Treatment of cystitis in women during pregnancy at home

Cystitis is a painful and dangerous disease of the bladder. Inflamed walls and mucous membrane. Any inflammatory process during pregnancy carries a danger, and the neglected disease will certainly harm the fetus.

The causes of cystitis in women are varied, as are the pathogens:

  • violation of personal hygiene. Due to the wide urinary canal, located near the anus, infections occur in a woman's body, leading to inflammation;
  • violation of microflora due to frequent washing;
  • complication. Most often, cystitis causes tonsillitis, as the most common disease that provokes complications;
  • hypothermia Bathing in cold water, sitting on a cold stone, wearing skirts, pants and jackets that open the lower abdomen, leads to hypothermia of the pelvic organs, which in turn causes an inflammatory process;
  • weak immunity. Weakening of immunity can be caused by pregnancy, severe illness, lack of nutrients in the body, the result of operations, etc.

Symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis has symptoms common to all inflammatory processes, and also has several individual manifestations:

  • fever A characteristic feature of any inflammatory process, signaling the active resistance of the organism;
  • pain in the abdomen when pressed or in a sitting position. It is justified by the fact that the inflamed tissues are very sensitive. As with sore throat, purulent abscess and other similar diseases, the patient experiences acute pain when pressing on the inflamed area;
  • frequent urging to the toilet. Inflammation causes swelling and swelling of tissues, therefore, the volume of the bladder is reduced. With a much smaller amount of fluid in it, there is a desire to go to the toilet;
  • cutting pain when urinating. Swelling of the tissues leads to a narrowing of the urinary canal. When moving along it, urine creates pressure on tissue that is sensitive to inflammation. In addition, do not forget that urine is a rather caustic substance. Inflamed mucosa acutely reacts to its chemical composition. It's like pouring saline on the wound;
  • blood in the urine. Sand from the kidneys penetrates into the bladder, gets off into the crystals and, when passing through the urinary canal, creates micro-cuts. Also, this moment is another cause of pain when urinating;
  • sharp smell, turbidity of urine.

Complications and effects of cystitis during pregnancy

Any inflammation is dangerous because it is not limited to a well-defined zone or organ. Cystitis is no exception. If his treatment is not effective or is completely absent, the following complications may arise:

  • inflammation of the kidneys - pyelonephritis. Due to the fact that during pregnancy, the kidneys in fact experience a high load, pyelonephritis will manifest itself in an enhanced form. This disease will not only bring pain to the expectant mother, but also upset the balance in the body, affecting the fetus. Ultimately, there may be a question of artificially ending a pregnancy, in order to save the mother’s life. Kidney failure is the worst and rarest outcome, but its likelihood is present;
  • penetration into the deep tissues of the bladder. This process worsens the condition of the tissues, reduces the volume of the organ and leads to its failure. As a result - the need for transplantation. During pregnancy, an organ transplant is one of the worst options, not always compatible with the life of the fetus;
  • urine reflux. If the inflammation has penetrated deep into the tissue, it violates the elasticity of the tissue, and in the first place - the valve that prevents the reverse flow of urine. If the valve has lost its tone, urine goes in the opposite direction along the ureter to the kidneys. This disease is an intermediate stage between cystitis and pyelonephritis;
  • transition of inflammation to the uterus. The inflammatory process may well get through the organs or from the bloodstream to the uterus. Most often occurs in acute cystitis.

The advanced stage of the pelvic inflammatory process can lead to severe pain and cramps, which increases the risk of premature birth or miscarriage.

Inflammation causes severe damage to the immune system and weakens the body. This increases the risk of acquiring other diseases that can harm the fetus.

In addition, the more neglected the stage, the more serious the drugs will have to be used in the treatment. Most of them have a negative effect on the fetus.

How to treat cystitis during pregnancy

Drug treatment of cystitis at home without observation by a doctor during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. Most of the known drugs are not allowed to use during pregnancy.

The doctor prescribes treatment based on factors that cannot be determined independently:

  • the current state of the disease;
  • type of inflammation (infectious or non-infectious);
  • gestational age;
  • features of its course;
  • features of the mother's body (allergies, chronic diseases).

Each factor influences the choice of drugs and determines the level of risk to the fetus.

The treatment of cystitis is based on the use of plant-based antibiotics:

  • One of the representatives of "safe" antibiotics - Monural. It is taken once. There were no obvious negative reactions in the mother or fetus, after its use. This is a natural herb-based drug;
  • Amoxiclav has a number of side effects and is not always effective.

