When does toxicosis begin during pregnancy and what methods to fight with it

Almost every woman during childbirth faced such an unpleasant phenomenon as toxicosis. This phenomenon causes a lot of discomfort to expectant mothers, as it has pronounced symptoms. And in some cases it is a threat to both the mother and the fetus.

What is considered toxicosis?

Toxicosis is intoxication in the body of a pregnant woman, due to the influence of harmful substances and toxins on organs and tissues. This condition is often accompanied by nausea and even vomiting, and has many symptoms. The duration of toxicosis is equal to the duration of the explicit expression of the symptoms of this disease.

Doctors say that women are more susceptible to such a phenomenon during pregnancy, before pregnancy they have pathologies of the cardiovascular system, nervous system, kidneys, liver and metabolic disorders in the body.

How often the urge to nausea and vomiting, depends on the state of health of the woman.

The number of urges can reach about 20, which indicates serious problems with women's health.

Causes of toxicity during pregnancy

The exact causes of this unpleasant phenomenon are still unknown to doctors. It is not possible to state with certainty what causes the symptoms of toxicosis at different stages of pregnancy. One can only speculate why such a pathological condition appears during pregnancy.

But doctors may highlight some likely causes:

  1. Chronic diseases. Untreated pathologies lead to a weakening of the immune system, which can lead to toxicosis in the early period.
  2. Hormonal disbalance. After fertilization, the level of hormones in the body changes dramatically, this is reflected in the well-being of any woman. In the first trimester, the body perceives the fetus as a foreign body, from which it is necessary to get rid of. But by the second trimester, this uncomfortable condition passes.
  3. Formation of the placenta. Until the placenta is fully formed, the body itself is protected from intoxication, which fully explains vomiting during this period.
  4. Defensive reaction. Of course, in the period of carrying your baby, any mommy refuses many habits and food. When an organism collides with harmful factors, it begins to perform a protective function.
  5. Emotional condition. When a woman becomes pregnant, the psychological state changes greatly. Stress, anxiety, lack of sleep and irritation may well cause intoxication of the body.
  6. Late pregnancy. After 35 years, it is a great risk and danger to endure a child. The development of intoxication is much stronger and more severe.
  7. Multiple pregnancy. When carrying out such a pregnancy, a woman has a lot of difficulties. Of course, toxicosis in this case occurs much more frequently, since the body needs to protect not one fruit, but several.
  8. Genetics. If someone from your generation suffered from this problem, then there is a high probability that it will not pass you either.

When does toxicosis begin during pregnancy and how long does it take

It is impossible to establish the exact beginning and end of this problem, since it depends on the structural features of the female body. The appearance and disappearance of symptoms, of course, individually.

As a rule, according to the beginning and ending time, 2 forms of toxicosis are distinguished:

  1. In the early stages. Appears in the first trimester of pregnancy, approximately 5-6 weeks after conception. It passes by 13-14 weeks of pregnancy.
  2. On late terms. It starts in the last trimester of pregnancy. In medicine, it is referred to as preeclampsia. This condition is much more dangerous for the health of both the fetus and the mother.

There are cases when the pathology accompanies a woman throughout pregnancy from beginning to end. But such cases are a rather rare phenomenon.

In addition to the time frame, this problem has its own degrees.

There are 3 degrees of toxicity:

  1. Easy degree Morning nausea, vomiting no more than 4 - 5 times a day, does not cause severe discomfort.
  2. Medium degree. There is a decrease in body weight, sick throughout the day, vomiting can reach 10 times a day.
  3. Heavy degree. It is considered very dangerous, requires the help of a health professional. Vomiting is repeated every hour, dehydration is traced.

Early pregnancy toxicosis: symptoms and signs

Early toxicosis is directly related to the adaptation of the body to gestation. Doctors do not consider this a serious problem, since it is a completely understandable physical process.

Signs of such toxicosis include a feeling of discomfort in the stomach and a nervous breakdown associated with the appearance of a foreign body in a woman’s body.


  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • increased salivation;
  • high blood pressure;
  • weight loss;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness in the body;
  • increased heart rate;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dry skin.
At the first signs of toxemia, it is necessary to consult with your gynecologist, so some manifestations of this disease can be dangerous.

Treatment of toxicosis in early pregnancy

At the first and easiest degree, this problem can be treated outside the hospital. In moderate to severe forms, hospitalization is required.

With a mild degree of future mother, physical and emotional rest is prescribed above all. In many cases, medication is prescribed: soothing tinctures, antiemetics and vitamins.

After undergoing a course of drug treatment, the woman feels relieved and her condition improves significantly.

With a moderate degree, the woman is in the hospital under the supervision of specialists. She is injected with glucose. She is prescribed sedatives and vitamins with them.

When a patient is severe, they constantly take tests and maintain strict control over her well-being. Injections are made against vomiting, various vitamins are prescribed.

