How to remove worms in children and adults folk remedies

Unfortunately, everyone can become infected with worms. There are a variety of drugs against parasites, but many people still use folk remedies for worms, which are safer for the body.

Symptoms of helminths

The following symptoms may indicate the appearance of such an unpleasant "neighbor" in the human body:

  • disorder of the digestive system, including nausea, vomiting, flatulence;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • creaking teeth at night;
  • increased salivation;
  • the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the muscles;
  • various dermatological diseases;
  • headache, frequent dizziness;
  • nervosa, insomnia;
  • reduced immunity;
  • general fatigue.

If these symptoms appear, you should pass the tests.

If the presence of parasites is confirmed, you should immediately begin treatment.

It must be remembered that such types of parasites can penetrate a person:

  1. Roundworms or nematodes. These include such parasites as roundworms, pinworms. Most often settled in the intestine, but often localized in other organs, including the brain and even the kidneys. In most cases, they get inside with unwashed food, as a result of poor hygiene of hands, from infected animals.
  2. Cestodes, or tape. These worms can reach a length of 18 meters. These include the bovine tapeworm, the wide tapeworm. They settle in the intestines, but can also live in other organs. This parasite can be infected by eating meat products that have not undergone high-quality heat treatment.
  3. Flat or flukes. They live in the intestines, liver, may be in the blood. Typically, infection occurs through eating raw or dried fish.

A few helpful treatment tips

If you decide to fight helminths with folk remedies, it is very important not to miss a single step in the treatment. We need to act according to the following scheme:

  1. Training. A week before the treatment you should drink pumpkin seed oil - half an hour three times a day before meals. This will remove toxins from the body. After that, you need to carry out treatment with medication or folk remedies, clearly following all instructions.
  2. Stage recovery. Without it, it is impossible to restore the body after treatment. At this stage, you need to drink vitamins, herbal teas. You should also follow a special diet, eliminating from your diet sweet dishes, smoked meats, salted foods. It is best to increase the amount of consumed vegetables, fruits, you need to focus on porridge, sour milk.

Helminths do not like bitter foods. Therefore, in order to prevent, you should include spices in the diet, you can add garlic and onions everywhere, and pomegranate seeds will do. Attention should be paid to herbal teas, especially from mint or wormwood.

Folk remedies for worms for adults

Let's consider the most effective and proven over the years traditional methods of treatment.


This plant perfectly helps in the fight against worms, but it can only be used for the treatment of adults. Also, tansy should not be treated for pregnant women, since taking infusions and decoctions based on this plant can cause miscarriage.

To get rid of worms, you should take the dried flowers of the culture, grind to powder - mix half a teaspoon of powder with the same amount of honey and take half an hour before meals three times a day for three days. On the third day in the evening you need to drink a laxative.

It is important to remember that an overdose of tansy can cause vomiting, seizures.



Bitter wormwood is very effective in controlling most types of parasites, but it helps best from pinworms. On the basis of the grass should be made tincture, mixed in a ratio of 1: 1 crushed leaves of wormwood and pumpkin seeds. Fill the mixture with water in a ratio of 1: 3, leave to infuse in a bright place for a week. After that, take 30 minutes before meals twice a day (preferably before lunch and dinner). The duration of treatment is 7 days.

Wormwood has a number of contraindications. Do not use tinctures:

  • pregnant women;
  • with stomach ulcers.

Pumpkin seeds

The main advantage of this product is that they will help to destroy almost any parasite. To recover at home, you need to eat two spoons of crushed seeds every morning. You cannot eat anything for an hour after taking the remedy, after which you should drink a laxative.

There is another treatment regimen: use about 350 grams of seeds on an empty stomach, drink 200 ml of milk after 1.5 hours, boil garlic in it, and after a hour drink a laxative. To enhance the effect is recommended to do an enema.

Consuming seeds in large quantities is contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or high acidity.


