How does chickenpox manifest in children at an early stage

One of the most common childhood diseases is chickenpox. Almost all people who have had chickenpox develop immunity for life. At the same time, this disease is much simpler in children than in adults. Therefore, parents should know how to get chickenpox and what are the symptoms of the disease.

Chickenpox (chickenpox) is a viral infection that is caused by a virus from the Herpes family. The causative agent of the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, it has a high volatility (it overcomes fairly long distances up to 20 meters).

How is chickenpox disease transmitted?

Chickenpox virus is highly contagious, people are 100% susceptible to it. Animals can not catch the virus. Transmitted microbe:

  • in the drop way (at conversation, cough);
  • if a healthy person gets saliva on the skin of an infected patient;
  • during pregnancy (if the girl had chickenpox during this period).

The bulk of people with chickenpox are children aged 4-6 years. A child under one year old rarely becomes infected with chickenpox due to antibodies transmitted from her mother, who had recovered from her childhood.

After suffering the disease in 97% of immunity to the chickenpox virus. In rare cases, people can get sick again. Chickenpox epidemics occur in the spring / fall seasons.

Chickenpox incubation period in children

According to doctors, the latent period of the disease in children is an average of 14 days. At this time, the virus enters the body of the child through the upper respiratory tract, multiplies and accumulates. The incubation period is divided into three stages:

  • the first is infection and microbial adaptation in the child’s body;
  • the second is the reproduction and accumulation of the virus, the formation of the initial source of infection;
  • the third - the advancement of the causative agent of the disease throughout the body, the emergence of the primary signs of the disease, the formation of antibodies to the virus.
Of course, the incubation period for chicken pox is very long. For this reason, it is sometimes difficult to establish where and from whom the infection occurred.

Symptoms of chickenpox in children: how to correctly determine the disease?

After the accumulation of the virus in the child’s body, the microbe penetrates the bloodstream and the prodromal period of the disease develops. In this case, the baby's temperature slightly rises, temporary red spots appear on the skin, weakness and fatigue appear.

This initial stage lasts about a day. And now we will talk about how the chicken pox is manifested in children.

Then the pathogen enters the skin cells and a period of rash begins, the duration of which is different for each child. The following signs are characteristic of this stage of the disease:

  • increase in body temperature (the higher its value, the more active the rash occurs). An elevated temperature can last from two days to two weeks;
  • the appearance of red spots due to microbial damage to skin cells. Further bubbles are formed, which further dry out and become covered with a crust;
  • the occurrence of severe itching in the areas of rash (in no case can not be combed);
  • irritability and headache;
  • temporary refusal to eat;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness and weakness.

The rash begins to appear on the torso, then on the arms and legs, then the head. With a complex course of the disease, a rash may appear on the feet and palms, mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes.

How to facilitate the course of the disease in children

Spots on the skin of the child cause severe itching and the desire to constantly comb them. Parents should follow certain recommendations to alleviate the condition of the child during illness:

  • to ventilate the children's room to maintain a comfortable temperature so that the child does not sweat;
  • to dress the child in cotton clothes and it is desirable to change clothes if the child sweats;
  • change bed linen daily;
  • trim the baby's nails to neutralize the penetration of wounds on the skin of bacteria;
  • provide the baby with plenty of drink, preferably with vitamin C for a speedy cure;
  • arrange a baby bath with a content of a weak solution of potassium permanganate to reduce itching. After bathing, gently wet the baby’s skin with a towel, do not rub the skin;
  • if necessary, and only with the permission of the doctor, you can give the baby a sedative to stop crying. It is advisable to use homeopathic medicines (Nervohel, Notta, Valerianhel).

Treatment of chickenpox in children

The main thing that is worth remembering for parents in the treatment of chicken pox - chickenpox is caused by a virus, so the disease is not treated with antibiotics. There is no cure for chickenpox.

