How to cook, sculpt and cook manti

Asian countries are considered the birthplace of an amazingly delicious and very satisfying manta dish, which serves as a good decoration for both the most exquisite festive table and a simple family dinner.

History, traditions and features of manta cooking

Despite the fact that this dish comes from Asia, manti is often called the closest relative of a truly Russian dish - dumplings. And it is no coincidence: for the preparation of both dishes, the dough is used, which is often mixed with water and flour with a little salt, while the dish is filled with meat.

Only the original manti is made from minced meat, and dumplings - from ground meat.

There is a difference in the process of cooking: dumplings are often boiled in water, while real manti are steamed. And the size of them is different: manti is usually several times larger than their Siberian brothers.

It is said that China is the real homeland of the mantles. Their progenitor was a Chinese commander, who according to one legend was supposed to sacrifice 50 of his best warriors to spirits.

The commander was cunning: by his order they blinded big pies filled with meat, which were given out for the heads of soldiers. Manty turned out so juicy and tasty that the spirits forgot about the duty that the commander had to return to them.

And since then, this tasty meat, enclosed in fresh dough, steamed, is a very tasty treat both in the east and far beyond.

The classic recipe for making dough for manti

This dish is always started from the dough. In order to get tasty manty, first of all you need not make a mistake with the preparation of the dough. Thanks to juicy stuffing, manti can be unstuck during cooking.

But this will happen only if the dough is cooked incorrectly. Well-kneaded dough of the desired consistency is homogeneous and smooth, it does not stick to the hands of the hostess during the modeling.


  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • boiled water - 130 ml;
  • salt - 2 pinches.

Dough kneading time: 60 min.

Calorie in the dough one piece: 50 kcal.

They say that if you do not use eggs when making dough, it will be even more tender. Egg can stiffen the batch. Although some experienced housewives still add and insist that, thanks to this component, the dough only becomes more elastic.

For a classic recipe you will need the simplest ingredients that are always in the house. Flour is sifted through a sieve to saturate it with air.

Then it is poured into a deep bowl of large diameter convenient for mixing. First, slightly salted unboiled water is introduced. The mass is slightly stirred.

The dough is kneaded to a state of uniformity. It should be pretty tight.

A ball is molded from the finished mass, which is placed in a bowl, covered with a linen cloth, pre-moistened with water. For about half an hour the ball retracts into a warm place to ripen.

Dough for manti on mineral water

Dough for manti on mineral water is easy to prepare, it turns out very thin and soft.


  • flour - 0.7 kg;
  • a glass of mineral water;
  • vegetable oil - 3.5 tablespoons;
  • salt on the tip of a knife;
  • sugar - 15 g

Dough kneading time: 90 min.

Calorie dough in one piece: 55 kcal.

Mix salt and sugar, dissolve in a glass of mineral water and pour in vegetable oil. Pour the flour into the resulting consistency and slowly knead the ingredients.

If the dough does not cease to stick to the working surface and hands, it is mixed absolutely correctly. The mass is placed in heat for 1 hour. The result is an amazing docile dough, from which very thin pieces are rolled onto manti.

Classic Manti: cooking recipe

Ingredients for the test:

  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 0.5 kg;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt on the tip of a knife;
  • a glass of chilled water.

Dough kneading time: 60 min.

Calorie dough in one piece: 55 kcal.

The recipe for the best dough can be borrowed from oriental hostesses. From generation to generation, the recipe of juicy manti in Uzbekistan is transmitted. After all, there is this delicious dish is a national pride.

Even very young girls, daughters of housewives learn to cook the right dough. Prepare the dough in the Middle East as follows: water is poured into an aluminum container, salt is added at the tip of a knife, eggs, and the mixture is thoroughly mixed using a fork.

Pre-sifted flour in small portions poured into the resulting consistency, kneaded tight mass. From the mass is molded lump, which put insist.

The composition of the ingredients for the filling:

  • lamb meat - 0.5 kg;
  • mutton fat - 50 g;
  • onions - 0.3 kg;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking time of mantes in a mantamp: 60 min.

Caloric value in 100 g of a product: 300 kcal.

In Uzbekistan, traditional manty are made from lamb. It is possible to use beef and veal meat to make stuffing. Experienced housewives are advised to add a little fat to the filling, the filling with it will be much juicier, and the soft fat during cooking will be proportionally distributed in it and will not taste at all.

