What exercises Kegel can do pregnant at home

Not all women know the benefits of doing the exercises of Arnold Kegel, and in fact they are very important for women's health. Regularly exercising, you can solve many women's problems, for example, facilitate childbirth, improve sex life.

What are the Kegel exercises, what are their advantages?

Arnold Kegel is an American obstetrician-gynecologist practicing in the mid-20th century. He struggled with such a female problem as incontinence. To solve this problem, he developed a whole set of exercises that strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.

It was also found that these workouts facilitate the process of childbirth, because during pregnancy the pelvic floor muscles are weakened due to the growing uterus, usually the woman begins to feel this weakening before birth.

This is especially noticed by girls who, before pregnancy, did not play sports. Still, as a pleasant bonus, the sensitivity of the woman begins to grow, she begins to get excited faster, gets brighter orgasms than before the workout.

The technique has made Kegel famous throughout the world.

The essence of gymnastics is very simple, and lies in the tension and relaxation of intimate muscles, which leads to their pumping.

The benefits of exercise:

  • strengthens the muscles and organs of the pelvis;
  • improves mood, well-being, appearance;
  • decreases the risk of hemorrhoids, which may appear before or after pregnancy.
  • women recover faster after childbirth;
  • reduces the risk of tissue breakage during childbirth;
  • there is discomfort and pain, if present;
  • better feel the body, the lady learns to manage it.
Studies show that exercise simplifies the process of childbirth and makes it safe for a newborn baby.

After birth, the body quickly recovers. In addition, gymnastics warns against hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence and other problems.

You can train not only during pregnancy, but also at any other time, gymnastics will help to prolong female youth.

Workouts are also shown to men for the prevention of hemorrhoids and prostatitis, and to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

What do pregnant women need for Kegel exercises?

Childbirth is a complex physical process. During childbirth, the girl involved those muscle groups that are not used in normal life. Therefore, childbirth requires prior training and muscle training.

Doing Kegel gymnastics during the whole pregnancy, a woman, during childbirth, connects already trained muscles, this facilitates the promotion of the baby through the genital tract.

Particular attention should be paid to gymnastics for women who give birth after 30 years, as well as women who have given birth and who suffer episiotomy or tears. These factors adversely affect the state of intimate muscles and often complicate childbirth.

Cautions and Contraindications

Training, though shown to most women, but there are exceptions:

  • the possibility of miscarriage;
  • discomfort and pain during exercise;
  • risk of preterm delivery;
  • some diseases of the spine;
  • toxicosis;
  • preeclampsia;
  • the occurrence of uterine bleeding.

In the supine position, the training should be carried out up to 16-18 weeks, since after the lower genital vein can be squeezed. You can continue to do the exercises standing or sitting.

How to perform Kegel exercises for pregnant women at home

In addition to the great benefits for the body, the benefits of exercise also lie in accessibility for everyone, both financially and in the location of the person.

Training should begin after emptying the bladder and intestines.

If you have never been involved in this complex before conception, do not try to do all the exercises fully.

Start small, do not overload the pelvic muscles. Remember that the purpose of the workout is to learn how to control muscle tissue, and not squeeze it as hard as possible.

Occupations can be carried out in any position of a body, but it is better to begin with a lying position. Then gradually approach the standing and sitting position.

A frequent problem among women is that they cannot determine exactly which muscles need to be tense. You can determine them in a simple way, in the process of urination, delay the flow of urine.

Those muscles that you have involved in this business will be needed for further work. Retention of urine is, by the way, also an exercise from which doctors recommend starting training.

Specificity of gymnastics in different trimesters of pregnancy

The first trimester is the laying of the organs of the future baby, the most dangerous period. The load must be distributed so as not to interfere with the attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. Classes should be very simple, do not need much strain. Exercise start in the supine position, gradually moving to a sitting position.

The second trimester is favorable for gymnastics, as the most peaceful. You can train in any position.

The third trimester is the home stretch. At this time, future moms relax, but this is wrong, you need to carefully prepare the body for childbirth. The fruit is already big, which means it becomes harder to train. We perform gymnastics only while standing.

