Why mucus secretion occurs in women and what measures need to be taken

Careful and attentive attitude of a woman to her health will allow to avoid a multitude of problems, to prevent serious and minor violations at their initial stage of development. You can notice changes in women's health by the nature of secreted mucus from the genitals, since it is mucus that is an indicator of pathological changes and the reason for the visit to the gynecologist.

Types of mucus secretion in women

Vaginal mucus is inherent in all. This is a characteristic feature of the body of a woman. As a rule, mucus of a different type from a vagina - norm and has an explainable origin.

Normal discharge have the following symptoms:

  1. May be transparent, white or red;
  2. Do not cause redness, itching or burning;
  3. Odorless;
  4. Have a small amount;
  5. Asymptomatic - in the absence of temperature, pain and discomfort.
It should be noted that the norm is when a small amount. Abundant exposure should be a wake-up call for a woman.

Mucous fluid in general - a sign of the normal functioning of the appendages of the woman. This is a standard indicator for any age range.

Starting from the 1st month of life, each representative of the weaker half of humanity undergoes mucus secretions, which are caused by hormonal changes. In the first month of life, mucus is a residual phenomenon of the destruction of maternal hormones.

By maturing of its own sex hormones, mucus reappears - more often, during puberty.

As a rule, the production of mucus drops in the period one year before the onset of menstruation. By the age of 8, mucus resembles rice water with a sourish smell.

As soon as the menstrual cycle begins to set, the discharge will become cyclical, their appearance will change. In the first half of the cycle, the mucus is usually moderate, but to the second phase its consistency thickens.

It is customary to separate the selection depending on their type:

  1. White. They can still be called whites. The causes of their occurrence may be vaginitis, colpitis, adnexitis. Their appearance is also observed when taking oral contraceptives, when there is stagnation in the pelvic region, when personal hygiene rules are violated, as well as with a sedentary lifestyle;
  2. Transparent. They depend on the amount of hormones in the body, as well as on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Their presence indicates the work of the ovaries. The composition of such secretions include fragments of cells and lymph transudate, as well as microorganisms, mucus from the cervical canal and residues from the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands ;.
  3. Mucous. Such secretions are not pathological until they have color and smell. Otherwise, it is necessary to pass a comprehensive analysis and consult with your doctor;
  4. Watery.

During normal development, excretions that do not require intervention by a specialist can be:

  1. Scanty, in the form of a creamy or jellylike substance. Inherent in the second phase of the cycle;
  2. The clear discharge is inherent in the pre-ovulation phase;
  3. Phlegm with bloody veins is inherent in the period after ovulation.
  4. Creamy mucous clots - inherent before menstruation;
  5. White clots - when taking oral contraceptives;
  6. Pink ichor - lochia, inherent in the postpartum period;
  7. Creamy secretions from unprotected intercourse or using a condom. Such secretions are odorless and do not cause itching.

Excretions in the form of mucus in women: causes

The reasons for the occurrence of discharge can be many. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the discharge by the type of their consistency, and also depending on the smell and color. So it is customary to distinguish between:

  1. Bloody Preceded by menstruation. However, it may be a sign of erosion or cervical cancer. May be observed in adenomyosis or in violation of the menstrual cycle. Sudden discharge of blood may be harbingers of miscarriage in the early period, with the development of ectopic pregnancy;
  2. Thick, frothy, cheesy discharge may indicate infection;
  3. Discharges with odor indicate the development of pathogenic microbes that begin to decompose in the body. It is because of the process of decomposition of nutrients that gases are released, which form an unpleasant odor;
  4. Slime or grease, before or after sex. As a rule, when excited, the glands in the eve of the vagina produce a lubricant in active mode - this is the norm. If the discharge after sexual intercourse has a smell (on the second day), it can be a cleansing of the body from sperm, with an unprotected act. However, the presence of bloody streaks in such mucus may be evidence of cervical erosion. When white, green or yellow discharge occurs after sexual intercourse for up to one week after sex, this is evidence of infection.

