Menu with a hypoallergenic diet for children

Hypoallergenic diet for children is usually prescribed if the child is intolerant of any product. During this period it is very important for parents to monitor the baby’s nutrition and make the menu correctly so as not to harm his health.

When is a hypoallergenic diet prescribed for children?

The specific diet can be assigned only after passing all the studies by an allergist on the basis of the results obtained. In food allergies, the diet will depend on the type of allergy (for example, milk, animal protein, nuts).

But there is also such a thing as a hypoallergenic diet for children, prescribed for any reactions of the body. It is an extensive basic diet, which excludes all products that can lead to a similar reaction, such a diet excludes all allergen products.

The task of such a diet is to reduce the allergic load on the body, to avoid the appearance of an allergic cross reaction.

Special nutrition is prescribed for:

  • reactions to pollen;
  • food allergies;
  • presence of hypersensitivity to plants, insect bites, materials;
  • allergies to drugs.

If the child does not tolerate any product, completely eliminate it from the child’s diet. You also need to ensure that the allergen is not contained in the food purchased in the store.

Some experts recommend adhering to a special alimentation diet, which involves the alternate elimination of allergens and regular monitoring of the child's condition. Such a procedure is indispensable, if at the moment there is no opportunity to conduct analyzes and research.

Such a diet assumes a basic diet that will include exclusively “safe” foods for the child. Hypoallergenic food is mandatory for any type of allergy, it allows you to reduce the burden on the body and prevent complications.

Features nutrition for children

When the diet concerns small children, it is necessary to take a very responsible attitude to the preparation of the diet, do not forget to follow all the recommendations of the doctors. Moreover, the diet should be designed in such a way that all the vitamins and microelements necessary for development should be ingested.

And in order to achieve a stable result, remember the following recommendations:

  • Visit your doctor regularly to keep track of your child’s condition
  • follow all prescriptions of a specialist, avoiding any slack against a child;
  • Constantly adjust the diet, because with age, allergies may change;
  • Watch the environment (do not allow dust, get shampoos, suitable for allergy sufferers, shower gels, etc.).

Allowed and prohibited products

Food is divided into prohibited and allowed, depending on their impact on the children's body. Consider their full list, based on the opinion of eminent allergists and specialists.

Nutritionist Borisova I.V.

According to Borisova I. In, products are divided into:

  1. Most safe: rabbit, lamb, buckwheat, turnip, cabbage, pumpkin and zucchini, prunes, watermelons, green pears, blueberries, lingonberries.
  2. With medium activity that must be consumed with care: beef, pork, horse meat, turkey, rye, wheat, beets, carrots, cucumbers, oatmeal, beans, grapes, green apples, bananas.

But the following products, according to the doctor, are forbidden to use:

  • milk;
  • chicken eggs;
  • hen;
  • seafood;
  • chocolate and cocoa;
  • melon;
  • spice.

Tips Ado A.D.

Speaking about the hypoallergenic diet, one should definitely mention the recommendations of the Soviet scientist A.D. Ado, who has his own recommendations about the preparation of the diet. And his advice is simple: you need to completely eliminate the consumption of hazardous and allergenic products, replacing them with benign ones.

The main advantage of following these recommendations is a clear division of products into allowed and prohibited. This is very convenient for parents, because there is no concept of "products with medium activity": you know exactly what can be included in the diet and what cannot.

Safe products:

  • beef;
  • vegetable soups with cereals;
  • butter;
  • dairy products;
  • buckwheat and rice, oatmeal;
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • greenery;
  • baked apples;
  • black tea with sugar.

Prohibited products by Ado A.D .:

  • citrus;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate;
  • cocoa;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • tomatoes;
  • spice;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • pineapples;
  • Strawberry;
  • honey;
  • smoked products.

The above prohibited foods are not used during exacerbation, and when the baby gets better, the doctor can expand the diet.

If lactose intolerance is found in a child, then butter, cow's milk, including dried milk, margarine, condensed milk, and other sour-milk products (ryazhenka, kefir) are excluded from the diet. Also it is worth remembering that the milk is contained in many sweet products.

Sample menu for children of different ages

Drawing up a menu for a child is a responsible process that a specialist (an immunologist and an allergist) must do. In drafting, you should also consider the factors affecting the health of the child, remembering that children are constantly growing and developing, because it is important that the diet is balanced and varied.

