Graduation scenario for elementary school students "Hello, fifth grade!"

A few decades ago, a graduation from an elementary school looked something like this: they moved tables and chairs in the classroom, made tea, brought cakes and cookies with them, tasted it, said goodbye to the first teacher and everything. But modern children have long lost the habit of such events.

Animation groups come to their birthdays, theatrical performances are organized for the new year, vacations take place on the sea coast. Therefore, parents are trying to organize the last day of their children as primary school students in such a way that they will remember this holiday for a long time.

A banquet hall is ordered, expensive gifts are purchased, a toast-master is invited. One of the unusual scenarios for a farewell party might look like this.

Necessary accessories for playing a graduation script in elementary school:

  • latex balloons for hall decoration;
  • the inscription "Goodbye, elementary school";
  • souvenirs for winners in competitions;
  • diplomas of fourth-graders;
  • cards with words (bunny, fanfare, disco, chief, spelling dictionary, towel, protractor, pedicure, balcony, horizon, Dr. Aibolit, piano, solar circle, muskrat);
  • three ropes a meter and a half long;
  • ten numbered A4 sheets;
  • huge family pants, hand-sewn and designed so that they could fit about six people;
  • role cards for improvised theater;
  • bedding for an improvised theater;
  • Screen and costumes for the fairy tale "Turnip" (a beard and a hat for the grandfather, a scarf and a rolling pin for the grandmother, a wig for the granddaughter, ears for the bug, a cat and a mouse, a headband with leaves for the turnip);
  • a projector and a video with students (well, if this is a cutting of memorable moments for all four years);
  • two sets of Chinese chopsticks, two plastic plates and a pack of corn sticks for the "Jackdaws and Tacks" competition;
  • cake dummy;
  • little red hat, Dr. Aibolit’s suitcase, Ilya Muromets sword, Ivan Tsarevich ball, Father Frost’s bag, which must be hidden in the hall before the holiday begins;
  • three sky lanterns;
  • equipment with microphones;
  • musical accompaniment.

Introductory part of graduation school

First presenter:

Why is it so elegant and light in the hall today?
What is this bright holiday knocked on our window?
Why are girls in dresses and boys so cute?
Maybe they are all glad of the approach of spring?

Second host:

No, spring has come.
Summer days are coming.
Children have grown older,
In the fifth class, they will go.

Graduation from them today,
Will sing and dance.
For three months are free,
And then learn again.

First presenter: What an unusual holiday, graduation! On the one hand, children rejoice at a new stage in life, at which they will learn new sciences, meet other teachers and become a bit more mature.

On the other hand, the students are sad about parting with their beloved teacher and all that in four years has managed to become their life.

Second presenter: But today there is no place for sadness, for yesterday's fourth-graders the time has come for new discoveries. Ahead of them are waiting for luck, success, and luck.

First presenter: I am sure that every family was in anxiety preparing for today's holiday. All so beautiful and elegant. But in order to continue the fun, you need to replenish your reserve of strength. Remember, as Winnie the Pooh used to say: "We need to eat urgently."

Main part

Second host:

In your class, guys are learning
Beautiful, cheerful, intelligent, kind.
There is no need for additional words
On the last holiday of this spring.

Gentle smile, perky kind laughter
Attentive, strict to the marks.
And ahead of you are luck and success,
And there is nobody better in the world.

First Moderator: How many kind and pleasant words are said about our graduates. But I want to make sure that all this is not in vain. You have to really try to prove that here in front of us is actually the best class. And now we will check how friendly you are. Pupils will perform the song "Strong Friendship", and parents can join in and support their children.

Second presenter: Oh, what a great fellow, how they sang together. And now let's see how you dance well. I invite you to go to the center of 5 girls and 5 boys. Here we will have an improvised dance floor, with boys on one side and girls on the other. I will call the style in which the dance takes place, and the participants take turns to show their skills. So, let's begin.

The boys came to the dance floor with a goose step (it sounds like they want to be like walking ducklings).

The girls were incredibly modest and very shy ("Girls are standing, standing on the sidelines ...").

