
  4. DNA test. DNA testing can absolutely accurately determine the sex of a baby already in the sixth week of pregnancy. Its effectiveness is due to the fact that this study uses a formula that guarantees reliable results.
  5. System microsort. This technique eliminates the birth of a child with unwanted sex. Its essence lies in the fact that the male sperm is divided into separate sperm: "female" and "male."

The use of these techniques can not be called common, since their use in most cases is not groundless.

In addition, the DNA test or the MicroSort system is not available to everyone because of the high cost.

How independently without ultrasound to determine the sex of the unborn child

Undoubtedly, every woman carrying a pregnancy, even before the ultrasound examination, wants to know the sex of her future baby. To this end, from the times far from us, people have developed several truly reliable methods.

To determine the sex of the child can:

  1. By blood. Surely, many have heard about such a process as blood renewal. In men, it is updated once every 4 years, in women - once every 3 years. The sex of the child will be that of the parents whose blood at the time of conception was younger.
  2. By pouring the mammary glands. If a woman’s breasts began to fill up from the first days of pregnancy, most likely you should expect a boy to be born.
  3. According to the shape of the abdomen. If the belly of a pregnant woman is in a raised state, more rounded and spreads, then you can wait for the birth of a girl.
  4. Heartbeat. If the number of beats per minute is less than 140, then a boy will be born. Every future mommy can hear the baby's heartbeat already at an early gestational age.
  5. By the date of conception. It has been scientifically proven that the viability of the male and female chromosomes is different. The "male" spermatozoid lives no more than two days, the "female" - about a week. This feature can help plan the baby’s gender in advance. If future parents want a boy, then the conception should occur on the day of ovulation. In order for a girl to be born, sexual intercourse is best carried out a few days before the onset of ovulation.
  6. According to the calendar. This method is very popular, and Ancient China is considered to be its ancestor. Knowing the age of the mother and the month at the time of conception, one can easily determine the sex of the future baby by comparing these figures. Examples of oriental tables can be easily found on the Internet or any encyclopedia for future mothers.
  7. With the help of special programs on the table. With the development of the Internet, many women who are carrying a baby have the opportunity to determine the sex of the child online. Of course, the veracity of this method is very doubtful. Despite this, it is worth trying, because it will take a couple of minutes, and the result of the ultrasound scan will help to verify its effectiveness.

There are many opponents of these methods for determining the sex of the future baby. But such denial can not be called correct, since the above-mentioned methods do not bear any harm in themselves.

What methods can accurately determine the sex of the unborn child

The most accurate methods for determining the sex of a future child are medical examinations, which were discussed above. They are based on accurate indicators and can reliably determine who is in the womb of a pregnant woman.

Those methods that are based on the observations of the future mommy or folk beliefs cannot be called absolutely accurate, since they were not scientifically supported. Moreover, the forecasts made by the people do not always coincide with reality.

However that may be, first of all a woman should listen to a medical point of view. It is not necessary to judge what sex the future child for any external indicators and other phenomena.

First of all, it is not recommended to avoid disappointment and frustration if ultrasound shows a completely different result.

Does the sex of the unborn child depend on the age of the parents?

There is a lot of controversy about how much the age of both parents affects the gender of the unborn child. Some argue that this factor is reliable, while others completely deny it. According to statistics, in pairs where a woman is older than a man, girls are most often born. And in a family where the husband is older than the wife, boys are mostly born.

It should be noted that this method is applicable only to the first child. In the future, upon the occurrence of pregnancy, the age of the parents can in no way affect the sex of the future crumbs. This statement did not appear groundless, it was formed thanks to many years of statistics.

Folk signs to determine the sex of the unborn child

Of course, folk beliefs have not bypassed such an important event in the life of every parent as the birth of a baby. There are many signs that allow you to determine the sex of the baby, the appearance of which the expectant parents are looking forward to.

Some of them may be puzzling, but still they have a place to be and maybe worth a try. And to accept the result is not necessary, in any case, each of the parents can stay with his opinion.

To national signs to determine the sex of the unborn child include:

  1. Early hairy in men. Argued that the appearance of prolysin on her husband's head contributes to an increased level of testosterone. And that means the child will be male.
  2. The physical strength of a man. People say that by nature a physically strong man gives the seed from which girls are born.
  3. Early toxicosis. If in the first trimester of pregnancy a woman is constantly sick, then you should expect a girl.
  4. The first stir. It is said that if the first stir occurred in the left side, then there will be a girl, in the right - a boy.
  5. Appearance of a woman. If the future mommy starts to bloom during the baby's birth, then it is worth preparing for the appearance of the boy.
  6. Fetal pressure on the liver and bladder. Some people believe that if the future mom experiences excessive pressure on the liver while carrying a child, there will be a girl, and a bladder - a boy.
  7. Taste addictions. If preference is given to sweets and fruits, then there will be a girl. If a woman really wants salty or sour, then there will be a boy.
  8. Body position during sleep. Many say that this factor is quite important. If a woman is constantly sleeping on the right side, then a girl will be born, on the left - a boy.
  9. Swelling of the legs. It has long been said that swelling of the legs indicates that there is a boy in the womb.
  10. The condition of the palms. If the palms have become more dry and even cracked, then a boy is born, they become more tender - a girl.
  11. The mood of a pregnant woman. If the future mom is always in a good mood, then there will be a boy. Well, if a woman has become more irritable and quick-tempered, then a girl will be born.
  12. Interest in a pregnant woman from other children. It is said that a manifestation of interest in the future mom from the side of a male child, indicates that she is carrying a girl.

Some of the beliefs are very interesting and mysterious. Of course, in times far from us, they were not just invented and confirmed by reality. This is explained by the fact that in the absence of modern technologies for determining the sex of the unborn child, there was nothing left for women, except to keep an eye on external and internal changes.

Summarizing, we can conclude that determining the sex of a future child without using medical methods is a very interesting and entertaining matter.

And in most cases, it really gives a reliable result. It is only important not to dwell on certain beliefs or any one indicator, but to apply them in the complex.

And a little more you can learn from the following video.

Watch the video: Pregnancy Tips : How to Identify a Boy or a Girl in Pregnancy (May 2024).