How and what to treat inflammation of the gums at home

Inflammation of the gums is one of the common problems, and almost every person faces it. Often, this symptom is complemented by bleeding gums, bad breath, pain and discomfort. Before starting treatment, it is imperative to find out the cause that provoked the pathology. It is possible to alleviate the patient’s condition both with the help of pharmaceutical means and with traditional methods.

Causes of Gum Disease

Allocate external and internal causes that can cause inflammation of the gums.

External causes include:

  • insufficient care of the oral cavity;
  • tartar;
  • improper installation of dental crowns, fillings and prostheses;
  • malocclusion;
  • smoking.

In some cases, inflammation of the gums in a patient develops under the influence of internal factors. The most common among them are:

  • pathologies of internal systems and organs;
  • insufficient content of vitamins in the body;
  • drug intake;
  • genetic disorders;
  • pregnancy.

Most often, gum inflammation is caused by microorganisms that live on the oral mucosa and teeth. In and of themselves, they do not pose any threat, since a normally functioning immune system successfully regulates their growth and numbers. In that case, if the protective functions of the body are reduced and favorable conditions are created, then the microbes begin to actively proliferate and thereby provoke an inflammatory process in the mouth.

Treatment options at home

It is possible to treat inflamed gums using various methods and means. In any case, before starting treatment, you should consult a specialist who will find out the reason for such an unpleasant symptom and select the most effective therapy.

In the transition of the inflammatory process to a complicated form, treatment may be required, in which home remedies will be used as adjuvant therapy. In simpler cases, it is possible to alleviate the patient's condition with the help of anti-inflammatory, painkillers, decongestants and antiseptics. All remedies that are used to treat sore gums at home are divided into pharmaceutical and folk.

First aid for inflammation of the gums

If you experience severe pain with inflammation of the gums and the inability to visit a doctor, you can rinse your mouth with solutions:

  • Furacilin;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • baking soda;
  • potassium permanganate.

In addition, you can use ointments that have an antiseptic and analgesic effect and reduce bleeding gums. It is strictly forbidden to resort to radical treatment at home, as this may lead to the development of dangerous complications. It is possible to arrest the inflammatory process with the help of various infusions that have a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

At the pharmacy, it is recommended to purchase drugs such as Stomatidin, Givalsex and Mevalex. Using them in accordance with the attached instructions, it is possible to alleviate the condition of the patient with inflammation of the gums before visiting the dentist.


The use of pharmaceutical infusions and solutions for rinsing allows you to stop the inflammatory process in a short time, to eliminate the pain syndrome, itching and burning. In addition, drugs have a pronounced disinfecting effect on the surface of the mucous membrane, destroying pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity.

Almost all pharmaceuticals have anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect on the inflamed mucosa.

The following medications give a good effect in the treatment of inflamed gums:

  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Furacilin;
  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Miramistin.

Before using the medicinal product, it is necessary to carefully read the enclosed instructions and strictly follow the indicated recommendations. Usually you need to rinse the inflamed gums several times a day until the unpleasant symptom disappears completely.

Such rinses as Rotokan and hydrogen peroxide have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare the rinse solution, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in 200 ml of water and rinse your mouth several times a day.

The following drugs have a painkiller effect in treating sore gums:

  1. Malavit It is necessary to dissolve 10 drops of the product in a glass of water and use liquid for daily rinsing throughout the week.
  2. Forest Balsam. Pharmaceutical rinsing should be used after each meal.

A good effect in the treatment of inflamed gums is provided by healing ointments and gels, which form a kind of protective film on the mucous membrane. Experts recommend applying them to the gums several times a day immediately after rinsing.

The following gels and ointments are considered most effective:

  • Periodontal disease;
  • Gengigel;
  • Stomatofit;
  • Metrogil Dent;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Holisal.

For the treatment and prevention of inflammation of the gums, it is recommended to use special toothpastes, which include medicinal herbs and anti-inflammatory components. They are allowed to use no more than one month, after which make a short break. It is possible to improve the condition of the gums with the help of such pastes as Paradontax, Lakalut and Mexidol Dent phyto.

Folk ways in the fight against inflammation of the gums

In that case, if the inflammation of the gums is accompanied by their bleeding and damage to the oral mucosa, it is recommended to use oak bark. You should make a decoction based on it and rinse their mouth several times a day and after each meal.

For this:

  • you need 2 tablespoons of dry chopped oak bark pour 500 ml of water;
  • put the resulting mixture on the fire and simmer on a small fire for 10 minutes;
  • The infusion should be covered with a lid and left to infuse for 10 minutes, then strain and use for rinsing the mouth.

At home, you can treat sore gums with a solution of salt and soda. For its preparation it is necessary to dissolve 5 grams of each component in a glass of boiled water. To increase the effectiveness of the solution, it is recommended to add sage tincture, then mix the mixture well and use for rinsing the mouth.

To stop bleeding and reduce inflammation of the gums, you can use infusion of nettle leaves. It is necessary to pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of a dry plant, then cover with a lid and leave for 30 minutes. Prepared infusion should be filtered and used for oral disinfection several times a day.

In the absence of allergy to propolis, you can prepare a tincture based on it, which effectively fights gum inflammation. To do this, in a glass of warm water, dissolve 20 drops of alcohol tincture and rinse your mouth several times a day.

Black radish juice, which is recommended to rinse your mouth, effectively fights with bleeding and inflammation of the gums. It is possible to cure the pathology at home by simply chewing the leaves of the plantain for several minutes a day.

How to improve gum condition

Strengthen the gums at home can be subject to a therapeutic diet.

The patient's diet should be filled with the following products:

  1. Citrus. They contain a large amount of vitamin C, which has a positive effect on the blood circulation process in the gums.
  2. Dairy products. They contain calcium, which is responsible for the health of the teeth and bones of the person.
  3. Products containing phosphorus. The trace element has a positive effect on the work of the body, taking part in the distribution of calcium.

In addition, it is best to give up such bad habits as smoking and drinking alcohol. It is not recommended to drink coffee too often, as it causes accumulation of plaque on the teeth and provokes pathologies of the oral cavity.

For the gums, as well as for the whole body, products that contain vitamins and minerals, as well as components that neutralize the damaging effects of acids, are beneficial. It is necessary to fill the diet with dishes containing vitamins A, D3, C and B6

Basic principles of proper care

Gum inflammation can be avoided with such a simple habit as brushing your teeth. Many dentists recommend to buy a brush with bristles of medium hardness, as it is too soft and cannot effectively remove accumulated deposits. To clean the teeth should be at least 2 times a day for 2-3 minutes.

A large number of bacteria accumulates in the tongue, so do not forget about the purity of this area of ​​the mouth. In that case, if you ignore such a procedure, the bacteria will soon go on the teeth, and after - on the gums. Proper care of the gums requires the use of mouthwash, which allows you to remove residue and refresh your breath.

An effective remedy for diseases of the teeth and gums is dental floss, with which it is possible to clean hard-to-reach areas between the teeth. Do not forget to visit the dentist at least once every six months, which will diagnose pathology at the very beginning of its development.

Watch the video: How to Relieve Swollen Gums Caused by Infections (May 2024).