But here the guys noticed beautiful ladies and emboldened (lezginka, for example, "I will give you the money for you").

The girls also did not lose face and set off into an impetuous dance (Bianka "This is Raga").

Here the two companies came together and the dances became even more fun ("Pap American").

Suddenly, a girl in a (blue) dress decided to invite a boy in a (green) shirt to dance (Leningrad "Exhibit").

But the gentleman refused the offer ("Woman, I do not dance ...").

The girl was offended and wanted to leave ("I go all this in Dolce Gabbano ...")

But the guy realized that he fell in love and wanted to stop the offended lady (chorus from "Lada Sedan")

But the attempt failed and the disco flowed in the usual rhythm ("Gangnam Style").

At the end of the evening, the dancers who had time to make friends decided to go to another club ("We are going, we are going to the next village").

If you really like the game, you can repeat it again with other participants.

First Moderator: Both adults and children take part in the next competition. All form one big circle and repeat dance moves in turn. Let's start with me.

The facilitator utters the words "If you like, then do so" and show some movement. Everyone repeats words and movements. The third time is pronounced "If you like it, then show it to others, if you like it, do it like this." The queue moves to the next participant.

Second host: I suggest everyone to take their seats. We learned your kind and cheerful disposition, and now we will see what we have learned in four years.

Let's remember how you started
Candy, apples counted.
Hooks and sticks you drew in the list,
The multiplication table was taught by heart.

Now you are the pride of dads and the joy of moms,
Easily you divide all the numbers in half,

And write so stately, so beautiful,
And in your knowledge is your strength.

First presenter: If you can guess the riddles suggested, then it’s not for nothing that the teacher has spent so much energy on you. And if you fail ... Although, what about this. Know exactly what you can handle.

Everything is dressed in white snow, which means it has come ... (Winter).

At night, every window is dimly lit ... (Moon).

Crowing awake cute, kind ... (Rooster).

Chick-tweet! Chick-tweet! Who raised a cheerful cry? Do not scare this bird! I got the noise ... (Sparrow).

Found five berries in the grass and ate one, left ... (Four).

The mouse counts the holes in the cheese: three plus two - only ... (Five).

A simple question for kids: who is the cat afraid of? ... (Dogs).

The tail is a fan, there is a crown on the head, there is no bird more beautiful than ... (Peacock).

Kwa-Kwa-Kwa - what a song! What could be more interesting, what could be more fun? And she sings to you ... (Frog).

As it is still unknown, the secret is the secret. This beast, like a traffic light, changes its color. In green, yellow ... Scare - and turn red ... (Chameleon).

He got leeches, Karabasu sold. All smelled of swamp mud. His name was ... (Duremar).

For many days he was on his way to find his wife. And the tangle helped him, his name was ... (Ivan-Tsarevich).

And beautiful and sweet. Only very much so small! Slim figure, and the name is ... (Thumbelina).

He is a great prankster and comedian. He has a house on the roof. A boast and a wit, and his name is ... (Carlson).

He lived in a bottle for hundreds of years. Finally saw the light. He grew a beard, this kind ... (Old Man Hottabych).

Second presenter: What are the smart and shrewd guys gathered here. Well, since you are so great, you can make a congratulatory speech for your class teacher. The one to whom I point out rises from his chair and begins a congratulatory speech, the next one should continue congratulations and so on until the very end. But there is one small nuance. You will need to speak in some unusual way.

The leader chooses the child and asks him to start a speech in the Russian-national style. Then the word is passed to the other participants, who will say:

  • like the french;
  • in the east;
  • as the most fun person in the world;
  • as the saddest child in the world;
  • like a naughty girl;
  • like a bully;
  • like Santa Claus;
  • as if they were scared;
  • as if you really want to sleep;
  • as if very cold;
  • as if very hot;
  • as if running away from a zombie.

And the greeting ends as the Georgian toast usually ends.

First presenter: It seems to me that (Irina Ivanovna) has never received such original live postcards. And we pass the baton to parents. They will have to arrange wishes for their children. But during this, I will show cards with inscriptions, and the specified word must be inserted in the text.