Necessary trace elements from prohibited foods should be replaced with another safe food. Moreover, all dishes should be boiled or cooked in a couple. When cooking soup on meat, the first broth is always poured, and the cereal must be soaked for several hours before cooking.

And do not forget that the developed menu needs to be constantly adjusted depending on the age of the child.

Newborns and children up to a year

Such babies are usually breastfed, so the mother must follow the diet. If the child had to be transferred to artificial nutrition, the pediatrician should choose the brand of infant formula, depending on the condition of the baby, the composition of the product. If you are allergic to lactose, it is better to choose the following mixtures:

  • Nutrilon Premium;
  • Pregestinil;
  • Nan lactose free.

With other types of diets other options for baby food are selected. The most popular manufacturers of high-quality infant formula: Baby, Friso, Nestozhen. Moreover, it is not always possible to choose the right mix right the first time - if an allergic reaction occurs during feeding, which is expressed by a rash, etc., you should consult with your doctor and change the product.

Diet for children from 1 to 3 years

At this age, adherence to the correct regime is important, because with proper feeding there are great chances of completely getting rid of allergies.

Remember the following guidelines:

  1. In 1 year, you need to completely eliminate dairy products - the sour milk is injected gradually, if the child's body reacts normally to it. Also, the child should eat at a separate table - he should not be given "adult" food. Try to give natural products without salt and spices.
  2. In two years, you can enter into the diet of chicken eggs, food is prepared according to the same rules as in the year.
  3. In three years, you can gradually transfer the baby to the "adult" table, excluding annoying products.

A sample menu looks like this:

  1. For breakfast: buckwheat with milk, black tea with sugar, cottage cheese or cheese, an apple.
  2. For lunch: vegetable soup, steam cutlets with rice, apple.
  3. At lunch: a glass of kefir or yogurt, dry biscuits and an apple.
  4. For dinner: salad of fresh cabbage, boiled potatoes with meat, tea.
  5. At the second dinner: yogurt or ryazhenka.

From three years old

At this age, the menu for a child differs from an “adult” only in the size of servings, you can not only consume sodas, sweets. Making a detailed diet is easier than for small children.

The menu for the day looks like this:

Diet options
BreakfastOatmeal on the water, tea with sugar, bread and butter.Rice porridge on the water, toast, hard cheese.Curd casserole with jam.
DinnerVegetable soup, boiled tongue with broccoli, cabbage salad.Buckwheat with beef meatballs, tea.Boiled beef, cabbage salad.
Afternoon teaPeach juice and dry biscuits.A handful of dried apricots.Cottage cheese with an apple.
DinnerMashed potatoes, boiled beef.Cucumber salad, vegetable soup.Noodles with sausages, a glass of juice.
Snack before bedKefir, gingerbread.Ryazhenka and dry biscuits.Yogurt and dried fruit.

Three helpful and safe recipes

Parents of young children who suffer from allergies, have not quite easy, because you have to use a limited number of products. Let's take a look at three recipes for making delicious and safe dishes.

Rice porridge with apples

Take 400 ml of milk, pour into a saucepan, put on a slow fire. Add 0.5 tbsp before boiling. rice, mix everything thoroughly so that the rice does not stick to the pot. Add some salt, 1 tsp. sugar, leave on low heat for 20 minutes. When the cereal boils, remove the pan from the stove, add the grated apple, mix.

If the child tolerates casein normally, you can add a little butter to the porridge. When the porridge has cooled down a bit, you can feed the baby.

Steam Cutlets

For cooking, you need 250 g of turkey fillet, rabbit, 2 slices of yesterday's bread - cut it, soak it in water, mince the meat itself. All mix, a little salt, whisk until light. Make small patties and steam for 40 minutes.

Stuffed Potatoes

Take 4 potatoes, bake in a uniform for 20 minutes. While cooking, finely chop half of the cabbage, 1 carrot (you can take other vegetables, as long as they are allowed).

Remove the potatoes from the oven, cut off the edge, carefully remove the core, fill the potatoes with vegetables and send to the oven again for 15 minutes.

Watch the video: What's the DASH Diet and Why Doctors Call It the Best Diet (April 2024).