How to Brew Rose Hips with Health Benefits

Rosehip grows throughout Russia in a wooded area. It is a shrub that sometimes reaches a height of 2.5 meters. This shrub blossoms in May, therefore people call it a spiny May rose, and fruits are formed by the end of summer. This is the only plant that is easy to find in the forest and it is always abundant, but the collection sometimes causes problems, because the bush is prickly, like a hedgehog.

Rose hips come in orange, red and brown. They are a spherical torpedo with a small grass skirt. Experienced foresters know that the harvest of a useful fruit must be done when the dog rose is fully ripe. It is easy to determine. Fruits become softer and fleshy. Another important point: the wild rose must be collected before the frost, so that it does not lose its taste and all useful properties are preserved in it.

The healing properties of wild rose

It has a whole bunch of vitamins and useful elements. Consider the basic properties of each:

  1. Vitamin C - a great fighter with a cold.
  2. Vitamin E - the source of beauty.
  3. Vitamin B2 is the builder of blood cells and helps to enrich the body with oxygen.
  4. Vitamin P is the protector of blood vessels.
  5. Rutin normalizes pressure.
  6. Vitamin PP helps protein absorption.
  7. Nicotinic acid is necessary for vegetarians, promotes weight loss and normalizes metabolism.
  8. Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting.
  9. Phylloquinone - improves the bowels.
  10. Carotene - strengthens the immune system.
  11. Pectic substances normalize cholesterol and sugar, inhibit the development of cancer cells.
  12. Linoleic acid promotes weight loss and normalizes water balance and hormone levels. Prevents skin inflammation and vascular blockage.
  13. Tannins fight all known toxic substances that enter the human body.
  14. Flavonoids prevents aging of the skin.
  15. Ascorbic acid boosts immunity.
  16. Fruit acids contribute to the renewal of the skin.
  17. Tannins prevent inflammation and normalize blood circulation.
  18. Potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium - the elements necessary for the body.
  19. Fatty oil is found in the seeds of wild rose.
  20. Tannins are the strongest antioxidants.

Regular consumption will provide complete protection of the body against infections, especially in the winter, when there is an acute shortage of vitamins and beneficial elements. This is the only plant that supports normal hemoglobin and prevents the development of anemia.

Collection and methods of brewing wild rose

There are many ways to brew these fruits, but preparation of the product for brewing is just as important. It is heat treated in two ways: whole or crushed.

How to properly collect this product:

  1. Never collect fruit near the road.
  2. If the dog rose is soft or cracked, then it is better to leave it for birds to feed.
  3. Tear off the fruit from the stem, this will facilitate the collection, and then remove it before brewing.

Most often, these bushes grow on the edges of the forest or near water. There are many types of this shrub, but it is better to collect the “brown” wild rose. His taste will then be more saturated. In the orange fruit is much less useful elements. Rosehip can be brewed in fresh and dry form. The only difference is that the dry product requires a longer heat treatment.

If rose hips are collected a lot, then a small amount can be brewed immediately for drinking, and the rest is dried. The whole product dries and is ground only before brewing. You can dry in the oven or on the street. The second option will take more time, but this treatment is valued for its naturalness. Despite the fact that the fresh product makes the broth more saturated, for practicality it is better to dry the product and brew dry as needed.

How to Brew Dried Rose Hips

Consider the traditional method of brewing, which will make the broth rich and tasty. It is advisable to take the whole fruit, it will eliminate the presence of hairs in the broth.

Step-by-step brewing algorithm:

  1. Rinse the dried rosehip, let it dry and remove the stem. You can cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds and villi. Grind, you can use a blender or coffee grinder. Some housewives carry out this process with a towel and rolling pin.
  2. Dip the fruit in boiling water and simmer for 5 hours.
  3. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth.
  4. Add some honey before drinking.

The process of brewing whole fruit from crushed differs by the fact that a whole wild rose must be boiled for at least 5 hours. The ground product is enough for three hours.

Broth fresh rosehips

Fresh rose hips cook much faster. First you need to rinse the product well, wait for the water glass, let it dry and remove excess twigs. Then the fruit is cut and the core is removed. You can grind it and cook for 2 hours. You can pour boiling water over the product and insist for 24 hours in a dark place.

How to cook in a thermos

Brewing in a thermos takes place in a similar way as insisting in a regular can. Rosehip washed, crushed and poured into the vessel with hot water. The advantage of this method is that the broth remains warm for a long time. It can be added to tea, compote and other drinks. If the broth is highly concentrated, it can be diluted with plain water or green tea. It is possible to consume the broth brewed in a thermos after 2 hours.

Dogrose in the Multicooker

They say that the multicooker more carefully treats products during heat treatment, therefore some housewives prefer to cook food in it, including cooking broths. The fruits are prepared for this process in a standard way, then transferred to the slow cooker and half filled with water. The timer is set for 5-6 hours in “Quenching” mode, if the fruits are dried, and for 3-4 hours, if they are fresh.

Rosehip tea

Rosehip tea will help to cope with many ailments, it all depends on additional ingredients. If you add honey and ginger, it will be perfect during colds. If you add a lemon, then with this drink you can easily lose weight. Tea in its original form or with additional ingredients is prepared according to the standard scheme. The main thing is to choose how it will brew. A social survey showed that most housewives prefer a thermos.

It is important to know the dosage of raw materials. To make the tea saturated, but not very concentrated, you need to brew 60 grams of the product in 1 liter of water. Water should be hot. Before use, you need to cool the tea, drink in its pure form or add a sweetener.

How to drink rose hips

The course of admission should be regular, but with interruptions. If a person consumes tea or a decoction of this product 1 time per month, then you should not wait for a healing effect. Experienced housewives brew rosehip for the whole family 3 times a week, especially in the winter season. The drink is taken an hour before a meal, after a meal it is impossible to drink it, because it enhances the separation of bile.

If a person wants to enrich his body with useful substances that are contained in the hips, then doctors recommend a two-week course. To apply once a day on 100 ml of a product at lunchtime before the use of food. You can not drink a decoction at night, because it invigorates. A social survey showed that hostesses chop dry rosehip and mix it with other herbs and tea leaves and brew it every day. In this case, the concentration of the product will be small, and you can drink it constantly.

Possible harm and contraindications

Almost any product has contraindications:

  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Intestinal problems in the acute stage.
  3. Gastritis, heartburn, ulcer.
  4. Increased acidity of the stomach.
  5. Thrombosis.
  6. Hypertension.

Children under 10 years and older people need to limit the use of this drink and drink with caution. Excessive use of any product can adversely affect the human body, so there must be a measure in everything.

Tips and secrets

Rosehip often drink for the prevention of colds. Despite the fact that much has already been said about collecting and brewing a product, there are some tricks and useful tips from experienced housewives:

  1. Brew rosehip with other herbs and add spices. Cinnamon tones beautifully, and lemon will contribute to the breakdown of body fat.
  2. It is better to drink a decoction courses. Two weeks to use the product every day, and then do 30 days break.
  3. Experts say that more than 3 courses per year is undesirable.
  4. Dry dogrose outdoors. This will save more useful items.
  5. Do not store the product for too long. Already in the second year of storage, it loses most of its useful properties.

Watch the video: Bioflavonoids & Rose Hips : Natural Approach to Healthy Living (April 2024).