What happens in the 16th week of pregnancy with the fetus and the woman’s body

All 9 months of gestation are divided into 3 trimesters. Each period has characteristic features and allows or forbids a woman to perform certain actions.

Week 16 - the beginning of the second trimester. This is the most carefree and pleasant stage of carrying. In the second trimester, a woman is less concerned with toxemia, there is no stress on the body from a large abdomen, and you can feel how the baby moves in the abdomen, without painful shocks.

What happens to the baby inside

At week 16, the fetus is a small person:

  • all the limbs, fingers, head and face are fully formed;
  • all organ systems were formed;
  • mimic muscles formed on the face;
  • kidney, liver, bladder;
  • a child can determine the blood group and Rh factor;
  • genitals can be distinguished;
  • cartilage turned into bones;
  • legs grew to natural proportions.

At the 16th week of gestation, the nervous system, eyes, teeth, external genitalia and partly hearing continue to develop.

  • the nervous system actively grows a neural network that descends from the brain along the spine and then spreads through the trunk to the extremities;
  • external genitalia are already fully formed, but continue to develop and occupy a proper place in the body. In boys, external genitals are already formed, but the testicles have not yet descended;
  • Fetal hearing is quite sharp and is able to distinguish the sounds of music and the mother's voice. Women are not recommended to visit noisy places and discos.
The most important thing that happens in the 16th week of pregnancy is that a mother can feel the first baby's stirring.

This does not always happen, the probability of feeling a fetus closer to 18–20 weeks when it becomes larger is much higher. However, at week 16, a woman may feel a slight tickling, stroking, “flying butterflies” in the lower abdomen. This is the feeling!

Baby actively move - moves the arms and legs, sucks his finger and makes a face. If the child is turned well, you can see his smile in the pictures.

From now on, the fetus will begin to grow actively. All systems and organs are rebuilt, which means you can start up all the energy for their development.

Changes in the body of the future mother

The body has migrated to the mode of gestation. Hormonal background has stabilized, which means that toxicosis will decline. This is not guaranteed, because some women complain of attacks of toxemia all 9 months, but in most cases, it becomes better.

The uterus begins to actively grow with the fetus. In women involved in sports, with elastic muscles of the abdomen, the tummy is almost not visible. Owners of non-trained muscles and pregnant women are not the first time, they will already be able to notice a clear increase in the abdomen below the navel.

Pigmentation will appear on the skin - a "strip of pregnant" going along the abdomen, through the navel to the pubis. Pigmentation will take place after delivery. Do not be afraid that the band will remain forever.

In addition to the abdomen, spots can appear on other skin areas.

This is due to the active production of melanin by the body, to protect the mother and child from ultraviolet radiation.

Breast pains will subside, it will become more sensitive. Woman becomes distracted. It is quite normal for her to come to the kitchen, look in the fridge and not remember what she wanted to take from it.

The problem is solved by writing ordinary lists and reminders. Before going to the store, to the doctor, at work - do not be shy about your condition.

A woman becomes beautiful. Everybody notices this - husband, mother-in-law, neighbors, friends and acquaintances. Pregnancy always decorates a woman, but this is most clearly manifested in the second trimester because:

  • not so tormented by toxicosis;
  • no pain in the back and legs;
  • no swelling;
  • sleep is long, not interrupted by frequent urging to the toilet;
  • hormones stabilized;
  • the body has become smooth, feminine outlines;
  • a blush is constantly blooming on the face;
  • lips slightly enlarged.

One of the problems of pregnant women is constipation. They are associated with relaxation of the pelvic muscles, which does not allow a woman to tense enough to go to the toilet.

Discharge and pain at obstetric week 16

In the second trimester there should not be any particular discharge. If a woman is healthy and everything is in order, the discharge remains as before, but may slightly increase in volume.

Anxiety causes non-specific discharge, indicating the danger even of those who are not in the position:

  • thick, white discharge, like cottage cheese;
  • purulent discharge, with a specific smell;
  • discharge with mucus;
  • change the color of the normal discharge - greenish or brown shades;
  • bloody issues.

Blood can be a harbinger of miscarriage. The change in the state of normal discharge suggests that the woman is sick. Inflammatory processes are by definition dangerous during pregnancy, and even more so in the area of ​​the uterus.

Treatment of inflammatory disease in pregnant women is complicated by the fact that antibiotics are prohibited, and if the process occurs on the genitals of the pregnant woman or on the uterus itself, there is a risk to the fetus.

