Essential vitamins when planning pregnancy for women

Pregnancy is a normal physiological process for every woman that requires special attention. Indeed, during this period, you have to think immediately for two - about the child and about yourself.

It is important to maintain health throughout all 9 months of pregnancy, while not forgetting that the child also needs to eat fully and get all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, be sure to drink vitamin preparations before conception.

Thanks to them, you can safely make and give birth to a healthy baby. And what vitamins should be taken, we will talk in more detail below.

Do you need vitamins when planning pregnancy for women

Pregnancy - this is quite a difficult, difficult time for every expectant mother. At this time, she should carefully control her diet.

It should include vitamins, useful components that are necessary to maintain its health and for the full development of the child. For this reason, it is best to take care of this in advance and start taking different vitamins before you get pregnant.

If you start to take care of the health and strengthening of immunity at the stage of conceiving a child, then you can avoid many complications during the carrying of the child. But during the application of these components, certain features should be observed to prevent the occurrence of various deviations during the development of the unborn child:

  1. It is important to use the vitamins necessary to prevent various abnormalities in the nervous system, 2-3 months before the beginning of pregnancy and already at the stage of pregnancy for 12 weeks;
  2. It is shown to take useful components to prevent mental abnormalities of the child within 2 months before and after the onset of pregnancy;
  3. Many doctors recommend taking vitamin complexes, because they contain all the necessary elements for the full development of the child. These drugs ensure the normal course of all biochemical processes in the body;
  4. It is imperative that during the entire period of pregnancy you need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, these plant products contain all the necessary substances to strengthen the immune system and health.

What vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy for a woman

Before and during pregnancy, you should regularly drink the following types of vitamins:

  • Vitamin C - This component is responsible for the health, improves the properties of the immune system. It provides the absorption of iron, prevents the occurrence of anemia;
  • Vitamin E. This element is responsible for the normal state of the reproductive system. It is used to prevent miscarriages in early pregnancy;
  • vitamins of group B. The vitamins entering this group provide normal absorption of food. Essential vitamins for pregnancy are B6, B9;
  • zinc. This element is necessary for the formation, growth and division of cells. His reception will prevent premature detachment of the placenta, premature birth, as well as the appearance of abnormalities in the development of the unborn child;
  • Vitamin A. It enhances the body's resistance to many colds respiratory infections, which are not particularly desirable during pregnancy. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the structure of the skin, improves hair growth, strengthens bones, teeth, gums and nails. But it is worth remembering that an excess of this element can cause various pathologies in the development of the future baby;
  • magnesium - the presence of this component in the body ensures the normal course of more than 300 processes, in particular, the synthesis of proteins and amino acids during pregnancy. With a lack of this element, fetal growth slows down, miscarriage may occur, an increase in blood pressure and the appearance of seizures.

In addition to these vitamins, there are other useful components that are necessary for the normal bearing of a future child and a safe birth. They provide support for the formation of red blood cells, the process of normal blood clotting. And also needed for the full development of the child in the womb.

These components include the following vitamin elements:

  1. For the full growth and development of the child requires the intake of vitamin D. This element appears during irradiation of the skin with ultraviolet light (when tanning in the sun). But in some cool regions, where there is not enough sunlight, especially in the regions in the north of Moscow, the formation of vitamin D naturally occurs very little, so in these cases it should be taken in the form of preparations. If during pregnancy it will not be enough, then bone softening processes will be observed, the tooth will become brittle and brittle, because the baby will take all the necessary substances, and the mother's body will weaken;
  2. Vitamin K. This element is responsible for the formation of blood clots. Taking this vitamin ensures normal blood clotting and prevents prolonged delivery with bleeding.

Complex vitamins when planning pregnancy for women: a list

During pregnancy planning, take the necessary vitamins in the form of tablets. They can be purchased at various pharmacy markets. Before using them, you should carefully read the instructions for reception. And also be sure to examine the composition.

Folic acid

The main element of this tool is folic acid (vitamin B6). It provides a complete process for the proper functioning of many systems and organs.

Positive traits:

  1. During the use of this tool before pregnancy, there is a neutralization and elimination from the body of all residual particles of contraceptive hormonal drugs;
  2. Taking this vitamin increases the likelihood of pregnancy;
  3. Warns various disorders in the future baby;
  4. It relieves iron deficiency anemia, so it should be taken at the initial stage of pregnancy during the period of toxicosis.

However, this component should be taken only before the beginning of pregnancy for 2-3 months and already after its occurrence during 3 months, but no more.

Otherwise, the body will get used to it, and the acid will not have the desired beneficial effects on the body.


This drug is intended for women who are planning a pregnancy, as well as for receiving pregnant women in the first trimester, whose term is not more than 12 weeks. This complex contains vitamins B, C, E, iodine. One pill includes a dose of these components, which covers the necessary daily dosage.


  • this complex is designed in accordance with the needs of the pregnant woman and the fetus during the first trimester;
  • Each tablet contains the necessary level of vitamins, beneficial vitamins, which is necessary to fully provide the mother and the unborn child with all the necessary substances at the first stage of pregnancy;
  • The preparation contains folic acid, which is provided in the form of a biologically active form - metafolin. Therefore, it will absorb even those who suffer from malabsorption syndrome and other disorders of absorption;
  • due to the intake of this drug, it is possible to prevent various pathologies of the mother’s blood formation and the occurrence of defects in the fetus.

