Exercises for slimming hands at home

Beautiful hands are not only thin and graceful wrists, but also smooth skin without sagging, especially in the shoulder area. Unfortunately, even quite slender people have full arms, which looks rather unattractive. To remove fat, you need to perform special exercises every day that will not only help get rid of the problem, but also prevent its occurrence in the future.

Why do fat deposits appear?

Full hands are not only for people with excess weight, but also for those who can be proud of a good figure. The fatty layer usually appears just above or below the elbow, and the reason is an excess of fat in the body. Exercise and diet change will quickly get rid of this problem.

Sagging can also occur with age, because muscle tissue begins to decrease after 20 years, and fat accumulates in the body, which leads to sagging of the skin of the hands. An important role is played by a decrease in the rate of metabolism, because of which calories begin to be burned not so quickly and in smaller quantities.

In order to eliminate the flabbiness of the hands, it is necessary to perform physical exercises, however, one should not be limited solely to them - you need to increase the number of calories burned, for example, by running, walking.

A set of exercises for the hands at home

Because of full hands, many are embarrassed to wear summer clothes with short sleeves, etc. To get rid of this problem, you should exercise that is directed directly at the hands.

Reverse pushups

This exercise will allow to work out the triceps, will give the skin of the hands elasticity. Can be performed using a table or chair. Body weight when transferred to the triceps will improve muscle tone. The exercise is simple:

  • table or chair set in the most stable position;
  • stand opposite at a distance of no closer than three meters;
  • turning back in the fulcrum;
  • arms should be shoulder-width apart;
  • you need to take a few steps forward, with the body should be straightened, legs bend so that the knees form one line with the surface of the chair or table;
  • bend elbows and fall as low as possible;
  • return to the starting position.

If you do three sets of 20 repetitions of this exercise every day, your hands will very quickly find the desired look.

Longitudinal plank in walking

This exercise perfectly burns fat accumulation, leads to muscle tone. It is performed as follows:

  • take the position of the longitudinal plank - on the floor, lying on the stomach and keeping hands shoulder-width apart;
  • feet and legs should be pressed together;
  • the whole body should be located in one straight line, hands - look forward;
  • legs in turn need to be rearranged to the left, lingering in the adopted position;
  • repeat the procedure, but in the right direction;
  • return to the starting position, draw the stomach in, take three steps to the side.

Ordinary pushups

Such exercises will help to work and shoulder muscles, and pectoral muscle groups. In this case, no additional devices you do not need, and body fat will go away due to the involvement in the work of its own body weight.

The exercise is performed as follows:

  • take a prone position on the floor;
  • Stand for push-ups: keep your legs together, your arms should be shoulder-width apart, and your elbows should be straight;
  • elbow joints need to bend, lowering the body to the floor, while the stomach should not touch the surface.

To make your arms look taut, elastic, you need to do three sets ten times.

An important point: without training, pushing up is difficult enough, because in the first two days you can perform exercises from your knees, with the result that the weight will fall directly on your knees, and not on your toes, which will allow you to perform the exercise.

Wrist rotation

This exercise is very effective if you want to achieve beautiful and strong hands, although the goal is achieved only in the case of regular execution. We need dumbbells: you need to do the rotation, holding inventory weighing 500 g

Execution is as follows:

  • you need to stand up straight, in the hands - dumbbells;
  • palms must be rotated clockwise first, then counter;
  • rotations in each direction make at least 1 minute.

Due to the regular rotation of the fat will leave both hands and shoulders.


Another effective exercise that tightens and strengthens the muscles of the arms from the inside and outside.

Make it simple:

  • you need to stand up straight, your arms in front of you at shoulder level;
  • spread them apart and bring them in front of them so that they overlap each other like scissors;
  • go back to the starting position.

This exercise should be repeated every day for 15-20 minutes.

Integrated charging for beautiful arms and shoulders

It is an effective complex, which will allow to remove fat deposits, loose skin. Exercises are easy to learn, and they can be easily repeated at home, aimed at exploring the upper part - the most vulnerable. To achieve the effect, you need to perform them regularly.

The exercise is performed as follows:

  1. You need to stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Hands at shoulder level, fingers looking up.
  3. Circle forward with your hands for about 30-40 seconds.
  4. Change direction and make similar movements, but already back.
  5. Bend your elbows so that your fingers are pointing upwards.
  6. Perform back and forth movements for 30 seconds, which will help tighten your biceps.
  7. The elbows should be joined together, with the fingers pointing upwards again.
  8. Rolled up elbows again lift up to the jaw, then return back. Exercise repeat for 30 seconds.

Such exercises should be carried out once a day for 2 minutes in order to notice significant changes in the form of tightened arms and shoulders after a couple of weeks.

Fat Prevention Tips

Limit only to exercise should not be, because you need to comprehensively deal with their health. At the same time it is important to eat right, to engage in cardiovascular exercise.

The main reason for the fullness of the hands - the wrong diet. Because it is so important to change it.

For example, in the menu you need to include more fruits and vegetables that allow you to saturate, while their composition is not so many calories.

In the diet you need to include more foods that are rich in fiber, because they will increase the rate of metabolic processes.

Try to eat often, but in small portions, this will reduce the number of calories without feeling hungry.

To speed up the metabolic process, you should definitely drink plenty of water - from 1.5 to 2 liters per day (can be replaced with herbal teas). Also, be sure to use green teas, as they accelerate metabolic processes, help to get rid of fat faster.

Additionally, you need to play sports: run, ride a bike, go swimming, rowing. This will not only get rid of existing body fat, but also prevent the emergence of new ones.

Thus, to get rid of fat deposits on the hands, to tighten the skin of the hands, you need not only to do exercises on your hands every day, but also to eat right and play sports.

Watch the video: 5-Minute Arm Workout (May 2024).