Therefore, the symptoms of the disease are treated (fever, skin rash). Usually the fight against chickenpox occurs at home, in the domestic environment.

Basic principles of treating chickenpox:

  1. When the temperature rises above 38 ° C, the baby is given a drug to reduce fever (Nurofen, Panadol);
  2. To reduce itching, apply Zelenka to the wound sites (well disinfects, but dries the skin too much), methylene blue (prevents viruses from multiplying on the skin and, after application, can be easily washed off the skin), Calamine lotion, Fukortsin (the action is similar to Zelenka, but not leaves marks on clothes), rivanol solution;
  3. On the recommendation of a physician, it is possible to use antihistamines to reduce allergic reactions (Loratadin, Cetirizine, Fexadin);
  4. Gargling with furatsillina solution after meals with ulcers in the mouth;
  5. Organize a sparing diet for the child: exclude fatty and fried foods, stewed or boiled vegetables, fruits and berries should be given in small quantities so as not to irritate the stomach.

Treatment of chickenpox in children mainly comes down to inspection and monitoring of the skin rash condition. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the emergence of new wounds (with the help of Zelenka or fukortsina).

After 5 days after the cessation of the appearance of new ospinok, the baby will no longer be able to infect other people. You can go for a walk, but not in a crowded place.

The baby's body is slightly weakened, therefore, infection with another infection is possible. For complete recovery, it should be about two weeks after the disease not to go to public places crowded.

Chickenpox in children under one year is a very rare case, the cause of which may be contact of a newborn with a sick person with chickenpox or congenital chickenpox. If a girl has had chickenpox before pregnancy, then antibodies have been transmitted to the baby and he has been protected for about 6 months.

After their number decreases and there is a threat of disease. A congenital chickenpox baby can get sick if the mother has contracted the disease just before the birth. In this case, the disease is very difficult and possible complications.

Treatment of an infant begins only after an accurate diagnosis. When a serious condition of the baby is hospitalized. If the baby is breastfed, doctors advise you to exclude any other food during the illness. At elevated temperatures, the use of antipyretics is necessary.

Complications after chickenpox in children

In some cases, dangerous consequences are likely after the disease. Doctors distinguish the following complications:

  1. Bacterial These complications are formed as a result of the introduction of harmful microorganisms through wounds on the skin of a baby when combing sores with dirty hands. Bacteria are growing rapidly and there is a risk of skin diseases (shingles). When festering wounds possible necrosis. The most significant complications can occur when the bacteria in the blood of the baby. There are serious health problems. In some cases, bacterial pneumonia develops with a sharp rise in temperature and a dry cough in a child. Neurological diseases are also possible (meningoencephalitis - inflammation of the brain).
  2. Infectious. Children with low immunity and chronic lung diseases are susceptible to varicella pneumonia. If the wounds of chickenpox are formed on the mucous surfaces (eyes, mouth), then the effects of the disease can be stomatitis or suppuration in the eyes. Also, a child after chickenpox may experience joint pain.

However, a variety of complications in children after chickenpox are quite rare.

Parents should only carefully monitor the state of their offspring and during illness, and for a period after treatment. If any suspicion is desirable to consult a doctor.

Chicken pox vaccination as a cure for disease

Babies aged 1 year and older are recommended to make a chickenpox vaccine, which gives one hundred percent guarantee of protection against the disease for 10 years or more. In most civilized countries of the world, this vaccine is included in the mandatory vaccination plan.

However, in our country, this procedure is paid for independently by parents. Vaccination against varicella-zoster virus is not recommended for children with a weakened immune system.

Chickenpox is the most common viral disease. In childhood, it is easier than in adulthood. Therefore, parents should not be afraid of this disease. It is only necessary to constantly strengthen the immune system of the child so that viral diseases can flow quickly and easily.

For more information about chicken pox, see the following video.

Watch the video: What Does The Start Of Chicken Pox Look Like (April 2024).