There is a technique for injecting medicine directly into the bladder. This technique allows you to completely avoid the negative effects of drugs on the fetus, but is not recommended in the early stages. It is feasible only in a hospital.

Drugs injected into the bladder:

  • rivanol;
  • medicated oils;
  • silver nitrate;
  • boric acid.

Support drugs:

  • Canephron;
  • Urolesan;
  • specialized fees herbs.

Canephron consists of herbs, has antimicrobial properties, antispasmodic and diuretic effects. It has no side effects, except for individual allergy to the composition.

It supports the body, improves the functioning of the urinary system and kidneys, relieves spasms. Urolesan, as well as grass collections, perform functions similar to Canephron.

In addition to the main therapeutic treatment, drugs that increase immunity are prescribed. This speeds up the treatment process and prevents relapses.

Treatment of cystitis during pregnancy folk remedies

In practice, it is very difficult to establish the influence of each type of herbs and their combinations on the body. Pregnancy exacerbates the situation, because on the background of global changes in hormonal levels, the harmless daisy can lead to terrible allergies.

Uncontrolled use of folk remedies can lead to early childbirth or disrupt the development of the fetus, up to congenital heart disease, kidney disease, disruption of the structure of the body.

Among the herbs there are those that are contraindicated in pregnant women, on a level with antibiotics.

Reception of national methods is always necessary to coordinate with the doctor. The combination of medicines and herbs can give an unexpected effect.

Folk methods have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, and they also inhibit the growth of bacteria in the body.

Popular infusions and fees:

  • cranberry juice;
  • black radish juice and honey;
  • dandelion extract;
  • pine nuts and honey;
  • mountain ash, cowberry, wild rose, blueberry and blueberry;
  • bearberry tincture;
  • decoctions of asparagus roots, dill, birch leaves, horsetail.
It is important to understand that the natural ingredients collected from the flower beds in the yard, will harm the body and not a bit cure the disease. Using the "grandmother's" recipes, the ingredients need to buy at the pharmacy.

Features of the treatment of cystitis in pregnancy in the early stages

Early periods of pregnancy are dangerous. The female body initially reacts to the fetus as if it were an "enemy." It needs a certain time for reconfiguration.

If in the process of reconfiguration, the female body is experiencing great stress, overload, it may not cope with the task. The result is premature birth or miscarriage.

In addition, at the initial dates, all systems and organs of the future person are laid. The introduction of third-party processes in this process can upset the balance, and the child will become disabled.

In the later periods, the fetus is fully formed and simply "builds up mass." The probability of harming him is extremely small.

In connection with these two factors, treatment in early pregnancy presupposes elimination of thermal procedures - heating with a heating pad, a lamp, radiation, and so on.

Also, any surgical intervention, including the installation of drugs directly into the bladder, is not desirable. The use of potent antibiotics is contraindicated, on a non-natural basis. Recommended drugs to relieve spasms.

It is preferable to use drugs of plant origin, the type of Monural, and supporting drugs from natural ingredients.

Treatment of acute and chronic cystitis in women during pregnancy

Chronic diseases are the first to attack the organism of the expectant mother, against the background of a critical decrease in immunity in early pregnancy. The symptoms of chronic cystitis are mild compared to a common disease, and the treatment is not much different from the standard treatment for cystitis.

In acute cystitis, the main symptoms are greatly enhanced. If in chronic cystitis symptoms go on increasing, signs appear gradually, one after another, then in acute they appear almost simultaneously.

Treatment of this disease should take place at an accelerated pace.

The patient indicated:

  • bed rest;
  • strict diet;
  • antibacterial therapy;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • drugs to improve immunity;
  • antispasmodic drugs;
  • herbs and fees that improve the urogenital system and kidneys.

Treatment of acute cystitis is limited to 7 days.

Recommendations and Prevention

Prevention of cystitis during pregnancy:

  • follow the rules of personal hygiene;
  • protect the body from hypothermia;
  • try not to get sick with diseases giving cystitis as complications.

It is very important to support the immunity of the future mother with all available means: eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, walk in the air, not eat junk food. Immunity - the main obstacle to the disease.

More information on the topic of the article can be found in the following video.

Watch the video: UTI Dangers During Pregnancy (April 2024).