Any training must begin with a warm-up:

  1. Stand straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Lean on the wall with your hands, sit down slowly, spreading your knees in different directions, stand still for a few seconds, keep your back straight. Slowly rise, stand on your socks;
  2. Take the previous starting position. Keep your palms closed in front of your chest. Breathing in, squeeze your palms, relax as you exhale;
  3. Pose does not change. Hands on the waist. With the pelvis, not the trunk, we move first one way, then the other;
  4. Stand with your legs together. With one hand, lean on the support. Standing on one leg, pull the other forward, backward. Do this on every foot;
  5. Walk on the toes, heels, outside and inside of the foot;
  6. Sit on the floor, legs crossed, arms should be extended, reach to the floor and lean on them. Raise one arm up, it should form one straight line with your back. Stretch. Repeat with the other hand.

With this warm-up you will improve the blood circulation of the pelvic organs, strengthen the muscles of the arms, chest, back and waist.

Complex kegel exercises during pregnancy

After the warm-up, proceed to the exercise:

  1. Lying on your back, take a pose as in the process of childbirth. Place a small pillow under your head. Tighten the muscles of the perineum, as during urination, and hold them in this position for 5-10 seconds. Relax, take a break. Start with 8 sets, gradually increasing to 30;
  2. Lie on the floor, put your feet on the sofa. Quickly strain and relax the muscles, primarily the vaginal, then the anus. Relax in the reverse order;
  3. Sit in a sedentary position, pelvic muscles relaxed. Hold your breath, then bit a bit, while trying to push out the vaginal muscles outside. Put your hands on the crotch to feel their efforts. Then inhale, contracting muscles. Do 20 repetitions;
  4. Sitting on the floor, knees bend under him, buttocks sit on the heels. Press strain, lift hips. In this position it is necessary to compress the intimate muscles. In this position, linger for 10 seconds, lower. Do so 10-15 times;
  5. Lying on your back, feet shoulder-width apart, feet on the floor, arms parallel to the body. Raise the pelvis as far as you can, working your back muscles and buttocks. In this position, tighten the pelvic floor muscles, you need to make 5-10 contractions, relax. Repeat 15-20 times;
  6. Sitting on a hard chair, squeeze the muscles that are between the ischial bones. Hold for 10 seconds, relax slowly. You should feel them falling on the surface of the chair. Start with 5 repetitions;
  7. Stand with your legs apart for two feet. Squat down, heels should not break away from the floor, the back should be flat, the weight should be distributed on the heels. Well, if the partner helps you in this exercise, he will insure if something happens. Let the man sit on the chair, and the woman squat between his legs. Without a partner, you can lean on the wall, for hands to choose a comfortable support. The first time the heel can break away from the floor, exercising, you, solve this problem. With this exercise, the tendons will stretch, the birth canal will flatten, the joints will become trained;
  8. Sit on the floor, spread your legs in different directions, turn your hands behind your back. Throw back your head, lift your hips and hold your crotch muscles for a couple of seconds. Relax. Repeat from the beginning and so 10 times;
  9. Lying, resting your elbows on the floor, put your feet on the sofa or on the fitball. Squeeze, stretch the pelvic floor muscles, increasing the pace. Repeat 15 times.

Do not forget to breathe correctly, it should be done naturally and smoothly. The total amount of compressions must be at least 200 times per day.

To better understand the technique, it is recommended to watch the video.

You need to train regularly to have a result. Make yourself a schedule to properly manage time, and not to miss classes.

The first results will appear after a month of training. Over time, the muscles will be developed and the exercises will be easier to do.

Physician advice

Doctors note that training intimate muscles is important and necessary. They recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Before you start, consult with a specialist leading your pregnancy;
  • strain only the necessary muscles, otherwise, classes can harm you and the child;
  • work only in a comfortable position;
  • breathe properly;
  • if overworked, take a break, do not exercise through force;
  • If you experience any discomfort or pain during the exercise, you should stop exercising and immediately inform your doctor.

Following all the advice from the Kegel gymnastics woman will receive only positive impressions and benefits.


Kegel exercises perform several functions at once:

  1. A woman learns to feel the vaginal and anal muscles, trains the muscles of the pelvis;
  2. Exercise prevents the emergence of many diseases, such as hemorrhoids, incontinence, and so on;
  3. If you practice regularly, you will not only facilitate your childbirth, but also improve your health and sex life in the future.

Talking about the pros and cons of training can be infinite, but you will learn the truth only when you try it in practice.

Additional information on the topic of the article can be found in the following video.

Watch the video: How to do Kegel Exercises that Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor (May 2024).