How to choose a haircut for a teen boy

Beautiful hairstyles have always been the prerogative of women, however, men's fashion also tried to keep up. Over the 20th and 21st centuries, men's hairstyles have undergone many changes. What was relevant at the beginning and in the middle of the 20th century suddenly came back to us with small metamorphoses.

Currently, retro style in men's haircuts and styling is closely intertwined with modernity. More than ever a lot of different options, each at its peak.

Modern men, boys and boys who follow fashion trends, try to wear stylish haircuts so that the image is complete. Let's look at current trends in haircuts and hairstyles for teenagers.

Haircuts for teenagers boys 12-14 years

Boys of secondary school age usually try to stand out among their peers. Adolescence makes children more critical to their appearance, which contributes to their interest in unusual things and hairstyles.

In addition to the desire to express their individuality, at the age of 12-14, adolescents try to appear adults, doing this, including through changing their wardrobe, haircuts, and so on.

However, school teachers are against too bright appearance. Traditionally, it is believed that such manifestations destroy discipline and distract children from the main goal of joining an educational institution - gaining knowledge.

A compromise between the desire of the child and teachers can be found by offering his son a stylish and fashionable haircut. Besides the fact that modern hairstyles look very nice and youth, they are easy to care for and easy to pack. Such haircuts look great with everyday clothes, and with a business suit, and with a school uniform, if any. Consider some possible options.

  1. For hooligans and tomboy can be the most appropriate haircut "box" and "half box". The difference in hairstyles lies in the upper part, which is cut out in varying degrees. The "boxing" haircut is rather short all over the head, stronger on the back of the head, the top is slightly longer. A halfbox has a less clipped nape and more hair at the crown. This haircut does not interfere, does not distract attention, it is easy to fit in the morning and looks neat. The bangs can be laid as you like: playfully lifting it up, smoothing it to one side or leaving it free to lie down. Especially good is such a haircut for teens with curly hair, which is often unhappy with them.
  2. The classic short haircut can serve as the so-called "Canadian", which has become popular in the Soviet Union, thanks to Canadian hockey players who wore this hairstyle. The essence of the haircut is that the lower part and the back of the head are sheared shortly, after which a smooth transition to the top is made. The upper hair is made longer. This haircut looks adult and stylish, however, requires some attention when styling. Hair can be combed back or laid in a different way. A boy with this style will look like a true gentleman.
  3. Lovers of long hair may like a graded bob, which will look very creative. Such a haircut can be a compromise solution for a child who wants to wear longer hair, and school bans.

Stylish haircuts for teen boys 15-16 years old

Senior school boys think about their appearance very often. They start to treat their clothes more attentively, try to make an impression and look good. To complete the image, all that is missing is a fashionable hairstyle that will emphasize matured facial features and a stylish look.

Adults can choose almost any hairstyle, if, of course, the school does not have any strict frames and boundaries. Among the fashionable haircuts there are several excellent options that will appeal to the rebel, and excellent students, and will not bother the teachers.

Trends in modern men's haircuts are such that all hairstyles are suitable for different ages, emphasizing the dignity. Therefore, the haircuts listed above for 12 and 14-year-olds can also be suitable for older guys, and adult men will look appropriate.

Here are some more youth options for high school students:

  1. One of the most stylish haircuts, which are currently very popular among young people, is undoubtedly the "Undercut". This is a very beautiful haircut, which is especially suitable for guys with the correct face shape and even head. The hairstyle is visually divided into two parts: the bottom and the back of the head are trimmed with a machine very short, and the top and bangs are left long. This haircut is especially effective on medium-length hair, so it is best to grow a few centimeters before going to the hairdresser. Also, the choice of this hairstyle can serve as a convenient and neat alternative to long hair. Laying the top, you can experiment, smoothing down the bangs back, to the side or making a tuft. For the rebels, such a haircut still opens up the possibility to put the hair in the form of a mohawk if desired.
  2. Haircut "Canadian", described above, can be laid very beautifully that will look great at special occasions or in everyday life. Speech the idea of ​​side parting. The head is divided in half, the part with the parting is visually divided again, and on this side the separation is made using a comb. Strands are combed to the side of the parting. In the 60s, when this styling was especially popular, men used briolin to fix and shine. Now, so that the hair lay as needed, you can use a gel or wax.
  3. Haircut, which was worn during the time of Elvis, does not lose its popularity among the younger generation. Unless, now "cook" do not do so voluminous and do not use so many styling products. To achieve the desired effect, the lateral hair is combed and fixed by a styling gel or mousse, and the top remains free. Lush mop of straight or curly hair in itself is spectacular, but, laid out in this way, it will also be comfortable in everyday life.

Teen haircuts for boys for medium and long hair

In general, parents tend to choose short haircuts for their children. If the boy grows long hair, relatives and teachers begin to oppose and force the child to get a haircut. However, not everyone knows that there are many different styles and ways of wearing long hair that will be acceptable.

Society always imposes some kind of norms on people. Once upon a time, long hair was common for a man, after that everything changed. It happens all the time. There is no reason to forbid the child to express his individuality through the hair. Even if you are totally against length, try to find some solution that will suit everyone, and not just insist on your own.

Consider several styling options for medium and more significant lengths:

  1. Kare with milled ends is a great hairstyle for both younger and older adults. This haircut beautifully emphasizes facial features and hides flaws. Naughty hair can be combed behind the ears, fixed with a rim and removed in a small tail. The above-mentioned bean is worn in a similar way, especially its elongated version.
  2. With long hair up to the shoulders and below, difficulties usually arise. Traditionally, they are removed in the tail, but you can also tie only the upper part, leaving the bottom loose. Long hair can be cut straight cascade ladder. Bangs may be absent, or be oblique or straight, which looks good on younger guys.
  3. For high school hair, there is another interesting option, which is cut by the type of haircut "Undercut". The bottom or temples are shaved, leaving only the length at the top. Long hair tied up, worn loose, or made a bunch - as you like.

Trendy and unusual haircuts for teen boys

Now fashion is so diverse that everyone can choose a haircut for the soul and be in trend. All of the above haircuts and styling are suitable for all ages and many go. However, on the basis of some of them you can make unusual styling or haircuts.

For example, the trend of artistic cut-off in the 90s has become popular again. This is a great way to make more or less traditional haircuts bold and hooligan. They cut out anything: be it stripes, ornaments or complex patterns and inscriptions.

Unusual hairstyle for long hair can be the above-mentioned haircut, with bare temples, as well as an elongated "Undercut", laid in the form of a mohawk. The most striking way to stand out is undoubtedly staining, but because of this, the child may experience some difficulties at school.

Tips for choosing hairstyles for young men

When choosing a hairstyle for a young man, it is important to consider the type of face and hair. For example, options with shorter hair at the bottom and elongated at the top, make the head more visually elongated. Kare helps smooth coarse features and a disproportionate face. The side parting distracts attention from small asymmetry.

In addition, it is important not to forget about external circumstances, as well as to remember that the hairstyle should be comfortable in the care and styling, so that every day the hair looks good and beautiful.

It is great if the haircut decorates and goes well with different types of clothing.

Another option for a boy's haircut is in the next video.