Second presenter: We found out that today friendly, funny, talented, quick-thinking people who know how to defiantly dance and speak beautifully gathered in front of us. It's time to test their sporting skills.

Graduation scenario in elementary school in the classroom may include the following competitions:

  1. Competition "Take off the string". Three strings of the same length are tied to one prize. At the start command, the ropes are reeled up. Who gets the first, he gets a prize. After a new prize can be tied to the ropes and repeated several times;
  2. Competition "Pass the swamp." Numbered A4 sheets are displayed on the floor, they symbolize the bumps. Children line up and start jumping from hummock to hummock. The one who misses and falls into the swamp is eliminated;
  3. Competition "Colored Rainbow". 8 chairs are placed in the center and 9 children are invited. At the command, the children run around the chairs, and after the presenter names any color, they should take up a piece of clothing of that color, taking their places. Who does not have enough chair, leaves, taking with him another chair. If the color is hard to find, you can resort to using the hall, take a handkerchief, comb, handbag of the desired color from someone;
  4. Competition for parents "Family Panties". A man and a woman are given a pair of family panties. Each participant must "let in" in the underwear of representatives of only their gender. Wins the team that scores more people.

First presenter:

Friendly fun
Is it time to eat?
Hurry up go to the table
And fill the plates.

Greeting part

Second presenter: Everyone knows that after meals, active games and sports exercises are not recommended, therefore now we are organizing an improvised theater.

Roles: curtain, king, queen, prince, princess, rogue, bear, keg of honey, sparrow, cuckoo, swallow, mouse, horse, oak, throne, sun, window, air kiss, light breeze, sunbeam, bee (all the remaining children, who did not have enough roles, can be bees and rays).

The presenter reads the text of the tale, the children show acting talents and depict the name of the action.

Act one. Opening

The curtain opens. On the stage stands a huge beautiful sprawling oak. A light breeze blows his leaves, playing with branches. Little birds, swallow, sparrow and cuckoo, flew into the clearing to frolic around the oak.

Sometimes the birds would sit on the twigs to clean their feathers. But then a bear came out of the thicket of the forest. He was dragging a keg of honey with him and waving away the annoying bees. Birds were frightened by a huge bear and flew away.

The vole mouse, wagging its tail, came running to dig a hole under the oak. The sun slowly rose above the crown of an oak tree, scattering its bright rays in different directions.

The bear tried to get the remains of honey from the bottom of the barrel. The mouse warmed the tum in the sun, occasionally stroking and scratching it. Curtain closes.

Act of the second. Main action

Part 1. The curtain opens. On the stage stands a huge delightful sprawling throne. It shines beautifully in the sun. Rays playfully reflected in the gold covering of the throne. A breeze blew, taking a flock of bees with him.

Oak, which grew behind the back of the throne, bent under gusts of wind. To the throne came the king. He swore and yawned widely. The sleepy king went to the window, widely opened the shutters, wiped the tracks left by the birds. But then a breeze blew again and slammed the window.

The king was afraid of a draft and sat on the throne, not noticing that an evil robber was prowling under the window. The princess stepped into the throne room in a light step of a proud fallow deer. She sent a kiss to the king, threw herself on his neck and wished her father a good day.

The king and the princess sat down together on the throne. But the restless breeze opened the window again. The princess ran to the window to close it, but the deft robber grabbed the princess and dragged her into the woods. Curtain closes.

Act three. Main action

Part 2. The curtain opens. In the kingdom, after the kidnapping began, a stir began. The king tossed about like a tiger in a cage. Queen sobbed on the shoulder of her husband. Birds chirped, the bear was worn with a keg from corner to corner.

Bees rushed after him. The mouse ran around the oak. The sun's rays were reflected brightly throughout the room. But then the prince stepped onto the stage, and everyone calmed down. The king and queen rushed to the prince and with active gestures began to talk about what had happened.

The prince shook his head and shrugged in thought. The king and queen fell at the feet of the prince and began to pray for the salvation of his daughter. The prince reassured his unhappy parents, whistling his faithful horse.

