Methods for removing papillomas at home

Papillomas can occur in any person with the defeat of the papilloma virus. This disease is sufficiently simple, it can be cured even at home. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the doctor.

The main reason

Papillomas always appear due to infection of the body with human papillomavirus. For a long time, this pathology may not manifest itself in any way, however, once the body's defenses weaken, as unpleasant growths immediately make themselves felt.

In the case of progressive disease, they not only increase in size, their number is growing on the skin. Such unpleasant bumps can form on the neck, eyes, armpits, in the mouth, on the buttocks and in other places.

Of particular danger are papillomas on the genitals. In this case, there is a high risk of complications. Papillomas can be of various shapes and sizes. Enough to carefully examine the skin for the presence of small processes that resemble hanging moles. If you find yourself with a thread-like, flat or resembling clusters of cauliflower tumors, know that, most likely, this is papilloma.

It can also be accompanied by itching or tingling. In some cases, such formations can be confused with others, for example, with warts, keratomas, moles. Tear off papillomas by hand or with the help of tools, not knowing the origin of growths, it is impossible. This can cause serious complications.

If the disruption occurred unintentionally, it is necessary to treat the affected area as soon as possible with an antiseptic, to glue with a plaster.

Next, be sure to consult a doctor.

In the clinic, the doctor will suggest testing for different types of papillomavirus, then select the appropriate method of therapy.

But you can also get rid of papillomas at home, only this should be done in consultation with your doctor.

What you need to know before getting rid of papillomas?

First of all, you need to consult a doctor. The specialist will tell you whether it is possible to remove a specific neoplasm by yourself or it is better to seek help from doctors. It is important to remember that improper exposure of papillomas to tissue can cause serious complications. Among them are the following:

  • skin burn near the growth;
  • the formation of scars and scars;
  • infection of a wound that appears during removal;
  • bleeding;
  • re-growth of papillomas;
  • intensive growth of other tumors;
  • malignant tissue degeneration.

There are a few basic rules to follow:

  1. You can not remove growths located on the eyelids. To remove tumors, you can not use scissors, they can not break off, expose the papilloma to mechanical stress.
  2. You can not get rid of papillomas, which are located on the mucous membranes of the nasal passages or in the oral cavity.
  3. When applying any aggressive means required to protect the skin from burns, lubricating with a greasy cream or sticking around the build-up plaster.

How to perform home removal?

Removal of papillomas is possible with drugs and traditional medicine. Also, the removal should be complex, with the use of all instruments of influence on them - by external and internal methods. It is also very important to remember all the prescriptions of the doctor.

With the defeat of the face and body, it is better to choose pharmaceutical preparations, to act in strict accordance with the instructions.

At home, cauterize papillomas help:

  • Salicylic ointment;
  • Super Cleaner;
  • Solcoderm;
  • Cryopharma.

The most affordable and effective option is to treat the localization of papilloma with iodine. To smear seal need five times a day at least. A positive result may occur within two weeks.

If cauterize papillomas Verrukatsid, growth will take place in about a week. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day.

Elimination of large papillomas with dark or red color is impossible without home help. The danger of independent action lies in the possibility of the transformation of a benign growth into a malignant one.

Papillomas can also be lubricated with oxolinic or salicylic ointment. Treatment with such drugs at home is longer but equally effective. The rate of elimination of growths by any home methods depends on such parameters of papillomas as:

  • the form;
  • the size;
  • view.

For this reason, one cannot hope that it is possible to destroy the virus on the first attempt. There is no 100% guaranteed therapy against papillomas, but it is possible to minimize the progression of pathology.

From the patient will require only strength and patience, because without them the fight against this pathology will be less effective.

Some patients were able to achieve positive results at home using castor oil. This method of treatment is used by folk healers for a long time. The main advantage is the availability and ease of use of the drug.

For the procedure, it is necessary to treat with oil formation on the skin, top cover with a sterile plaster. Moreover, the wellness procedures are best performed at night, since the effect is enhanced, the effect of the medicinal ingredients on the papilloma is prolonged.