Such a disease as thrush is not uncommon for pregnant women, especially at the beginning of pregnancy. For a woman, the disease is not significant. It is very dangerous for the fetus during childbirth!

With the passage of the fetus through the cervix and vagina, the fungal mass clogs the baby's eyes, mouth and nose, causing severe infection, up to a complete loss of vision. It is necessary to treat the disease immediately, not allowing it to develop!

Abdominal pain can be evidence of abnormalities or natural changes in the female body. It is not recommended to wait or keep silent about them and immediately go to the doctor.

If the pain is accompanied by atypical discharge, call an ambulance or go to the emergency room yourself.

Analyzes and examinations, photo of the fetus

In addition to standard urine tests and pressure measurements, screening is carried out for 16 weeks. This is an analysis that allows to detect genetic abnormalities in the fetus.

Its result is not the basis for the final determination of the diagnosis. If there are abnormalities, the woman is prescribed an unscheduled ultrasound, visually confirming abnormalities, as well as amniocentesis.

The procedure involves taking an amniotic fluid for analysis. Its genetic code is fully consistent with the fetal DNA and will allow for research without traumatizing the child.

Amnitsentes is able to detect up to 40 developmental abnormalities. The procedure carries some danger to the fetus, and a woman can refuse it, limiting itself only to the results of an ultrasound scan.

At 16 weeks you can already determine the sex of the child, if he is in a good position. Parents who want to have a photo of the fruit, it's time to get interested in this issue. The baby will actively grow and soon it will not be possible to make a beautiful photo for the frame.

Possible dangers at week 16 and 17

Vitamin D and calcium are actively absorbed by the fetus, devastating maternal reserves. If you do not maintain their level in the body of a woman, rachitis will develop in the baby, problems with the development of the skeleton will begin. Mom can suffer from hair loss, brittle nails, hemorrhoids.

With poor kidney function, swelling may occur.

Progesterone can cause pyelonephritis, which leads to abortion.

Parting words of doctors

In the second trimester, pregnant women are allowed to visit the dentist. If a woman did not manage to cure her teeth before pregnancy, or the problems began in the first trimester, the second is considered the safest.

The tone of the uterus is stable and the threat of miscarriage or premature birth is minimal. In addition, the fact that the fetus is fully formed allows the use of more drugs in the treatment, some of which were prohibited in the first trimester.

Second trimester sex is completely appropriate. If there is no threat of miscarriage, the condition is stable and there is no pain, sex is not only resolved, but recommended. It will allow to bring muscles into a useful tone, to train them and the process of stretching will be less painful.

In addition, the natural result of sex - a good mood - a woman during pregnancy is very useful. Feeling loved and desired is important! We must not forget about the wife, who, together with his wife, is experiencing limitations and needs love and caress.

Many fear that they will harm the fetus. If you do not choose poses with deep penetration and do not put pressure on your belly, everything will be fine with your child!

Meals should be balanced. In the diet must be present products that improve the work of the digestive system and facilitate trips to the toilet - kefir, yogurt, fresh vegetables and fruits.

The child will actively grow, his bones will require a large amount of calcium, which will be absorbed from his mother's body. To prevent hair loss, brittle nails and to ensure the proper development of the child, it is necessary to enrich your body with this element - dairy products, eggs, boiled meat, fish, in a medical form.

A woman is shown useful physiological stress. It is impossible to lie on the sofa and absorb bunches of grapes. Pregnant women are allowed to practice yoga, fitness for pregnant women, swimming. It is forbidden to ride bicycles, lift weights, stretch.

If you can not engage in the halls, you can just walk a lot in the fresh air.

From the 16th week to sleep on the stomach is not allowed. It is also not recommended to lie on your back for a long time. It is best to sleep on the side. You can begin to look after the U-shaped maternity pillow. It fixes the back, allowing the muscles to relax, it is convenient to throw her leg at her, not allowing her to heal.

The use of alcohol and nicotine is strictly prohibited! Even homemade natural wine from grapes grown in their own summer cottage. Alcohol in any quantities and of any origin affects the process of the formation of the fetus. Even a fully formed and healthy child can acquire significant changes in the physiological structure, becoming disabled. The same goes for nicotine.

Some more useful information about the 16th week of pregnancy can be found in the following video.

Watch the video: 16 Weeks Pregnant - 16 Weeks Pregnant symptoms - Pregnancy Week by Week (May 2024).