Ascariasis in children: symptoms, treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Ascariasis in children is a parasitic disease that is caused by ascaris. Manifested in the form of fever, malaise, cough, the child's appetite disappears, vomiting appears. In our material we will tell about the main symptoms of the appearance of parasites, methods of treatment.

Causes of Ascariasis in Children

The source of soil contamination with helminth eggs is a person infected with ascariasis. Roundworms themselves in the external environment die very quickly, but the eggs remain alive for many years. If we talk about the infection of children, then most often this is done by oral or fecal route when eating eggs.

Most often, the infection process occurs in the warm season as a result of non-compliance with the rules of hygiene: the child, playing on the grass or in the sandbox, immediately takes his hands in his mouth without washing them, or when using unwashed fruits, boiled water.

The life cycle of this parasite consists of several stages. First, the larvae hatch from the eggs that hit the intestines.

Through the mucous membrane they penetrate into the vein, then through the blood they enter the liver, other internal organs, the oral cavity, from where they come back along with the saliva to the intestine, where they reach the next stage of development.

The period from the moment of infection to the development of an adult individual is about 2.5 months.

By this time, quite adult individuals parasitize in the human body. Moreover, it should be noted that in one day the female of this pest can lay up to a million eggs, which are hatching naturally with feces.

Life expectancy ascaris is a year, after which they die. Moreover, the new generation of larvae just will not appear, that is, even if there is no treatment, they will die themselves (unless, of course, there has been a re-infection with parasites).

What symptoms are present

Ascariasis in children, if there are not too many parasites, usually proceeds rather sluggishly and asymptomatically. For example, in the first two weeks, the child may experience a slight allergy.

Further, general malaise appears, the body temperature rises to +38 degrees, pain appears in the sternum, and a cough begins to torment. In addition, the infection may increase the liver or lymph nodes.

Ascariasis is dangerous with complications. For example, the larvae damage blood vessels, the walls of organs, which can lead to inflammation, small hemorrhages.

When the roundworm reaches the intestines, symptoms of intestinal upset may be observed, which are associated with a deterioration in the digestion process, nutrients are absorbed more slowly.

In addition, the child may suffer from pain, lack of appetite, there is increased salivation, nausea.

Also characterized by this disease:

  1. Rapid fatigue of the child.
  2. Memory loss
  3. Irritability.
  4. Bad sleep.

Complications of ascariasis

In addition, the waste products excreted by larvae and adult parasites can lead to intoxication and allergies. In some cases, hives may appear, and asthmatic asphyxiation may occur.

In addition, this disease can lead to dysbacteriosis, depression of the immune system, increased susceptibility to infections. Also during the period of the disease should not be preventive vaccines, because they will not be effective.

If the invasion is massive, it can cause mechanical obstruction of the intestinal lumen, which can cause acute appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, cholangitis, pancreatitis.

And at a very early age, the appearance of parasites can lead to the development of pneumonia.

How is the diagnosis and treatment in children

To identify the problem at an early stage, it is necessary to pass all tests: if there are ascaris, there will be leukocytes in the general blood test, larvae may be present in the smear, and eosinophilic infiltrates may be present during x-ray. In order to more accurately determine the presence of parasites, it is best to pass tests at the third month after infection, so that the individuals reach puberty. For this you need to conduct a study of feces.

In some cases, may appoint an x-ray of the intestine or chest, because it is possible to find adults.

For the treatment of ascariasis need to use special pills. And if you are treated strictly according to the scheme, then you can get rid of the problem in just three days.

For example, there is such a procedure as the oxygen treatment method, which is quite popular today. The process is as follows: gas enters the intestine through a special probe. It is effective, but because of its inconvenience, it is very rarely done to children - only in the most neglected cases. As a preventive measure, it is better to give the child oxygen cocktails.

Among the medications, the best and safest drugs for the body are:


It is quite effective, can fight with various types of parasites, and it is used both for treatment and for prevention. The composition of the drug mainly vegetable components, such as bear bile. Take the drug 30 minutes before meals.


Another quite powerful tool against this parasite. The main advantage is that it fights various types of worms. It also helps to remove all waste products.


This drug is 100% safe because it contains no harmful substances. That is why it is great for children: boosts immunity, restores the affected organs.

Traditional medicine

Against ascaris are very effective and some popular methods. But they need to be carefully combined with drugs prescribed by doctors. So, with the help of home remedies you can remove toxins, but unfortunately, it will not work to completely eliminate the cause of the problem.

For example, an enema with garlic helps in the fight against this disease. Take two cloves, finely chop them, stir in 200 ml of boiling water, leave to infuse for 8 hours. Before the procedure itself, it is necessary to warm up the liquid slightly so that it is at room temperature. After this, the roundworm will slowly begin to leave their shelter.

This effect is achieved through the essential oils of garlic, which irritate the receptors of parasites, because of what they are trying to leave the habitat. There is a risk that they will begin to move in the stomach, although there they will die under the influence of gastric juice.

Pumpkin seeds can also be used: take about 50 g and give the baby in the morning before breakfast. After 1-2 hours, you need to give him an infusion of magnesia. After two hours, give an enema. Substances contained in pumpkin seeds cause paralysis of the muscles of the parasites, which then simply disappear from the body in a natural way.

Celandine juice is also very effective. To prepare the medicine, take a fresh plant, squeeze the juice, take two drops and stir in 30 ml of water, give the child. It has a paralyzing effect on helminths like pumpkin seeds. The celandine contains toxic alkaloids, which means that this remedy is contraindicated for young children.

A good anthelmintic agent has carrot juice. An hour after the child drinks it, it will be necessary to give him a cleansing enema.

Sesame oil has a rather powerful anthelmintic effect. 250 ml of oil must be mixed with 25 ml of onion juice. The child must take this remedy every six hours.

And so that the child does not become infected with ascaris, one should not forget about the simple rules of hygiene.

Watch the video: Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Intestinal Worms In No Time (May 2024).