10 exercises for getting rid of fat on the inside of the thighs

Many women want to get rid of fat on the inside of the thigh. But not everyone has the opportunity to resort to the help of a professional. No less effective integrated measures against cellulite, used at home. Exercises, cosmetic procedures and diet can help in the fight against excess deposits on the hips.

Causes of excess fat on the inside of the thigh

Before you begin to fight the fat on the hips, it is necessary to determine the causes of its appearance. This problem affects people of all ages. Experts call a variety of causes of fat on the inside of the thigh.

Main reasons:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Improper nutrition.
  3. Violations of the hormonal background.
  4. Heredity. If everyone in the family has wide hips, then nature will not endow the next generation with a slim lower body.

People leading a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to encounter such a problem. The leg muscles are constantly in a relaxed state, which contributes to the deposition of excess fat in these areas. Hormonal changes in transitional age can also affect the increase in hip volume.

Sometimes even 2 extra kilos are deposited on the hips. More often with the similar problem owners of the "pear-shaped" figure face. In the period of bearing a child, this problem also does not bypass women.

Effective exercises for the inner thigh

To eliminate cellulite on the inside of the thigh requires a whole range of procedures. To achieve the desired result, you need:

  • eat right;
  • work on the muscles;
  • do massage, wraps, peeling.

In order for the surface of the skin after losing weight did not look saggy, exercise is necessary. Remove fat from any part of the body will help special exercises aimed at the study of problem areas. Start with light exercises. So, you can lie on your back and alternately raise and lower your legs, repeating from 15 to 20 times. Before training, you should warm up a little: run, crouch, jump over the rope.

The following exercises are most effective for the inner thigh:

  1. Pilates. Lie on your side, leaning your forearm, straighten your legs and, as you exhale, lift your lower leg, lower it while inhaling. The exercise is performed 15 times, then you need to turn on the other side and perform the same actions.
  2. Squats. Stand straight, spread your legs a little wider than your shoulders, bend at the knees and join your arms in front of you to the lock. Squat, keeping your back straight, 15 times.
  3. Lunge to the side. Stand straight, place your legs as wide as possible, then crouch on the right side, bending one knee, while keeping the other foot as even as possible. The upper body should also be straight. Repeat 15 times in both directions.
  4. Plieu. Arrange the legs, feet should be turned to the sides, a dumbbell is necessary for the exercise. With both hands, hold the dumbbell as a weighting agent, squat in this position, keeping your back straight, 15 times.
  5. "Bridge". Lie on your back, bend and slightly spread your legs, hands on the floor with palms down. Raise and lower the hips, leaning on the feet, repeat 15 times.
  6. Exercise on fitball. Lie on your back, clamp fitball between the bent knees as much as possible. Clamp and unclamp about 20 times.
  7. "Scissors". Lie on your back, raise your legs and cross them in the air, depicting scissors. Repeat 15 times.
  8. Squatting on socks. Legs spread wider than shoulders and stand on the socks, hands on the waist. Squat, standing on your socks, 15 times.
  9. Leg abduction. Hands on the waist, stand on toes, heels together, feet turned in different directions. Bending your knees slightly, move your legs to the side and return to the starting position. Repeat 30 times.
  10. Plieu with squat. Legs wide apart, hands on hips, squat in this position 15 times.

Over time, the number of exercises can be gradually increased. In addition to the above methods, burn fat will help: running, jumping rope, climbing stairs, cycling, swimming, dancing. Sedentary people need to walk more, run, keep their leg muscles in good shape. Such exercises are useful as a preventive measure. To gymnastics and exercise were effective, you need to do it regularly.

Cosmetic procedures for getting rid of thigh fat

To get rid of fat on the hips, in addition to exercise, carry out cosmetic procedures. Usually they alternate with workouts. Procedures can be done both in special salons and at home on your own.

Popular cosmetology procedures include:

  1. Massage. Very effective massage with vacuum cans. It is best to carry out the procedure with a specialist, but you can also purchase a special massager.
  2. Peeling. To burn fat on the hips you need to prepare a mixture of coffee, honey, cinnamon and olive oil. Rub in the problem areas, then rinse with warm water. The procedure is repeated no more than 2 times a week. Rubbed need circular movements with a special mitten. The coffee blend promotes blood flow and also makes this zone more elastic.
  3. Wrapping The recipe of the mixture for wrapping: 70 g of blue clay, 20 g of cinnamon mixed with water (half a cup) and a few drops of citrus oil. All components are thoroughly mixed, applied to the inside of the thighs, wrap with polyethylene and insulate. Wash off in an hour. Algal wraps are also very effective against cellulite.
  4. Creams and oils. The application of oils contributes to the rapid burning of fat, improve blood circulation, remove excess fluid and toxins. For example, suitable oil mandarin, bergamot, roses, myrrh, patchouli.

Water treatments and bath

When steaming, sweating increases, all metabolic processes are accelerated many times, fat is burned faster. Before the bath for better effect you can apply alcohol to the body. After you can plunge into the cool water. Low temperature fluid activates the muscles. So, cool water is the prevention of loose skin. To strengthen not only the lower thighs, but also the whole body, it is useful to practice daily swimming.

How to eat to remove fat on the hips

Without proper nutrition, you cannot achieve perfect body proportions. Banned products that contain many calories. These include: fried, flour, sweet.

Also excluded from the diet:

  • mayonnaise;
  • margarine;
  • sausages;
  • cheese curds;
  • fast food;
  • alcohol.

In the daily ration, fruits and vegetables, greens, lean meat (chicken, fish) should prevail. Various grains are useful in small quantities. During training, the body needs protein. They are found in large quantities in nuts. The use of this product prevents the accumulation of fat deposits on the hips.

Food consumption should be frequent, but in small quantities. Experts recommend eating 5-6 times a day. At the same time one portion should not exceed the size of your own fist. Harmful products find a useful alternative: replace white bread with dietary, sweets with dried fruits. Sugar and salt intake must also be controlled. They retain water in the body.

The best helper in losing weight is clean water. It removes toxins and promotes accelerated metabolism. Each person can find out their daily water intake. To do this, multiply your own weight by 0.03.

It must be remembered that without physical effort one diet can not get rid of deposits on the inside of the thighs.

How fast will the first results appear

Quickly get rid of the problem will not succeed. Fighting excess fat deposits is a lot of work that requires daily effort. If you follow all the recommendations and a comprehensive approach to eliminating excess weight, the first results will be noticeable after a month from the beginning of training.

How quickly a person copes with fat on the hips, depends on the reasons that caused his deposition. If the reason is overweight, the period may last up to six months.

Watch the video: 5-Minute Thigh-Slimming Workout (May 2024).