What week does the third trimester of pregnancy begin, its features

Every woman in the period of childbearing should be aware of the changes occurring in both organisms. In order to avoid negative consequences, it is important to know which symptoms are normal for pregnancy, and which should be treated with caution.

What week does the third trimester of pregnancy begin and how long does it take

Waiting time for a child cannot be an unpleasant event, especially if the pregnancy is long-awaited and planned. Every week something new happens with a growing embryo; it develops and gains weight. Every trimester also affects the mother's body.

The last trimester (third) starts at 7 months of gestation or at 27 weeks and lasts until the birth. This is the period when a woman has already endured toxemia, has managed to feel the movement of the fetus and realize all future responsibility. Next, you will learn what else happens at this stage with the child and the future mother.

Trimester start (week 27-28)

At week 27, the weight of the fetus is approximately equal to 1 kilogram. At this time, preterm birth is no longer a serious danger, thanks to special devices, a premature baby can exist independently.


In his body, all the organs had time to fully form, the remaining time, their work will be prepared for independent functioning. A crumb can perform training movements with the lungs.

Conducting an ultrasound, there is an opportunity to see the features of the face of the embryo, some have hair on their heads.

Fetal movements may consist of compressing the palms, sucking the fingers or toes. The skin is still quite thin and blood vessels can be seen through it, but from that time it is already beginning to gain fat in order to maintain a thermal regime in the body. The kid opens his eyes with the eyelashes that have already appeared on them and gives a reaction to the bright light.


A woman feels discomfort in the uterus, due to her constant increase. It becomes more and more difficult to find a comfortable position, it is highly not recommended to be on the back for a long time and to cross the legs, since the volume uterus can pinch a vein that feeds blood to the heart.

There is heartburn and shortness of breath, frequent urination, bloating and constipation. By the beginning of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy for a woman, the rate of weight gain is 7-8 kg.

It is not uncommon that toxicosis occurs in the later periods. Dizziness and lack of air in the rooms is the norm, in the event that they are not permanent. It is recommended to spend more time walking.

If fetal movements are felt very rarely or do not occur at all, this is a serious reason for going to the doctor, unnatural for normal pregnancy and the following symptoms:

  • watery discharge or those that contain blood;
  • the occurrence of pulling or sharp pains in the uterus.

What should be the nutrition of women

In a difficult period for the body, weight gain occurs rapidly, which does not have a positive effect on the course of pregnancy. In the diet of women in the position should include the smallest number, but it is better to completely eliminate:

  • smoked, fried and spicy food;
  • raw eggs (dishes with their content should also be limited);
  • seafood without heat treatment;
  • poorly roasted meat;
  • alcohol.

There are no recommendations to completely eliminate the following products from the diet, but their restriction is recommended, one of the reasons is the rapid weight gain.

  • confectionery and flour products;
  • chocolate products;
  • potatoes;
  • rice

Will benefit the baby and the expectant mother:

  • vegetables;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • fruits;
  • Brown rice;
  • corn;
  • coarse ground bread.

Mid-trimester (week 34–35)

The weight of a child at 35 weeks of gestation of a woman is about 2.5 km, and its length is about 50 cm. The respiratory system is fully prepared and in the case of premature birth, the baby’s devices will no longer be needed.


The baby during this period has already accumulated the subcutaneous fatty retina, clear lines have formed on his face. The heart of the fetus beats in an accelerated rhythm, with the help of a special device it is possible to fix more than 120 beats per minute.

The middle of the last trimester strengthens the bone tissue, and the nervous system finishes the stages of its formation.

The child clearly hears sounds, unpleasant for his hearing can be commented on by sharp jolts. Almost the formation of the genitals of the boy. The appearance of the fetus is fully formed, at birth it will be exactly the same, taking into account the fact that by the end of the term will gain a few pounds.

Pregnant body

During this period, a woman may be disturbed by "false" contractions, which are important not to confuse with the real ones, the precursors differ:

  • short duration;
  • painless.

The movements of the fetus in the trimester are not as active, due to the lack of space for the movements of the child, but their number should not decrease. The body is still worried about swelling. As the abdomen descends, the upstream organs are relieved, frequent urging to the toilet and urinary incontinence, which are considered normal.

Few people manage to avoid back pain at this time, sometimes the sensations are transmitted to the stomach, this happens because of the increased size of the uterus. If the discomfort is long lasting, an unscheduled visit to the gynecologist should be made.

It should be noted that preterm labor at 35 weeks is not uncommon, they no longer provide danger, but they can understand the likelihood that they can occur by the following symptoms:

  1. Slow discharge of amniotic fluid. Usually the liquid comes out immediately in large quantities, just a few hours before the appearance of the child. Discharge with a lack of color and smell can be distinguished by their characteristic features. This case requires an immediate emergency call.
  2. Incessant pain. If persistent pain occurs in the abdomen, fast delivery is likely to occur within a few hours.


Due to the formation of the fetal bone system, pregnant women should take calcium-containing foods, but it is important to prevent an excess of mineral, otherwise the hard bones of the infant will be affected by a more difficult birth process.

Daily recommended for use:

  • curd and dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • beef;
  • a fish.

The end of the trimester (38-40th week)

Few days remain before the birth of a new person, he also feels it, therefore the rhythm of his heart increases to 150 beats a minute. Fruit weight can be from 3 kg and above.

Child condition

The formation of the genitals has passed into the final stage. The bone system continues to form, but if childbirth occurs on it it does not affect. The child is fully ready to be born!

Feeling pregnant

In the last periods, pregnant women feel exhausted, they have difficulty walking, it is uncomfortable to sleep, they suffer from swelling, pain in the back, calf. Women do not want to do anything, rest for them is the best pastime. Only 5% of pregnant women continue to bear the fruit for up to 40 weeks, most often it is those who give birth to a boy for the first time.

About food

Surely many have heard about the predilections of pregnant women to the chalk. It comes from a lack of calcium, in this case it is useful, you can also eat eggshells and other calcium-containing foods.

The most difficult thing is over, a pregnant woman needs to be ready to call an ambulance and the upcoming birth any day. Appeared contractions in the last weeks with nothing confused, so everything you need for the hospital should already be collected.

From the next film you can learn a lot about the third trimester of pregnancy.

Watch the video: When Do Pregnancy Symptoms Start? (May 2024).