Ways to increase libido in men

Unfortunately, many men face the problem of lack of libido. The causes of this problem can be both physiological and psychological factors.

What is libido and how is it different from potency?

Potency is male power. In case of her absence, a man with all the desire will not have an erection, or it will be very weak, sexual intercourse is rather short. This pathological condition in a man can occur with diseases of the urogenital system, with hemorrhoids and other pathologies.

Libido - sexual attraction on a psychological level. In the absence of libido, the man simply does not have a desire. Most often this happens with a lack of the hormone testosterone, but there are many other reasons that can lead to a similar condition.

Why libido is gone - the main reasons

Quite a common problem among men is reduced libido or its absence. But satisfaction in intimate life plays an important role for young people. Full sexual life - an indicator of the health of the whole organism. At the same time, a reduced libido may appear not only in adulthood, today even young men suffer from such disorders.

Various factors and causes may contribute to this. So, if we talk about the loss of libido, it is necessary first of all to note psychological disorders. After all, the very concept of libido occurs only on a psychological level. Daily overwork, desire for rapid career growth can adversely affect health. In men, the regime of work and rest is sharply violated The body and the brain are in constant tension. From this can disappear not only libido, but also potency. Therefore, be sure to be a full sleep.

Often lead to a decrease in libido:

  • stress;
  • family conflicts;
  • diffidence;
  • depression;
  • dissatisfaction with your partner;
  • unsuccessful first sexual experience;
  • insomnia;
  • problems at work;
  • chronic fatigue.

All this is detrimental to the libido. Therefore, it is important to eliminate these factors.

It is necessary to try to improve relations in the family, because the constant scandals with the wife or girl lead to the overstrain of certain parts of the brain that are responsible for sexual desire. The brain takes such tension as an intimate pleasure already received, as a result of which the libido disappears.

Often, hormonal disruptions lead to this problem. With a low production of the male hormone testosterone, low craving, problems with potency manifest themselves. However, excessive promiscuity has had a detrimental effect on libido. But a long abstinence from intimacy may not be the best way to affect it.

Some conditions can also lead to this problem:

  • diabetes;
  • disorder of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Parkinson's syndrome;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • genital trauma;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

How to increase male libido: the main ways

If the decrease in libido is not associated with any disease, then it can be increased due to the complex effect on the body. Most often, to achieve results, simply change your lifestyle.


Causes of low craving are often associated with malnutrition. According to experts, for the normal functioning of the male body, the diet should be rich in minerals, proteins, vitamins.

Every day it is advisable to eat foods that contain phosphorus, zinc, because these trace elements are actively involved in the production of the hormone testosterone.

Also, experts recommend, if possible, include in the diet such products as:

  1. Avocado. Juicy fruits, which include many useful substances. But the main feature is the possibility of increasing sexual desire.
  2. Nuts and seeds. Their frequent consumption will ensure a guaranteed increase in libido. In this case, you can eat peanuts, sesame seeds and even pumpkin seeds. And in order to enhance the effect, it is recommended to use nuts with honey. True, you need to remember that this is a fairly high-calorie product, so it is not recommended to consume more than 30 grams of nuts per day.
  3. Banana. A product that enhances not only libido, but also mood. To get the expected effect, it is enough to eat one banana for breakfast.
  4. Carrot. This vegetable is not only good for the eyes, carrots contribute to improving men's health. It can be used both as usual and with the addition of honey or sugar.
  5. Seafood. It is believed that the marine fish contains a number of essential trace elements that are needed to nourish the brain, strengthen bones, and increase libido.
  6. Olive oil. Doctors advised to drink on an empty stomach a teaspoon of olive oil as a preventive measure. It strengthens the immune system, improves sexual function.
  7. Lemon Ginger Tea Having drunk such a cup in the morning, you can significantly increase the body's defenses, put the nervous system in order.

Physical exercise

Sedentary lifestyle - one of the factors in the development of prostatitis. But the problem with potency also often occurs as a result of sedentary work. Due to the total dominance of mental work over the physical, many people have malfunctions in the functioning of the genitals and systems.

Most sports exercises greatly improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. An active lifestyle and mobility prevent inflammatory processes in this area. Even short jogs help to eliminate stagnant processes in the genitals. Thanks to this, active testosterone production begins, the libido naturally increases.

