What time is better to sunbathe: important advice from doctors

Bronze tan looks very attractive. Therefore, many people want to get a beautiful and even color on their skin after sunburn. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with a number of key facts about the sun and sunburn, and responsibly treat your health in general, and skin health in particular.

In the modern world, it is believed that chocolate tan is fashionable and very beautiful. However, this opinion has spread not so long ago. Until the 20th century, the pale hue of the skin was considered noble, and the aristocrats avoided the sun in every possible way.

The attitude of society to tanning changed the legendary Coco Chanel. After returning from a sea cruise, Koko showed her luxurious tanned skin color, after which all the fashionable women wanted to get the same wonderful skin tone. Subsequently, the tan became a new fashion trend.

Basic tanning rules

The sun's rays have a beneficial effect on human health. With their help, the body produces vitamin D and the hormone serotonin (affects mood and appetite).

Even in ancient Greece, the sun was considered a cure for all diseases. However, the sun's rays can be dangerous. When immoderately under the sun increases the risk of premature wrinkles and sunburn. Therefore, to acquire a beautiful tan without harm to health, it is worth following some rules:

  1. Need to eat right. Vitamin diet should be followed before the release. It is necessary to eat carrots, tomatoes, avocados, citrus fruits, spinach, seafood. With their help, the body produces vitamins A, E and C, which have a positive effect on the skin condition and help tanning better placed on the skin. It is not advisable to sunbathe after eating or on an empty stomach. Correct to do it about an hour after eating.
  2. Preparation of the skin for sunbathing. A few days before the holidays, it is necessary to clean the skin from old dead cells with a body scrub. After this procedure, tan tan evenly.
  3. Be sure to pay due attention to moisturize the skin during tanning. When a person takes a sun bath, the body suffers from loss of moisture. Need to drink plenty of fluids. After sunburn, you must apply a nourishing cream to reduce dry skin.
  4. Before tanning do not need to use perfume, lotion, soap. They defat the skin and make it more sensitive to sunlight. Pigmented spots may occur.
  5. Be sure to pick up a sunscreen and follow the time spent in the sun.

What time is better to sunbathe without compromising health

Sunbathe in the sun is better in a period of low solar activity. The safe time for sunburn is before 11 am and after four in the afternoon.

It is undesirable to be in the sun during the day (from 12 to 15 hours) - this is the most dangerous period and there is a high probability of sunburn. The total time under the sun per day should not exceed a few hours.

For a uniform tan, it is advisable to move more, play beach volleyball, badminton. The lowest activity of the sun is observed in the periods from 6 to 10 am and from 17 to 19 pm.

Of course, the tan at this time does not appear instantly, but the resulting chocolate skin tone will be more beautiful and more durable. Now you know at what time it is better to sunbathe in the sun, which means you can protect yourself from the negative effects of the sun during the “dangerous” period of the day.

How to sunbathe on the sea

Arriving on vacation at sea, many people tend to spend the whole first day on the beach. After all, it seems that the vacation period is small and tanning will not work well.

However, it is worth remembering that the skin, accustomed to a lack of sunlight, will suddenly receive a significant dose of ultraviolet rays and this will cause a burn. Therefore, it is necessary to moderately take sun baths.

What time of the day is better to sunbathe on the sea? The best time for sunbathing on the sea - early morning and afternoon. Do not forget that the sun in hot countries is much more active. In this case, the best hours to get a chocolate tan are morning (before 10 o'clock) and evening after 17 o'clock.

A distinctive feature of getting a tan on the sea is the property of water to reflect the sun's rays. Therefore, being close to her, a person will burn faster.

But at the same time, there is also a high probability of sunburn, especially if you do not take a shower after bathing and do not wipe dry with a towel. Otherwise, water droplets on the body will act as a magnifying glass and the possibility of a burn on the skin increases several times.

With long bathing in the sea can burn his shoulders and back. Therefore, you should not stay for a long time in the water and gradually open the body for sunburn.

How many sunbathe first time at sea

In order to get the perfect tan on vacation, you need to gradually increase the time spent in the sun. It is desirable in the first days of rest to stay on the beach thirty minutes in the morning and an hour in the evening.

In the daytime, the risk of heat stroke or sunburn increases dramatically. In the following days, the time spent in the sun can be increased gradually up to two hours in the morning and evening.

With such a tan, the skin will retain freshness and will not dry out from dehydration.

It is also very important to protect the face and hair. For this reason, it is necessary to take on the beach sunscreen for the face and lips, sun glasses, a hat, an umbrella to protect from the sun's rays. Sunbathing near the sea is better in the shade.

How to tan quickly, safely and beautifully

For a beautiful and safe tan, you need to properly choose and constantly use sunscreen on the beach. To do this, determine the type of skin.

People who have fair skin and at the same time fair or red hair need a cream with a high content of SPF (sun protection factor). Brunettes with dark hair and dark skin can stay in the sun longer and use a low-protection SPF protection.

In any case, cream or milk for tanning should be applied to the skin in advance, preferably 20 minutes before going to the beach, and about 20-30 minutes before bathing. It is necessary to use the tool again every two hours.

To get a quick tan you need:

  • apply oil on the skin, which is specifically designed for these purposes;
  • use on the beach means with bronzator to give the skin a beautiful chocolate hue;
  • For immediate results, you can use sunscreens with a "tingle" effect, which stimulate the subcutaneous microcirculation and the skin acquires a noble copper shade.

Tanning precautions

Sunburn, in fact, is a protective reaction of the skin to the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

Therefore, before sunbathing in the sun, you should make sure that there are no contraindications for tanning:

  • people with very fair skin (especially if there are a large number of moles and freckles) are not recommended to sunbathe at all, since after 5 minutes of being under the sun they can get a severe burn;
  • elderly people, small children, pregnant women should limit their time in the sun;
  • You should refrain from sunbathing for people with certain types of diseases (tumors, tuberculosis, hypertension, diabetes, skin diseases).

In general, the sun is very beneficial for human health. It is only during tanning to remember about the precautions. Then the skin will look healthy and you will be able to boast of its beautiful chocolate shade.

And more information about the right time for tanning is in the next video.

Watch the video: 6 Little-Known Benefits Of Sunlight (April 2024).