Exercises for hemorrhoids that really help

In the past few years there has been a proliferation of such a disease as hemorrhoids. This is associated with malnutrition, and low-level lifestyle, and the presence of bad habits. Exercises for hemorrhoids, if done correctly, will help to more effectively deal with the pathology.

What affects the appearance of hemorrhoids

One of the main factors for the appearance of hemorrhoidal cones is a sedentary lifestyle, as a result of which the blood circulation in the pelvic area worsens. This is facilitated by sedentary work, slight physical exertion. As a result of stagnation, which are formed in the rectal region, nodes appear - vascular "pockets" of blood. If time does not begin treatment, they will begin to bulge, inflame, bleed.

Another factor is chronic constipation.

With a weak intestinal peristalsis, delayed bowel movements, it is necessary not only to improve nutrition, but also to do special exercises that will help the body remove digestion products faster.

Many people with this disease mistakenly believe that it is forbidden to go to the gym and engage in physical activity with hemorrhoids. But this is absolutely not the case! Properly chosen exercises will help speed up the healing process.

What is possible and what is not possible with this pathology

Those who suffer from hemorrhoids, you need to properly approach the issues of sports activity, because not all classes are useful, and some, on the contrary, can seriously aggravate the situation. This is especially true of power loads, since they can cause an increase in pressure and muscle overvoltage.

These include:

  • power training;
  • deep squats;
  • exercises that exert a high load on the abdominal muscles;
  • weightlifting.

Playing sports, you should always listen to your body and do not forget about the following recommendations:

  1. You should not hold your breath, doing any exercise. This will lead to an increase in abdominal pressure.
  2. Movement during training should be smooth and without sudden jerks.
  3. It is worth starting with minimal loads, gradually increasing the intensity.
  4. Eliminate any exercise that may lead to the appearance of tenderness in the rectal area.

Bicycle, rowing, horseback riding - such sports can be called conditionally permitted, but they can be practiced with extreme caution and only in remission. In case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, they should be stopped immediately.

But swimming, jogging - classes that will help disperse the blood, strengthen the cardiovascular system, while not giving a large load on the body. You can also do gymnastics, which is aimed at restoring the muscle tone of the pelvis, helps to prevent stagnation.

How to prepare for the exercises

Effective treatment of this disease should be comprehensive. Mandatory elements - the right diet, the use of medicines and therapeutic exercises. The main task of charging is to return the muscles to the tone, activating the blood flow. Due to this, hemorrhoidal vessels strengthen, defecation normalizes, the risk of constipation is minimized.

The important point: the exercises must be done systematically, otherwise they can be called useless. And they need to be given literally 10-15 minutes every day. You will feel the effect of such exercises after 2-3 weeks.

It is advisable to perform exercises after a bowel movement, not forgetting to relieve hemorrhoidal lumps, if the discomfort will prevent you from practicing. Just take a warm bath and lubricate them with a special ointment with anesthetic.

When performing regular exercises, you can alleviate the symptoms of this pathology, relieve inflammation, swelling. In case of unexpressed course of the disease, gymnastics must be continued. The main thing is to combine exercise with diet, following all the recommendations of the doctor. Due to this exacerbation of the disease will become more rare. If the disease is just beginning to develop, exercise will help stop the progression of the pathology.

Suitable set of exercises for hemorrhoids

All exercises should be performed smoothly, without sudden movements. As soon as discomfort or pain appears, it is necessary to reduce the intensity or even stop.

The most appropriate exercises include:

  1. "Scissors". Lie on the rug, from a supine position, begin to lift straight legs at a 45-degree angle. Then slowly spread your legs to the side, flatten them. Do this 50 times.
  2. "Iron". Starting position - lying on your back. Fix the straight legs raised by 45 degrees for 30 seconds, not moving. Do this a few more times, increasing the delay time.
  3. "Deflection". Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body. Slowly raise the pelvis, staying in this position, squeezing the buttocks. Then get down on the floor and repeat the procedure 50 more times.
  4. "Cat". You need to get up on all fours, round up your back at the expense of 1-4, bend down the back by 5-8. Repeat 100 times.
  5. "Birch". From the supine position, you need to raise your legs up at a 90 degree angle. Slowly raise the pelvis, holding with your hands, pull your legs up. In this position, you need to keep as much as you can.
  6. "Marching". Step on the spot, raising your knees above the level of the buttocks. Try to complicate the exercise, for this you need to lower the working leg and cross it with the supporting leg.
  7. Twisting the pelvis. It is necessary to take the knee-elbow position. Try to tilt the hips and pelvis to the side one way, then the other, trying to touch the floor. Need to do 10 repetitions.