The horse galloped around the stage and stopped near the owner. The prince stroked the horse's mane. The horse happily whinnied and jumped. The prince jumped on his horse, and they went off to rescue the princess. Curtain closes.

Act Four. Last. Decoupling

The curtain opens. There is an oak tree on the stage. A light breeze blows the leaves. The sun rays spread around. Birds are sitting on a branch. A mouse in a mink near an oak tree gnaws grains. Under the oak, lounging, sleeping bear.

In a dream, he sucks a paw, sometimes dips it in a keg of honey. Paw back. But then a terrible noise broke the silence. This robber dragged the princess. Everyone got scared and ran away. There was only one oak tree on the stage. The princess resisted, bit, kicked.

But the robber still managed to tie her to a tree. But then the robber heard the tramp of hoofs, terribly frightened and ran into the woods. The prince appears astride a horse. He blows a kiss to his sweetheart. The princess sends a kiss back and shows gestures that she needs to be untied.

The prince jumped off his horse, untied the girl from the tree, put her on the horse. He jumped himself. All three of them rushed merrily to the palace. The king and queen fussed about the throne and the open window. They pulled the children off their horse and embraced. Curtain closes.

First presenter: And now we invite you to participate in a theatrical performance of adult guests.

Theater for parents on the fairy tale "Turnip". The facilitator distributes accessories for the participants to the roles and asks to remember the following words:

  • grandfather "Old age is not joy";
  • grandmother "would have nailed";
  • Granddaughter "Fenkyu Veri Mach";
  • Bug "I do not bark, I do not bite, I do not let in the house";
  • cat "Now sour cream would be";
  • mouse "Well, nothing can do without me";
  • Turnip "Oba-on".

Then the words of the fairy tale are read out, the characters are hidden behind the screen. As soon as the hero hears his name, he gets up and says the right cue.

First Moderator: So we checked out the acting skills of our graduates. It turns out that they are not only great theatergoers, but also talented TV stars.

Second host: Dear parents and main guests of this evening. We present to your attention the television graduates of the twenty-first century. The channel "Lyceum №4" opens the cycle of "How it was." Today's edition is devoted to the 4 "b" class. Let us see how from little inept first-graders your children gradually turned into bold, talented, self-confident fifth-grade students.

Further, according to the prom scenario in elementary school, the video is viewed.

Parents' Committee Speech: Our dear, beloved, Vera Ivanovna! We want to thank you so much for always being with our children, caring, worrying and sympathizing.

Step by step, they climbed the difficult ladder leading to important knowledge and good grades. They did not go all alone this way: at home, parents rushed to their aid, and at school they always felt your support.

There was no such situation in which you would not be ready to give your shoulder. For four years you have become not just the first teacher, but a real class mom. You gave them more than the ability to add and divide, subtract and multiply.

You taught them to be conscientious, responsible, honest, decent, responsive. And the light that you managed to ignite in their hearts will never go out. Этот ролик мы дарим вам в память об этих годах и, может быть, самых счастливых моментах в нашей жизни и жизни наших детей.

Вручение подарков и диска с показанным видеороликом.

Ответное слово учителя

После слов первого учителя проходит вручение дипломов об окончании четвёртого класса. Предполагается, что диплом и подарок вручает классный руководитель. Можно про каждого ребёнка придумать короткий стишок, отражающий характер ребёнка. For example:

Награждаем Машу,
Отличницу, умницу нашу.

А теперь диплом вручаем Коле,
Никогда послушным не был в школе.

Поздравляем сегодня Серёжу,
Активного, спортивного тоже.

А ещё присутствует здесь Настя,
Никогда не появлялась вовремя в классе.

Первый ведущий: На такой тёплой и приятной ноте хочется провести семейный конкурс "Галки и галчата". Галки - это мамы, соответственно галчата - дети. Дети сидят на стульчиках, мамы стоят на расстоянии десяти шагов напротив стульев.

Около галок ставим тарелки с червячками - кукурузными палочками. Они должны китайскими палочками взять одного червячка и накормить своего галчонка. Если по дороге червячок выпадет, то придётся вернуться за новым. Победит тот, кто вперёд всех успеет скормить своему птенцу трёх червяков.