Therapy is carried out until the removal of growth. You can remove the papilloma with a capillary pencil. The composition of this drug contains silver nitrate, which has a bactericidal and cauterizing effect. The drug should be simply applied to the papilloma according to the instructions.

Home recipes for papillomas

Bumps can also be removed using grandma's recipes. But we also recommend that you consult with a specialist before proceeding.

Most often help:

  1. Garlic. Take a few cloves of garlic, chop, add 1 drop of butter or replace with butter cream. Apply the mass to the papilloma for half an hour. The procedure should be carried out once every two days for a month.
  2. Onion. Take half a small head, peel, chop, pour apple cider vinegar and leave for 2 hours. Then give the composition a puree consistency. Conduct processing with it, cover with polyethylene from above. This compress is held for half an hour. It is necessary to carry out the procedure every two days for 30 days.
  3. Onion Husk Mix the product with vinegar, mass container, cover with a breathable cloth, preventing direct sunlight. The composition is kept for 14 days. Apply as a compress to the affected area once a day, preferably at bedtime.
  4. Potatoes. For the procedure, you need to take the potatoes cut into two parts, half of the processing of the site of infection. This procedure must be repeated every day.
  5. A compress based on potato juice will also help. Peel, chop in a meat grinder, squeeze the juice, moisten a napkin in it and apply a compress all night. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  6. Use also an oil extract from a lemon. It will help to remove the unpleasant symptoms that occur due to growths. Once a day, every day you need to lubricate the growth of this composition. In this case, the skin around the affected area is not treated.


Medicinal plants will also help remove papillomas at home. An effective drug in traditional medicine is wormwood. The composition of this plant contains substances that have antiviral, wound healing, antiparasitic, immunomodulatory effects. Wormwood can be taken to treat both individual parts of the body and the whole body. Recreational activities are carried out using:

  • essential oil;
  • dry leaves of grass;
  • Fresh Juice.

The main thing is to apply compositions based on wormwood only on papillomas that you plan to remove. This plant can be used both as an independent method of treatment, and as an additional agent together with violet and plantain.

The scampling is removed as follows:

  1. Combine violet, plantain and wormwood in a ratio of 1: 3: 1.
  2. Pour boiling water on top, leave for a day.
  3. The next day, remove the cake and drink 1 tablespoon every day.

You can cauterize education with aloe juice. This is especially true if the growths are located on the genitals of men and women. Treat this juice need affected areas daily.

There are a few more proven recipes that have earned the attention of health workers in home treatment:

  1. Fresh Kalanchoe leaves are used in the same way as the previous recipe to combat these growths.
  2. The perfect potion is chestnut leaves. This option is most often used in the treatment of papillomas in the anus and genitals. For the procedure, take 0.5 buckets of fresh chestnut leaves, fill with boiling water and leave overnight. Pour the resulting composition into the bath, take water procedures for half an hour. Treatment is carried out in this way for 7 days.
  3. It is useful to treat papillomas with tea tree oil, but you must act very carefully.
  4. In the fight against education often use dandelion inflorescence. Place the heads of this plant in a glass container, pour with alcohol, leave to infuse for 2 weeks. The resulting composition is home processing papillomas to completely remove them from the skin.
  5. Egg whites will help to eliminate unpleasant seals. Just rub them with the location of growths.
  6. Walnut (ground) with kerosene is often used to kill papillomas. This mixture is smeared on the site of infection for 3 weeks.
  7. A special place in the treatment of papillomas takes celandine. The juice of this plant is used for cauterization. First you need to disinfect the affected area, then cut off the stem of the plant and attach it to the papilloma. This action must be performed twice a day.

Other options for external exposure to papilloma

Duct tape

You can remove growths using a special adhesive tape, which is impregnated with a medicinal solution. You just need to buy it at the pharmacy. To perform the procedure, follow these steps:

  • cut the required piece of plaster;
  • stick on papilloma;
  • leave for 5 days;
  • soak the plaster and tear off with a sharp movement.