Toxicosis during pregnancy: how to deal with it folk remedies

To cope with this disease, or at least it can be easier at home. But it should be remembered that such self-treatment is possible only with a mild degree, when nothing threatens your baby’s health and health.

Methods of struggle with folk remedies:

  • at the first manifestations of the problem, a spoonful of natural fresh honey can help;
  • severe nausea can be eliminated with the help of constant chewing, you need to chew cumin seeds, or the usual gum with any taste;
  • Ginger is an antiemetic substance, it can be simply held in the mouth or added to tea;
  • with abundant vomiting, it is better to eat only chilled food and cold drinks;
  • in the morning on an empty stomach be sure to drink a cup of cold water;
  • cranberry juice, herbal extracts of chamomile and rosehip, natural apple juice and even green tea will help reduce the feeling of nausea.
  • mouthwash with sage or chamomile will help with salivation;
  • for stopping strong spasms mint infusion helps well, it is also possible to use mint tablets or lozenges;
  • valerian and calendula tinctures have a calming effect on the disease;
  • It is necessary to avoid strong odors, more air the room in which you are and more often you are in the open air.

All the above recommendations are easy to use and have no side effects. They can be of great help in overcoming toxicosis at any stage of pregnancy.

Food with toxicosis

When dealing with this problem, the emphasis should first be placed on the nutrition of the woman. A pregnant woman must always adhere to proper nutrition.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude products that cause irritation to the expectant mother, since they can once again provoke an exacerbation of nausea or vomiting. In this paragraph, I would like to give some useful tips on nutrition in toxicosis:

  • replace drinks, which contain a lot of dyes, with natural juices or fruits with a high content of liquids (grapes, watermelon and melon);
  • replace fried foods with steamed food;
  • should be consumed more dairy products, as it is quite nourishing and useful, but with excessive consumption can cause vomiting;
  • sour juice, non-carbonated mineral water and vegetable broths will help to reduce discomfort;
  • reduce portions of food, but increase the number of feedings per day;
  • immediately after eating you can not go to bed;
  • meat dishes should be prepared from dietary lean meat;
  • in the morning it is recommended to chew cookies or dried fruits;
  • try to avoid feelings of hunger, as nausea can cause an empty stomach;
  • with a strong vomiting, it is better to eat porridges boiled in water, and there are simple breads.

Compliance with the above tips will not cure the intoxication completely, but will greatly facilitate the flow of symptoms.

Other forms of toxicosis: late, rare and dangerous

This pathological condition is considered especially dangerous at a late term, that is, in the 3rd trimester. It has been mentioned above that it is called "preeclampsia". Gestosis is rare, in 15% of cases. With this phenomenon, a woman has a rapid increase in body weight and severe swelling in her legs.

Complications of preeclampsia can lead to a deplorable outcome.

It can cause pulmonary edema, heart failure, premature delivery and placental abruption, fetal death or the development of serious pathologies in it.

Also at risk for this pathological condition are women:

  • younger than 20 years;
  • having excess body weight;
  • people with anemia (anemia);
  • with high blood pressure;
  • with heart and kidney disease;
  • performing harmful types of work;
  • having a rhesus sensitivity.

At the first signs of preeclampsia, an urgent need to contact your gynecologist to avoid serious consequences. It is better to eliminate any undesirable state immediately than to eliminate it.

Are there ways to avoid toxemia?

Many women planning pregnancy are interested in the question: "Is it possible to avoid toxicosis?" Pregnancy for every future mom is a pleasant and joyful phenomenon that no one wants to spoil this terrible state.

The ability to avoid this pathological condition is still there. It is only important to identify its cause, or factors that provoke the appearance of unpleasant sensations.

Each woman is individual, and how to avoid illness in a beautiful period, you will be prompted by your attending gynecologist. After all, toxicosis can progress because of the many factors and causes described above.

As soon as you know about pregnancy, you should immediately register and submit all the required tests.

Delivery of the assigned tests can reveal the existing deviations in a state of health which can provoke intoxication during pregnancy.

When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to check the functioning of such an organ as the liver. It is this body that is responsible for the manifestation of intoxication in the pregnant woman’s body.

This state in recent years is not so scary for future mothers, because there are many methods and drugs that fight it.

For each case, there is a course of action. Everything depends primarily on the woman herself. During this period, every moment matters: the complaints of the pregnant woman and her anxiety, and even the duration of the pregnancy.

Summing up, we can conclude that such a pathological state is a completely natural physical process occurring in the body of a pregnant woman. Anxious for the expectant mother can only with alarming signs and for a certain period.

In order not to provoke a serious complication during pregnancy, it is important to register on time and be under the constant supervision of a gynecologist. By fulfilling all the prescriptions of a doctor and leading a healthy lifestyle, your pregnancy will give you minimal discomfort.

In the next video - additional information about toxemia during pregnancy.

Watch the video: Morning sickness during pregnancy and how to deal with it. (May 2024).