Vitrum Prenatal

The structure of this vitamin complex includes 10 vitamins and 3 mineral elements. It contains exactly the best combination of vitamins and trace elements, which are often lacking during pregnancy.

Advantages of this drug:

  1. Taking this complex before and during pregnancy helps strengthen the body's immune system;
  2. It can be taken during the entire period of pregnancy, while there will be no side effects;
  3. Dosages of all constituent elements are precisely planned, therefore the use of this drug does not cause an overdose and further deviations in the development of the future baby.
  4. Can be used even during breastfeeding.

Elevit Pronetal

The composition of this vitamin complex includes all the necessary vitamins, micro-and macronutrients, which are necessary throughout the pregnancy lactation. Taking this drug provides prevention of avitaminosis, metabolic disorders in the mother, as well as congenital defects in the unborn child.

The advantages of this vitamin complex:

  • balanced composition of the drug. It contains a whole range of vitamins, macro- and microelements, which are necessary before and after the onset of pregnancy - A, E, D, C, B1, B6, B12, zinc, copper, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other substances. . Without them, the normal course of pregnancy and the full formation of the fetus will not be possible;
  • It provides a high value for women who lack nutrients due to intestinal absorption problems, due to increased toxicity during pregnancy, as well as a course of medical therapy using antibiotics and others;
  • It can be taken for several months of pregnancy, throughout the entire period of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Natural vitamins when planning pregnancy for women - replacement pills

Many doctors strongly recommend not to get involved in pharmacy vitamin complexes before and during pregnancy, they are advised to use as much plant products as possible.

Sometimes artificial preparations instead of benefit can, on the contrary, harm the body of a woman, and can also harm the development of the future baby.

In addition, there are many cases where these funds caused side effects, overdose and various allergic reactions.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to healthy eating, it must include the following products:

  1. Freshly squeezed juices;
  2. Green smoothies;
  3. Fruits, vegetables and berries - Bulgarian pepper, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, apples, bananas, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries;
  4. Various protein products - chicken and quail eggs, sea fish, low-fat cottage cheese, homemade yogurt, bean curd, cheese products;
  5. Groats - brown rice, oatmeal;
  6. Meat products - veal, beef meat, low-fat pork, rabbit. Poultry meat - chicken, turkey, quail.

What vitamins to drink a man

Vitamins should be taken not only by women, but also by men. Men should drink them about 5-6 months before conception. During this period, the formation of healthy and active sperm, which can easily fertilize an egg.

Men should drink the following types of vitamins:

  • Tocopherol (E). This vitamin significantly increases the vitality of male germ cells. In addition, it increases the activity of sperm and prevents damage to their structure;
  • Ascorbic acid (C) - has a stimulating effect on the synthesis of testosterone. Due to this acid, the level of male hormones normalizes, reproductive function improves;
  • Folic acid (B6) - this component plays an important role in the formation of healthy and active sperm.

In addition to these vitamins, special attention should also be paid to microelements, which should be taken in conjunction with vitamins:

  1. Zinc. This component is involved in the process of sperm production. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on sexual desire;
  2. Selenium. This component is a prolongator of sexual activity. It affects the quality of sperm and activity of germ cells.

Preparations for men, which contain these vitamins:

  • Orthomol fertil plus;
  • Alphabet for men;
  • Proffertil;
  • Spermastrong;
  • Duovit for men.

How long should take vitamins before pregnancy

If you are going to conceive a baby, but you want to thoroughly prepare for this important event, then you definitely need to know how long you need to drink vitamin preparations. Usually before pregnancy they are taken within 3-4 months.

This period will allow to accumulate all the necessary vitamins, strengthen the immune system, improve health and restore all processes.

The periods of use of vitamins can sometimes be extended to 5-6 months in women with the following disorders:

  1. With the presence of diseases of internal organs of a chronic nature;
  2. If before there was a pregnancy in a complicated form;
  3. The presence of increased physical and mental stress;
  4. Working activity which takes place in production with the presence of harmful factors.

What vitamins need caution

Despite the fact that vitamins are essential components for the normal development of the unborn child and the health of the expectant mother, some of them should be taken with extreme caution:

  1. Vitamin A or retinol. With excessive consumption of this component may appear severe heart defects, nervous system, skeleton. On the day of his dose should not exceed 5000 IU;
  2. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C. In case of excessive intake of this vitamin, spontaneous abortions may occur. Its daily dose should not exceed 90-100 mg;
  3. Cholecalciferol or vitamin D. With a high intake of this element, severe disorders of the musculoskeletal system may appear. It should be taken no more than 400 IU per day.

Pregnancy is an important and crucial period for every woman, so you should definitely monitor your health.

Be sure at the initial stage, a few months before conception, you need to start taking vitamins and beneficial micro and macro elements.

They will help improve health, strengthen the immune system, and also have a beneficial effect on the development of the unborn child.

For more information on folic acid, see the next video.

Watch the video: Vitamins Good for Fertility (April 2024).