Конкурс проводится три раза, участвуют по три пары.

Второй ведущий: А мы снова приглашаем всех за столы, где уже остывают новые угощения.

Заключительная часть

Первый ведущий: Настало время танцев.

Второй ведущий: Только детская дискотека будет необычная. Я буду давать задания, а вы исполнять, но всё во время танца.

Команды могут звучать следующим образом:

  • объединились в пары;
  • танцуем как старики;
  • танцуем рок-н-ролл;
  • танцуем по трое;
  • танцуем в ритме вальса;
  • кто выше подпрыгнет;
  • кто громче хлопнет;
  • танцуем как принцы и принцессы;
  • объединяемся в хоровод;
  • держимся в хороводе за локти, за колени, за пятки;
  • танцуем как аборигены.

Первый ведущий: А сейчас дискотека для взрослых.

Во время взрослой дискотеки дети выходят со вторым ведущим на улицу. На свежем воздухе проводятся активные командные игры. Например, "Море волнуется раз", " Бояре, а мы к вам пришли", "Ручеёк", "Весёлые старты".

После все собираются в зале на церемонию выноса праздничного торта.

Но здесь снова заминочка: детям выносят обычный вафельный или бумажный торт. Ведущий задаёт малышам следующие вопросы. Вам нравится этот торт? Вы хотели бы съесть этот торт? Он красивый, этот торт? Он большой, этот торт? Его хватит на всех? Вы хотите другой торт?

Предположительно, дети должны на все вопросы, кроме последнего, отвечать "нет". Но после того как выпускники объявят о том, что хотят другой торт, рассказать, что он был похищен героями разных сказок. Но они были неосторожны, и потеряли в этом зале по одной своей вещи. Если "следопыты" отыщут эти предметы, то получат торт. Подсказка: было всего пять героев.

После того, как поели торт и попили чай, все, и родители, и дети выходят на улицу для запуска небесных фонариков. Ведущий может произнести вот такие речи:

Раньше китайский фонарик назывался шар желаний. Он был изобретён более двух тысяч лет назад. Люди верили, что у того, кто запустит в небо хотя бы один такой фонарик, обязательно сбудутся самые заветные мечты.

И каждый человек старался во что бы то ни стало провести такой обряд. Фонарики мастерили из подручных материалов, крепили к ним самодельные горелки и прикрепляли листки с пожеланиями.

Традиция стала такой популярной, что распространилась по всему миру. Предлагаю и нам проверить, правда ли волшебные фонарики умеют исполнять желания.


Время проведения мероприятия:

Вступительная часть 20 минут, основная часть 60 минут, поздравительная часть 40 минут, заключительная часть 30 минут, дискотека 30 минут.

Музыкальное сопровождение:

  • музыка, под которую гости собираются;
  • отбивка во время приёма пищи;
  • фонограмма "Дружба крепкая";
  • нарезки для танцевального конкурса (На шагающих утят быть похожими хотят, Стоят девчонки, стоят в сторонке, За тебя калым отдам, Это рага, Пап Американо, Экспонат, Женщина не танцую, Я иду такая вся в Дольче Габбано, Лада седан, Гангнам стайл, Едем, едем в соседнее село);
  • музыка на конкурс "Если нравится тебе, то делай так";
  • музыка для спортивных конкурсов;
  • музыка для конкурса с трусами для родителей;
  • музыка для детской и взрослой дискотеки.

На самом деле, для того чтобы организовать незабываемый современный выпускной в начальной школе для своих детей, необязательно тратить крупные суммы денег.

В роли тамады может выступить один из родителей, дорогие подарки легко заменить дипломами собственного изготовления, а школьный двор отлично подойдёт для подвижных игр.

Главное, чтобы выпускникам было весело. А для этого нужно иметь необычный сценарий, побольше с детьми шутить, играть и танцевать.

Еще один пример выпускного в начальной школе - в следующем видео.

Watch the video: Clifton High School - A Drunk Driving Re-enactment Scenario (April 2024).