The benefits and harms of pickled ginger recipes

Almost every person heard about the healing ginger root. About half of the world's ginger is grown in India. Spice can be grown at home. All the benefits of this plant lies precisely in its root.

Marinated ginger is especially good. It goes well with different dishes, and also has unique healing properties.

What is ginger useful for?

First of all, ginger root is rich in vitamins, minerals and other useful components, among which: potassium, calcium, zinc, vitamin B, sodium, copper, iron, essential oils. Also, it should be noted the unique and magnificent aroma of pickled ginger, which emphasizes the taste of ready-made dishes.

Many doctors compare ginger with multivitamins, which are sold in modern pharmacies. Moreover, pickled spice copes with colds and viral diseases.

The medicinal properties of pickled root are as follows:

  • slowing the aging process;
  • preventing the formation of malignant tumors;
  • prevention of respiratory viral diseases, as well as the use of pickled spices contributes to the speedy recovery;
  • cartilage repair, treatment of arthritis and rheumatic lesions;
  • reducing cholesterol in the blood, removing harmful components and accumulated toxins from the body;
  • spice is used to prevent heart attack and stroke;
  • destroys harmful bacteria in the mouth;
  • spicy root acts as an analgesic, helping in the shortest time to get rid of a headache;
  • copes well with seasickness, toxicosis, and gag reflexes;
  • strengthens the body's immune system;
  • promotes weight loss (gingerol, contained in spices, is actively involved in the process of splitting fat deposits);
  • restores and stimulates the digestive processes, effectively copes with flatulence, stomach cramps, upset stomach;
  • is a powerful aphrodisiac for both men and women;
  • the plant is used to remove parasites from the body (wormhole, salmonella, etc.);
  • helps to eliminate prostatitis, impotence and restore the lost sexual activity.

Many people know that ginger root is a natural preventive against parasites. As is known, fresh fish is used in all sushi, and ginger, served together with sushi, not only emphasizes their taste, but also helps prevent the parasites that live in raw fish from entering the body.

There are a lot of popular recipes using spicy root, which help get rid of wrinkles and slow down aging.

Regular use of spices with everyday dishes helps to rejuvenate the entire body.

Contraindications to the use

Despite the above-mentioned beneficial properties of spices, there are also contraindications to its use, which must be read:

  1. Pregnancy, especially in recent months.
  2. Lactation.
  3. The period of acute gastric ulcers.
  4. Viral hepatitis.
  5. A stroke or heart attack.
  6. Increased blood pressure.
  7. Diabetes. In this case, ginger can be seasoned main dishes in small quantities.
  8. Cirrhosis of the liver.
  9. Intolerance of the product by the body.

How to pickle ginger at home

Many housewives do not know how to properly marinate this product with his own hands. The fact is that the process of cooking pickled spices is simple.

The main thing is to follow the step by step instructions and follow a few rules. Thanks to this, any hostess will be able to keep the ginger root in pickled form and enjoy its unique taste at any time.

So, how to pickle ginger, which is practically no different from the "store"? There are several popular recipes. The first one is as follows:

  1. The first step is to cut 160-180 grams of fresh ginger into small, thin slices.
  2. Place the sliced ​​root pieces on a plate, preferably ceramic. Metal, cast-iron, aluminum or enameled ware should not be used, as the root loses most of its useful properties upon contact with iron.
  3. In a quarter cup of red rice vinegar, add 3 spoons (tablespoons) of sugar and 2 spoons (tea) of salt, mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Bring to a boil brine, then pour them chopped ginger.
  5. After the brine has cooled to room temperature, put the plate in the fridge and let it brew for 10 hours. After that, pickled ginger is ready to eat.

There is another, equally popular method of pickling spices, which is as follows:

  1. Dip 250 grams of peeled ginger root in boiling water for 1 minute, then dry it with a paper towel.
  2. A few spoons of sugar, sake and red rice wine mix and bring to a boil.
  3. Wait until the marinade has cooled to room temperature and pour the whole ginger root on it (no need to cut the spice into thin slices).
  4. Let the brew stand for 4 days in a cool place, after which it can be consumed.

How to eat pickled ginger

It should be noted that this product is perfectly combined with almost any dish. Moreover, the caloric content of the food served with ginger is significantly reduced. Also, the root can replace other high-calorie foods in the preparation of your favorite dishes.

But with what eat pickled spice, with which products does the root combine best? Sushi lovers are well aware that ginger complements and reveals this unique dish. However, the spice is not only served with sushi, the root perfectly emphasizes the taste of meat, fish, broth.

This spice is an excellent ingredient for most salads. Many people do not realize that in ginger marinade you can withstand pieces of meat before frying in a frying pan or charcoal. Due to this, the meat acquires a special softness and unique taste.

Marinated petals of the root will be perfectly combined with the usual sandwiches or sausages cooked on the grill. Some chefs add spiciness to a roll or pie filling.

Marinated ginger for the chef is a great opportunity to experiment with different tastes. The beauty of pickled spices is that it is combined with almost any dish - from sweet to salty.

Salad with pickled ginger

There are many recipes for salads with ginger. Consider the most interesting and popular ones.

In combination with cabbage

For cooking will need:

  • White cabbage;
  • 1 sweet and sour apple, lemon or lime;
  • greenery;
  • pickled ginger;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • 1 spoon (table) honey.

Chop the cabbage, then salt it to taste. Shred the apple into thin slices and add lemon juice. Finely cut the greens. Mix the vegetable oil with honey and mix all the ingredients, not forgetting to add the marinated spice to the salad.

Chicken, Ginger and Sesame Salad

For cooking will need:

  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 5 lettuce leaves;
  • a few teaspoons of spiced root;
  • sesame seeds (1 tablespoon);
  • Bulgarian pepper (1 piece);
  • to taste seasoning for chicken;
  • honey;
  • soy sauce;
  • chicken breast.

Bulgarian pepper cut into strips and tomatoes into small cubes. Salad leaves finely chopped. Chicken fillet salt, pepper and fry until cooked. Finished chicken meat cut into small cubes.

Mix together pickled ginger, peppers, tomatoes, chicken and lettuce. To prepare the salad dressing, honey, vegetable oil and soy sauce, mix together. Pour over the cooked salad sauce.

You can experiment with ingredients. For example, instead of white cabbage you can use Peking, it is more tender and soft. Instead of chicken fillet, you can use baked ham or any other type of meat.

Why pickled pink ginger

Whoever once bought or saw a natural ginger root knows very well that it has a white color. This raises a simple logical question - why does pickled ginger have a distinctive pink hue?

In fact, everything is quite simple - red rice vinegar or wine used in the marinade as a spice is responsible for the pink color. These ingredients give the root a distinctive pink hue.

Marinated ginger is a unique spice that will perfectly complement any dish. Moreover, the spice has unique healing properties, making it popular among the masses.

Watch the video: How To Pickle Ginger In Less Than 5 Minutes (April 2024).