What is Enalapril tablets prescribed and how do they differ from their analogues?

Enalapril is used to treat hypertension. With it, you can reduce blood pressure and prevent some heart diseases. The medicine is available exclusively by prescription.

What kind of medicine Enalapril: principle of action and basic properties

The drug belongs to the class of ACE inhibitors. He has a pronounced effect. With long-term use allows you to get rid of the symptoms of hypertension, as well as to prevent some heart diseases.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme plays an important role in the conversion of inactive angiotensin to the hormone angiotensin. This hormone has a vasoconstrictor effect. This adversely affects the work of the cardiovascular system. Enalapril allows you to fight the excessive amount of angiotensin-converting enzyme, thereby reducing the amount of the hormone angiotensin.

We can distinguish the following properties that the drug has:

  • reduces pressure in the right atrium;
  • prevents the development of diabetic nephropathy;
  • reduces pressure without affecting heart rate.

The drug is not suitable for rapid relief of symptoms of hypertensive crisis. Its effect occurs only 1 hour after ingestion orally. The duration of the drug is approximately 24 hours.

What helps

The drug is used in diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are associated with hypertonus of blood vessels. Among the diseases for which the prescribed drug can be identified:

  • congestive heart failure;
  • hypertension;
  • ischemic heart disease.

Most often, the drug is used as part of complex therapy. For relief of high-pressure attacks, it can be used alone. To achieve the effect, you need to use the tool for at least 2 weeks.

It is worth noting that the drug demonstrates high efficiency, even when other ACE inhibitors are ineffective. That is why doctors often prescribe it at high pressure and heart failure.

Instructions for use

To achieve the effect in the treatment of heart disease, it is necessary to use Enalapril correctly. The dosage should be selected by the doctor based on the individual characteristics of the person and the severity of the disease.

There are the following schemes for the use of the drug in tablets:

  1. With mild hypertension, the drug begins to be used in a dosage of 5-10 mg 1 time per day.
  2. For severe hypertension and heart failure, the drug is used in a dosage of 15-20 mg per day.

The maximum daily dose is 80 mg. The duration of treatment is selected individually. For the first time, the drug is used in lower dosages to test the response of the body.

In most cases, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of 10-20 mg per day.

The important point is that you need to take pills at the same time of day (if a person started using the drug in the morning, then the next day he should take it again at the same time).

Contraindications and side effects

Like any other medicine, Enalapril has contraindications. Before using any ACE inhibitor, you need to be examined in a hospital. There are the following contraindications to use:

  • childhood;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • intolerance to the components that are in the composition of the drug;
  • previously existing angioedema;
  • renal artery stenosis;
  • porphyria.

With prolonged or improper use of the drug, side effects may occur, among them there are:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • hypotension;
  • pain in the heart;
  • renal dysfunction.

It is necessary to follow all the recommendations that the doctor will give. Dosages and duration of treatment are selected based on the severity of the disease and the patient's state of health.

People with autoimmune diseases, diabetes, liver damage and aortic stenosis should use the medicine with great caution. With long-term treatment, you need to control blood counts. When side effects occur, the drug is canceled and a new treatment regimen is selected.

It is worth noting that abrupt withdrawal of the drug leads to an increase in blood pressure, so you need to stop taking it properly. If you use the drug in high dosages, you can face manifestations of hypotension.

What makes Enalapril different from other drugs

There are several similar drugs, both in composition and in name. People are interested in the question of how Enalapril differs from Enalapril-FPO and Enalapril hexal. To get the answer, you need to carefully analyze the composition and pharmacological action of each tool.

From Enalapril-FPO

There are no differences from the usual Enalapril Enalapril-FPO. Both drugs have the same composition, indications for use and side effects. They are also taken in the same dosages. The active substance in both cases is enalapril maleate.

The version of FPO is produced by another pharmaceutical company. As a rule, the cost of such a medication is slightly higher. You can purchase any kind of medication.

From Enalapril Hexal

Enalapril Hexal is produced by the German pharmaceutical company Gexal. There are no differences from any other variant of Enalapril. However, the cost of this drug is higher than that of other analogues. The composition of this medication is the same as other options. Dosages 10 and 20 mg are available. Tablets have a classic shape. If a person wants to purchase the most affordable option, it is better for him to make a choice in favor of a Russian-made medication.

When prescribing a drug, a person has the opportunity to make a choice in favor of any drug from different companies, if enalapril maleate is included in the composition. There are no differences in taking the drug from one manufacturer or another, but some people say that the version of Hexal is of the highest quality.

Which is better - Enalapril or Enap?