You should also be aware that mucus is the norm when:

  • first sexual contact;
  • when changing sexual partner;
  • when excited before sexual contact, as well as during unprotected sexual intercourse.

Beli can stand out:

  • in the presence of a foreign object in the vagina;
  • with developed diabetes;
  • with the development of polyps;
  • if there are other benign lesions in the uterus;
  • with erosive wounds of the cervix, as well as cervite, salpingoophoritis, adnexitis;
  • with the development of a malignant process in the uterine cavity.

It is noteworthy that the cancer process in the uterus takes place under the clear and watery discharge. Moreover, such secretions have an unpleasant smell, with a small admixture of blood.

Inflamed endometrium, as well as the mucous membrane of the cervix, can develop mucus secretion with a fluid, watery consistency. The surface of the gasket will be dirty.

Why are abundant clots of mucus in women

The mucus is produced in the cervix by a special gland. As a rule, such production has a specific smell. Depending on the hormonal and ovarian work, as well as the menstrual cycle, the consistency of the secretions and their character also vary.

Abundant mucus clots are a cause for concern, since this is a fact that confirms the presence of various microorganisms in the vagina. In parallel with the release of clots, pain, burning or itching may occur.

Confirmed by numerous studies that the penetration of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms into the microfoorara of the female vagina is expressed by the presence of abundant mucus. Such microorganisms are prone to rapid reproduction, respectively, with each day, sensations can change.

Quite frequent "guests" are:

  1. Mushrooms from a number of Candida;
  2. Gardinella.

Their presence entails the development of thrush and dysbiosis.

What to do with mucus in women

It is very important to be attentive to your health and pay attention to every little thing. If you identify any discharge that is different from the norm, you should contact a specialist. Especially if the appearance of such discharge is accompanied by symptoms.

Treatment and Prevention

Therapy of abundant vaginal discharge and mucus from the vagina involves a visit to the gynecologist, who, based on the examination, will make a diagnosis.

Self-treatment, as a rule, does not lead to good results, since it does not have a complex and systematic nature. Most often, such an irresponsible approach leads to poor health, as well as the development of many complications.

In the treatment of infections most often include such activities:

  1. Douching. In this case, use the appropriate drugs or herbal;
  2. The use of special baths;
  3. Taking oral medication, the action of which is intended to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms;
  4. The use of candles vaginally.

Examination by a gynecologist involves checking for four degrees of purity:

  1. The first degree involves checking for the presence of pathogens, the reaction should be acidic, its predominance in the vagina of lactobacilli, in the absence of pathogens;
  2. In the second degree, the number of leukocytes should be no more than 10, against this background, the indicators of latobacillus should be lowered. There are pathogens in this reaction is acidic.

The first and second degree - a sign of women's health, confirm the absence of pathologies.

The following two degrees are pathology:

  • At this stage, the environment becomes alkaline, and pathogen-conditional pathogens can be detected, the level of leukocytes is increased;
  • The fourth degree characterizes the abundance of leukocytes, pathogens. Dederleyn sticks and lactobacilli are completely absent.

A timely appeal to a specialist will help to stop the disease at the initial stage, and thus save the genitals from inflammation in a short period.

As a rule, timely and competent therapy reduces the secreted mucus, and also eliminates unpleasant symptoms.

Moderate mucus secreted from the female genital organs is the norm and part of the physiological process in the body.

An increase in its quantity, a change in its consistency and smell is a cause for concern, requiring consultation with a specialist. The first signs of pathology must be considered by a gynecologist.

It is important to pay attention to health and to minimize the penetration of microorganisms into the genitals - follow the basic rules of personal hygiene, visit a gynecologist systematically, identifying various pathologies in the early stages. Pass, if necessary, systematic courses of therapy.

For more information on which alterations can be considered pathological, see the following video.

Watch the video: Signs of ovulation- When do you ovulate- Find most fertile days (May 2024).