Help in the fight against:

  • chains;
  • ascaris;
  • pinworms.

The recipe is simple: 4 tablespoons chopped nuts (and you need to take green ones) pour 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for 30-40 minutes, then strain. Divide into 4 doses. Drink a day at regular intervals, then take a laxative.

Any recipes using walnuts should not be consumed during pregnancy, increased blood clotting, during lactation.

Garlic and onion

Powerful means against worms - garlic and onions, because they are very effective against all types of parasites.

If you decide to use garlic, take 50 g of the product, chop finely, place in a dark glass container and cover with a glass of water. Infusion need to insist in a dark place for 7-10 days. After that, you need to use 15-20 drops of tincture three times a day for 10 days.

Any means using garlic should not be taken with:

  • ulcers;
  • epilepsy;
  • the presence of gastritis.

Onions - a very effective remedy for round worms. To prepare a powerful tincture, you need to clean one large onion, pour 200 ml of cooled boiled water. Insist during the night and drink in the morning.

Pumpkin seed oil

This tool perfectly helps in the fight against tape and round parasites. Take the drug in a spoon for two weeks half an hour before meals. Pumpkin seed oil is contraindicated in case of diabetes.


If you want as quickly as possible to get rid of pests that live in the intestine, you need to prepare the composition for an enema, for this you need to take;

  • 20 g of flowers of tansy;
  • 20 g wormwood;
  • 200 ml of hot water.

Mix a spoonful of dry grass, cover with water, boil. Wait for the broth to cool, add a grated garlic clove there, leave for three hours and strain it thoroughly. It is necessary to apply an enema with this means within 5 days.

How to deal with parasites in children

For the child it is necessary to use the most benign means. There are several simple and effective recipes:

  1. Pumpkin seeds Grind them in a meat grinder and give a spoonful every morning on an empty stomach. The treatment time is a month.
  2. A clove of garlic to be given every morning to the child for 10 days. Slices should be thoroughly chewed and washed down with water.
  3. Infusion of pomegranate, which should be given to the baby three times a day, half a teaspoon. It is important to remember - excess dosage can cause eye diseases.
  4. Birch leaves. Pour 100 g of crushed leaves with a glass of chilled boiling water, boil for 15 minutes. Before eating, give the child a few sips of decoction.
  5. Citrus wormwood. Fill in dry grass with 500 ml of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes. Use cooked decoction for enemas during the week 1 time per day.

Despite the fact that we talked about the most benign means for a child, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor so that there are no serious consequences.

Recipes for pregnant women - fighting parasites

During pregnancy, especially when it comes to the first trimester, women are contraindicated to be treated with medication, because such drugs are very toxic. Therefore, in this period it is best to use folk remedies.

For example, during the week you can consume pumpkin seeds in the morning on an empty stomach. Pomegranate juice will also help: 200 ml of liquid for 10 days. Additionally, you need to take herbal teas based on valerian.

Chopped dill seeds will help - they need to be consumed before breakfast in a teaspoon. In the evening after taking you need to drink a mild laxative, and you should not use pharmacy drugs - you can eat beets or prunes.

You can also drink beet juice for a week - 200 ml on an empty stomach.

It is important to remember that pregnant women should be careful in their choice of products, since so many drugs during this period can harm both the mother and the fetus.

Preventive actions

If you want to avoid helminth infection, you should use folk remedies:

  • drink a glass of carrot juice every morning during the week;
  • include onions, pumpkin seeds in the diet;
  • When cooking, use turmeric, pepper or other spices;
  • when dressing salads, use flaxseed oil;
  • fasting for 10 days, drink a glass of tomato juice;
  • Every day for three days eat three pomegranates.

As you can see, the treatment of helminths in the home is quite effective because it allows you to get rid of parasites without harming the body. It is important to remember only about the fact that some products have contraindications.

Watch the video: Herbal Remedies : How to Treat Pinworms with Herbal Remedies (April 2024).