However, you should not abuse classes either. For example, prolonged intense running improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, but at the same time blocks the production of testosterone. Therefore, you need to do in moderation. Light enough 20-minute runs a week to stimulate libido.

Effectively increase the sex drive classes with a barbell. This effect is especially noticeable in men who have reached 50 years of age. Martial arts are also useful - they not only have a tonic effect, but also help release male hormones, since rivalry stimulates the production of adrenaline and testosterone.

Full rest

Constant lack of sleep adversely affects men's health. If a decrease in libido has occurred as a result of physical reboots or emotional overstrain, then it is necessary to give the body a proper rest to restore male strength. And here we can not do without an integrated approach:

  1. Sleep. Men's health depends on its quality. The older a man becomes, the better he needs to get enough sleep to maintain a normal level of libido. According to experts, the average duration of sleep should be about 8 hours. For a comfortable rest it is also necessary to provide a favorable environment, to be in complete silence. If this is not possible, then you can not do without the use of earplugs.
  2. Rest from work. Workaholics important from time to time to relax from their work, it will benefit not only the male libido, but the whole body. It is also recommended to allocate time for hobbies, walks, socializing with family, since all this leads to emotional relief.
  3. Vacation If a man is faced with a big load at work or with serious emotional experiences, for some time he needs to get away from the routine, going on vacation. A change of scenery, new acquaintances will definitely benefit.

The use of folk remedies

Since sexual attraction problems have been known to men for thousands of years, you can use recipes of traditional medicine to increase libido. Our ancestors have developed various natural and effective means that will help restore desire.

These include:

  1. Infusion of nettle and hypericum. The combination of these funds increases libido in men and allows you to achieve the effect as quickly as possible. To prepare you need to take 5 tablespoons of each herb, pour one liter of boiling water. Then cover the mixture with a lid and leave to infuse for an hour. Strain and consume 100 ml 3 times a day.
  2. Decoction of hops, birch buds, celandine and yarrow. You need to take two tablespoons of each of the plants, pour the raw materials with two cups of boiling water. Then send the remedy to warm up in a water bath for 30 minutes, cool slightly, strain and take 50 ml 3 times a day.
  3. Daikon root. Grate the root, add an apple and carrot, while all products must be taken in equal proportions. Additionally, honey and lemon juice are added to the mixture. Use a similar mixture 2 times a day, 1-2 tablespoons.
  4. Infusion hawthorn. You need to take 20 g of fresh leaves of the plant, pour 500 ml of water. Send in a cool place for 12 hours, then boil. Consume after complete cooling.

What medications will help?

Take medication only in case of serious violations. To date, in pharmacies you can find various drugs that help increase libido in men. Moreover, their reception is recommended to coordinate with the attending specialist.

These drugs are divided into the following groups:

  1. Instant action. They are taken immediately before sexual intercourse - such means provide a stable erection for at least several hours. The most effective means of this group include reuptake inhibitors, the action of which is aimed at increasing the activity of nitric oxide, thereby increasing blood flow to the genitals. The most famous representatives: Viagra, Cialis, Levitra. However, such drugs should not be abused.
  2. Long acting. The effect of taking such medicines is not immediately noticeable, however, unlike the means described above, it remains for a fairly long time. To increase libido thus it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment within 1-2 months. The most well-known drugs in this group include Laverone and Dapoxetine.

What if a man has no interest in sex?

When a man has a regular sexual partner, such a problem can also touch him. Often, a decrease in libido occurs due to misunderstanding between the spouses, due to the lack of trust between them. If a situation like this occurs, a woman must make an effort to inflame past passion. The following recommendations will help:

  1. Creating a calm and comfortable environment. Quarrels, nerves, constant clarification of relationships do not contribute to intimacy.
  2. Romantic evening, relaxing music can also set a man to the desired mood.
  3. Aphrodisiacs. In addition to a pleasant smell, such means increase sexual desire.
  4. Proper nutrition. In the diet of men should be present products such as garlic, greens, seafood, carrots. They all contribute to the strengthening of male power.

The reasons for the decrease in libido can be both banal fatigue and pathological processes that occur in the body. Therefore, in order to increase masculine strength, first of all, you need to contact a specialist.

Watch the video: Maintaining men's sexual health: ED, testosterone levels and libido (April 2024).