People with hypertension often have questions about which ACE inhibitor is the most effective. To choose the right medicine, you need to carefully study the composition of each and take into account the experience of other people.

Enap has enalapril maleate. This means that there are practically no differences from Enalapril. Both drugs have the same pharmacological action, indications for use and dosing regimen.

Enap is available in dosages of 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 mg. This is an advantage. The price of the drug is the same. You can make the final choice based on personal preferences or doctor's prescriptions. If the pharmacy will not have one medicine, you can make a choice in favor of another, since they are complete analogues of each other.


The main active ingredient in Lisinopril is lisinopril dihydrate. This component is a high-quality inhibitor of the angiotensin-converting enzyme.

Differences from Enalapril lies in the fact that Lisinopril does not penetrate the placental barrier. Despite this, it is undesirable to use it during pregnancy.

Studies have shown that Lisinopril is more effective in the second half of the day, and Enalapril - in the first. If a person plans to use the medicine in the evenings (for example, to prevent a hypertensive crisis), Lisinopril is the most preferred.

Both drugs have the same cost. The choice should be made on the basis of doctor's prescriptions. According to the results of the study, he will be able to designate what suits the person better. If a person is intolerant of one ACE inhibitor, then another can be used.


Captopril is an effective remedy to combat hypertension and heart failure. He is one of the first representatives of ACE inhibitors. In its composition, the main active ingredient is captopril.

Differences from Enalapril are:

  • mechanism of action;
  • composition;
  • severity of side effects.

Specialists more often prescribe Captopril for the treatment of heart failure. However, he can quickly help with a bout of hypertension. It has a lasting effect. In pharmacies, the drug is available in dosages of 25 and 50 mg. To choose a particular medicine, you need to carefully study the mechanism of action of each.

Like Enalapril, it has a suppressive effect on the angiotensin-converting enzyme. This allows you to get rid of the vasoconstrictor action of the hormone angiotensin. The effectiveness of Captopril is proved by a long period of practical use in medicine.

This drug should be kept in the first-aid kit to be able to relieve an attack of a hypertensive crisis as soon as possible. For the treatment of hypertension, it is better to use Enalapril.


Lozap is a fairly effective drug. The main active ingredient in it is losartan potassium. It assists in the treatment of hypertension, belongs to the class of angiotensin receptor antagonists.

Unlike Enalapril, it does not block the angiotensin-converting enzyme, but has an effect on specific angiotensin receptors.

It is impossible to say which drug will be more effective, since they are designed to treat the same disease, but in a different way. Depending on the individual characteristics of the person, the most appropriate option will be assigned. As a rule, drugs that are ACE inhibitors, show a milder effect on the human body.


Perindopril belongs to the class of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. With it, you can get rid of the attack of hypertension, as well as to treat heart failure and hypertension.

Experts say that Perindopril is slightly more effective than Enalapril. The mechanism of its action is identical, but it also allows you to quickly achieve the desired effect.

It is better suited to eliminate hypertensive crisis. It is used in small dosages, while the effect of the application appears as soon as possible.

It will be difficult to choose one or another medication. You may need to check how both options are transferred to determine which one to use in the future. When treating hypertension, it is important to start therapy with any drug on time.


Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker. With it, you can quickly achieve the effect in the treatment of hypertension. It has a completely different mechanism of action. With it, you can achieve relaxation of vascular smooth muscle.

Only a specialist will be able to say exactly what to use. Enalapril is an inhibitor and dilates blood vessels by suppressing the enzyme angiotensin.

Amlodipine relaxes the muscles of the vessels, the tension of which is very often the cause of attacks. Some doctors with severe hypertension can prescribe both drugs at the same time.

Simultaneous administration will help to achieve a quick result, but at the same time the probability of side effects increases. The physician must adjust the dosage to get the maximum effect in the treatment without risk.


Enalapril is a highly effective agent that can be used to treat hypertension as part of complex therapy. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's prescription to avoid the occurrence of side effects.


I used enalapril to treat attacks of hypertension. He begins to act after 1 hour, so it can be used as a first aid. I managed to stop all the symptoms of the disease. Now hypertension does not bother me.

Anna, 44, Voronezh

The doctor periodically prescribes Enalapril for me, as I have CHD. In general, I do not get anything from using the medication, but the doctor says that the condition of the blood vessels is improving. I take the drug in the minimum dosages with other drugs.

Oleg, 45, Moscow

Thanks to Enalapril, I get rid of the hypertensive crisis, which began to bother me often. The doctor said that you can take a pill if you have high blood pressure. I feel the effect of the application after 30 minutes. On the whole, she is satisfied with the medicine, since it does not cause any side effects.

Elena, 40 years old, Tula

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