Why polyps form in the gall bladder, what treatment is prescribed by doctors

Polyps - benign growths of irregular or rounded shape, which "are located" on the walls of internal organs. Despite the fact that they can appear almost anywhere, most often they are found in the intestines, gall bladder, on the uterus.

In our material, we will describe what the symptoms of the onset of such symptoms are and how they are treated when they are detected.

What are gallbladder polyps?

Most often, polyps (in 80% of cases) occur in women aged 35 years and older. The main varieties include the following.


Benign tumors, which are characterized by a high risk of malignancy, result from the proliferation of glandular tissue. Due to the fact that such polyps can develop into malignant, it is important to constantly be observed by a doctor.


Benign papillomas. There is also a risk that they will grow into malignant ones.

Polyps of inflammatory origin

They are referred to as pseudo-tumors, they result from inflammation of the gall-bladder membrane, which causes tissue proliferation. Formed when exposed to irritating factors, such as parasites.


They are also referred to as false polyps. When exposed to conservative therapy may dissolve. The only difficulty is that with ultrasound they are often mistaken for real polyps. Occur in case of failures in fat exchange processes.

The main causes of

Most often polyps occur for the following reasons:

  • hereditary tendency to education;
  • metabolic disease;
  • anomalies of genetic origin;
  • inflammatory process in the gallbladder.

It is cholesterol polyps that are most often formed when there is a violation of fat metabolism, as a result of which a large amount of cholesterol appears in the blood. Because of this, cholesterol residues are deposited on the gallbladder, the walls of blood vessels, which leads to the appearance of pseudopolyps.

In addition, on the background of inflammatory processes in the tissues of the gallbladder stagnation occurs, which causes thickening of the walls and their deformation. As a result, pseudopolyps are formed.

If we talk about the hereditary factor and genetic abnormalities, according to scientists, papillomas and polyps can be transmitted in a hereditary way. Even if blood relatives ever had any tumors, the risk of polyposis increases.

In addition, various diseases of the biliary tract can lead to an imbalance in the elimination of bile. As a result, there is a violation of the digestive processes, which becomes the cause of the appearance of polyposis.

What symptoms should pay attention

Much depends on where the outgrowths are located. For example, the most dangerous, if they appear in the neck of the bubble or its duct.

In such a situation, polyps will begin to prevent the flow of bile, which can cause jaundice.

If the growths are located in another part of the bladder, the symptoms will not be as pronounced. But most often the symptoms listed below can tell about the presence of polyps.


In this case, the skin becomes yellow, which indicates the excess of bilirubin in the blood. A similar situation is observed if bile stagnates in the bladder, due to which it can leak into the blood. Additionally, there may be such symptoms:

  1. Darkening of urine.
  2. Hyperthermia.
  3. Pruritus
  4. Severe nausea.


Most often, pain occurs when the gallbladder walls are overstrained. This happens when the fluid stagnates. In addition, pain can occur on the background of regular contractions of the body. Most often, such sensations are noted near the right margin, the nature of the pain is dull. The pain is exacerbated by eating fatty foods, during stress.


It is manifested by nausea, especially the gag reflexes torment in the mornings, in the mouth - bitter taste. Occurs due to bile hyperactivity.

Liver colic

Characterized by the appearance of acute pain on the right in the hypochondrium. This usually occurs when the formation of "fungi": polyps on a long leg. And the pain is so strong that a person can not be in one position for a very long time.

Polyps can cause pathological changes in the liver and pancreas. For example, they can cause infectious and inflammatory diseases, pancreatitis.

How is the diagnosis

Most often, a doctor is consulted if there is pain in the area of ​​the ribs. However, only this symptom will not be able to diagnose. To identify the pathology, it is necessary to conduct a more thorough and in-depth diagnosis using the appropriate equipment.

First of all, the patient is sent to the ultrasound, it is one of the most effective ways to identify education. They may also prescribe a CT scan or MRI. Such techniques will help determine the exact location of the formations, their nature, condition, find any related violations.

And in order to reveal the structure of polyps, endoscopic endosonography can be prescribed.

Polyp treatments

Most often, when such entities are identified, conservative therapy is prescribed. It often happens that in the case of cholesterol polyposis, the problem is solved by adjusting the diet and taking certain medications.

If the tumors have a different origin and their size is not more than 1 cm, for some time they are simply observed.

The patient just needs to regularly visit the ultrasound scan, to undergo an MRI. If polyps do not grow, then most likely they will not be removed.

Without operation

As we have said, non-surgical treatment is possible only if it is a question of the cholesterol nature of the neoplasm. Usually prescribed drugs such as:

  1. Ursosan.
  2. Ursofalk
  3. Holiver.

Also prescribed Gepabene and No-shpu, which can relieve pain.


Operations are prescribed if the polyps are constantly expanding. Most often, doctors do not agree to the surgery until recently, since in this case the gallbladder must be removed. However, if there is no other way out, and traditional treatment did not help, surgery is prescribed.

Indications for it can be:

  1. Large polyps larger than 1 cm.
  2. The tendency of neoplasms to grow (at least 2 mm annually).
  3. Multiple character formations.
  4. Chronic inflammation of the gallbladder.

In addition, the operation can not be done in the case when the structure of the polyps changes, as well as in the presence of purulent cholecystitis and violation of the outflow of bile.

The operation begins with preparation. Most commonly, cholecystectomy is prescribed, in which not only the growths themselves are removed, but also the gallbladder tissue. In most cases, it is carried out endoscopically.

Before surgery, the patient takes all the tests, ultrasound. First, the patient is given anesthesia, and in the absence of contraindications use muscle relaxants, which help to relax the muscles.

The operation itself is carried out by making 4 punctures, through which the instruments necessary for removing the gall bladder are inserted. After the operation, a fairly rapid rehabilitation is noted, a small pain can torment the patient, the risks of complications are minimal.

Lifestyle after surgery

After removal of the polyps, patients must change their lifestyle, especially food. So, in the absence of the gallbladder in humans, the enzymatic activity will be disrupted, as a result, the amount of gastric juice decreases, and it is immediately sent to the intestine. Moreover, the body will need at least two years to adapt to this life.

The first 6 months are especially important, because during this period you need to seriously approach the preparation of your diet:

  1. Food should be either boiled or steamed.
  2. Food should be chewed thoroughly - large pieces should not fall into the stomach.
  3. At one time you need to eat quite a bit, you can not overload the digestive system.

It is also worth remembering about the diet - it should be fractional. Eat a little, but every 3-4 hours. Also remember the following rules:

  1. After eating, there should be no feeling of overeating.
  2. Within one hour after eating, you must avoid any load.
  3. Food consumed must be warm.

You should also exclude from the diet of mushroom soups, any fatty foods, pies, smoked products, sauces, sour vegetables (tomatoes), soda, chocolate.

Appeal to traditional medicine

If doctors prescribed an operation, then remove polyps with the help of folk remedies will not work. However, if conservative therapy was chosen, it can be supplemented with non-traditional methods - their choice should be agreed with the doctor.

For example, you can take an infusion of dried celandine, adding chamomile there: take 500 g of grass, pour boiling water over it, leave in a thermos for 2-4 hours. After that, drink 1 tablespoon before eating.

Take such infusions for 30 days.

And always remember that treatment with folk methods will not replace quality medical care, it can only be a supplement to the main therapy.

Watch the video: What should I do if I have polyps in my colon? - Dr. Michael Wallace (April 2024).