It is even better to use such agents as Dermavit gel, Antipapiloma gel or Super Clean fluid. For small growths, one treatment is enough, whereas large papillomas must be removed in several procedures.

The main thing is to grease the skin around the formation with greasy cream before the treatment, which will prevent burns.


Papillomas can be removed by freezing tissue. This procedure can be performed at home, if you have on hand the drugs Coolant or Cryopharma:

  1. The tool is carefully applied to the growth of the applicator.
  2. Freezing leads to the death of tissues, which is why papillomas disappear after two days.


Good and effective are funds from papillomas, which include acids, such as Condilin or Collomac. Kollomak applied point and once on education. The second tool is more popular in the fight against genital papillomas that grow on the genitals. The treatment is carried out twice a day for 3 days.


The best-known phenol solutions in the fight against these growths are Feresol and Verrukacid. Small tumors enough to process once. On large papillomas drugs are applied several times with short breaks.


This plant is distinguished by its healing properties. Saponins, organic acids, flavonoids are present in the juice of maclura. To remove papillomas, maclura tincture is necessary.

Prepare it as follows:

  1. Crushed grater ripe fruit.
  2. The resulting slurry is poured 500 ml of vodka.
  3. Leave to infuse the drug for 14 days in a dark place.
  4. Drink tincture, diluted with water, 20 minutes before meals.

It is better to start with three drops of the drug, diluting them in half a glass of water. Then every week increase the dosage to drop.

After 7 weeks of treatment, the dosage is reduced in the reverse order.

This tincture is forbidden to use in parallel with antibiotics or alcoholic beverages.

It is important to remember that this drug is contraindicated in diabetes and allergies. If you experience symptoms of poisoning, you should stop taking the tincture.

Essential oil

Many recipes against papillomas contain essential oils. It is best to use tea tree oil, with which the growth is treated every day until the complete disappearance of papilloma.

Economic or tar soap

Papilloma smeared with soap for the night for 30 days. As a result of such an impact, the growth becomes inflamed, disappears.

Funds for domestic consumption

An important goal in human infection is to stop the progression of the pathological process, since the removal of tumors will only half solve the problem. For this you need to strengthen the immune system. To strengthen the body's defense mechanisms, use the following recipes:

  • combine lemon, walnuts, honey, dried apricots and raisins;
  • take one tablespoon on an empty stomach;
  • use dogrose broth;
  • use a collection of valerian, hops, lemon balm, coriander, oregano, motherwort, you need to consume two cups of tea per day;
  • take a decoction of onions and honey, the daily dosage is 6 teaspoons;
  • Every day, eat 5 walnuts.

Contributes to the internal cleansing of the body infusion of celandine. It is prepared from 700 g of fresh herbs and alcohol. The slurry is placed in a one-liter container, poured with two glasses of vodka, left for 5 days. Take healing medicine 50 ml 2 times a day for 14 days.

It is also desirable to use in this pathology vitamin complex based on:

  • one beet;
  • 2 carrots;
  • one small lemon;
  • 100 g of walnuts;
  • 50 ml of olive oil.

All products must be chopped, mixed, consume one tablespoon daily, regardless of the food.

How to avoid infection?

There are some simple recommendations:

  • if possible, vaccinate against the virus;
  • follow the rules of safe sex;
  • increase immunity;
  • avoid staying in a damp room;
  • adjust emotional background;
  • undergo a medical examination in a timely manner;
  • remove papillomas in time to prevent the degeneration of growths in cancer;
  • treat any wounds on the body with antiseptic.

At the same time, remember that any methods of home treatment should be coordinated with the doctor. Incorrectly chosen methods can cause serious problems:

  • burns around the seal;
  • scars and scars;
  • wound infection;
  • increased growth of papillomas and their transformation into a malignant tumor.

Watch the video: Is there any way to treat HPV infection? (April 2024).