These exercises can be performed at any age. And it is best to combine them with cardiovascular: jogging, to engage in intensive walking - this will help to normalize blood circulation.

In the presence of spinal injuries, it is desirable to perform all exercises on the floor carefully, it is recommended to get an orthopedic consultation first.

Kegel exercises

The gynecologist Kegel once developed a set of exercises for women, they helped to recover from childbirth and omission of organs. However, today these exercises are effectively used by men in the treatment of prostatitis, disorders of erectile functions. They can also be performed to increase the tone of the abdominal muscles.

Kegel exercises with this disease will help strengthen the muscles of the anal sphincter, improve the condition of the veins, intestinal walls. With their regular implementation, it is possible to significantly reduce the number of relapses, prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoidal cones, or reduce their size. The main thing is to perform them every day, with the exception of only periods of severe exacerbation, when there is a prolapse of the cones, bleeding.

The main thing - to learn how to perform contractions of the muscles of the pelvis. According to the technique, they will resemble attempts to interrupt urination or contain intestinal gases. And at first it is advisable to do the exercises lying on the floor, since it will be easier to use the necessary muscles.

Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees. Cut the muscles in such a way as to feel the anus and sphincter retract inside. Hold for 3-4 seconds and relax. Try to increase the time of cuts to 15 seconds per minute.

It should be exercised every day 4 times, each approach - 10 exercises. After a while you will learn to feel the muscles that should be tense. After that, you can do Kegel exercises both standing and sitting at any place: at work, in public transport.

Yoga as a treatment and prevention

Yoga - gymnastics, which can help with hemorrhoids. Asanas performed during classes will help get rid of stagnations, especially in the pelvis. In addition, yoga will help to intensify the bowels and eliminate constipation, which are one of the main factors in the emergence of this pathology.

With proper exercise, all muscles will be involved, including the anal sphincter, the muscles of the perineum. According to the principle, some of the exercises are similar to the Kegel exercises - you need to consistently strain and relax the muscles of the anus.

Yoga for beginners is a rather complicated gymnastics, because it needs to be engaged only under the supervision of a trainer. But simple and easy exercises can be done independently, you just need to not forget about caution. There are several recommendations that are worth reading:

  • start with the simplest poses - only after that you can go to the complex;
  • when doing exercises, watch your breathing - it should be calm and even;
  • in the presence of hemorrhoids, it is undesirable to take sedentary poses, such as lotus.

What poses are suitable for beginners? Let's look at them in more detail.

Mountain pose

Being in a standing position, you need to slightly spread your legs, straighten up, stretch your knees. Draw the belly in and try to push the pelvis back and forth. Try to stretch out "into the string", but do not strain your neck and body. Up, raise your arms, lift up on your toes, trying to stretch the muscles and spine. Drop down and relax. Inhale while lifting, exhale while relaxing.


Put your legs shoulder-width apart, stretch one arm in front of you, bend the other hand and touch your forearm with your fingers. Make a turn toward the outstretched hand, pulling it back. Exercise should be done at the expense of the muscles of the waist, that is, you can not use the legs and pelvis. So repeat 12-15 times.

Belly massage

Squat down, hands should be on your knees. Make a turn to the right side, tilt your left knee to the floor, do the same to the other side. When performing exercises, try to look back, twisting your body as much as possible. Due to this, the internal organs and the pelvis will receive an excellent massage. Asana helps fight constipation.

These simple exercises for beginners will be an excellent preventive measure and method for the treatment of hemorrhoids. But if you want to try more complex asanas, you should contact the instructor.

Whichever of these exercises you choose, you need to remember that with hemorrhoids, physical activity is better than nothing. And in order to achieve maximum efficiency, you should not combine physical activity with a diet.

Watch the video: 4 Little Known Exercises To Get Rid of Hemorrhoids For Good AT HOME (May 2024).