You can also cook manti on pork, then the fat is not added to the filling. Meat and mantle onions are chopped with a knife.

How to sculpt: technique step by step

In order to get the correct form of manti, they need to sculpt, taking into account the following rules:

  1. Pour a small amount of vegetable or olive oil into a small but deep container.
  2. This dough is divided into 4 equal parts.
  3. Each lump is pulled out into a flat sausage.
  4. The sausage is cut into small pieces, of which balls roll about 4 cm in diameter.
  5. The ball is rolled into the thinnest cake, its diameter is 10 cm.
  6. On each tortilla laid out pre-cooked filling for manti.
  7. The dough is tightened, and the two opposite ends close together.
  8. Then the two opposite sides are closed with each other. At the same time, there is no open part of manti. If you look at the lines along which the dough closes, you get a similarity to the letter N.
  9. Formed at the edges of the ears connect each with a nearby one. The finished cloaks turned out to be round.

Following these tips, it is easy to blind the correct form of manti, which will not fall apart during cooking, and will not let out the mouthwatering juice, which is so famous for this amazing oriental dish.

How to cook uzbek manti in a slow cooker

Not every housewife in the house has a special device for cooking cloaks.

You cannot cook them in a saucepan, because this dish is cooked exclusively steamed. Multicooker can come to the rescue. The dish is prepared quite quickly, within 45 minutes.

The most important thing that needs to be taken into account when cooking Uzbek manti in a slow cooker: it is impossible to spread all fashioned manti on a special grill. Prepare this dish in a few receptions.

Manty are prepared on the grid for cooking steamed dishes. Pour half a liter of water into the multicooker container. Put 5-6 manti pieces on the grill. The “steaming” mode is used, and the time specified above must be set.

Recipe for cooking manti with pumpkin

Ingredients for the test:

  • boiling water - 0.5 l;
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 cups;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • flour - 500 g

Dough kneading time: 60 min.

Calorie dough in one piece: 55 kcal.

On boiling water, dough for manti is kneaded very quickly. Salt dissolve salt in boiling water, add half a glass of vegetable oil, add 400 g of flour in portions. Such a dough will turn out well stretching, but not rubber. The remaining 100 g of flour, add and knead cool lump.

The composition of the ingredients for the filling:

  • meat of veal - 0.5 kg;
  • diced pumpkin - 1 cup;
  • fat - 30 g;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • salt and black pepper on the tip of a knife.

Cooking time of mantes in a mantamp: 60 min.

Caloric value in 100 g of a product: 260 kcal.

Adding pumpkin to the filling will refresh the taste of this dish, make it even richer.

Useful tips and tricks

  1. There are many different recipes for making dough for this dish. The ingredients are always very simple, made from products that are in every home. Coarse dough can be mixed with cold or warm water, boiling water, mineral water, milk, yogurt.
  2. It is very important that the dough does not turn out sticky and brittle. To do this, after kneading, cover the resulting mass with a cotton napkin or towel, slightly moistened with water.
  3. Fat and meat before chopping can be a little freeze. So they will be much easier to grind.
  4. In the process of cooking, mantami tend to increase in size, so they are placed loosely on the grill. The distance between the mantles will save them from sticking together.
  5. In order to avoid sticking of coats to the grill, it is advised to dip them into a bowl with vegetable oil. Dip the side that will be put on the grid.
  6. Adding raw pumpkin, grated or chopped with a knife, will make the filling more juicy.
  7. Home-made sauce, specially prepared for them, will add a special piquancy to the mantles. To do this, take equal proportions of water and vinegar, mixed together. To them is added ketchup or tomato paste, a little ground pepper. This sauce is added to the mant after the first bite.
  8. Delicious sauce for mantles, prepared on the basis of wine vinegar. For him, take 240 ml of vinegar, half a glass of cooled water, garlic, finely grated. All components are thoroughly mixed and sauce with matchless taste and delicate aroma is ready for use.

This tasty dish takes time to prepare, but on any occasion it will always be able to please loved ones and surprise guests. And on weekdays, it is good to eat hearty manti, which will give strength and vitality, as well as necessarily contribute to improving mood.

How to cook manti, you can learn more from the following video.