Horoscope for 2018 - Scorpio

A detailed astrological forecast for Scorpions for the whole of 2018, telling about love, career, family all year dogs. There is a horoscope for the eastern calendar and for each month. For mysterious Scorpions, the year promises to be quite emotional. Events in all spheres of life will be stormy and intense - even the most inconspicuous representatives of this sign will be picked up by the torrent.

According to the eastern Chinese calendar, the symbol of this year is the Yellow Earth Dog. It is a very controversial animal: on the one hand, it is a symbol of diligence, loyalty and responsiveness, on the other - closeness, anxiety, stubbornness. The current dog stands firmly on its feet (Earth) and is wise (yellow). She always thinks in advance and does not dive into the water with her head.

General predictions for Scorpio for the New 2018

Year of the Dog promises to be swift, muddled and independent of public opinion. Scorpions will stop at nothing: courage and quickness will not only reach the target and outrun many rivals. Nevertheless, the stars recommend that you review your own actions, put your senses in order and look at the circle of communication.

Attention will require colleagues, friends, relatives. At times, the Scorpios will seem to have no time, they will be torn apart, you have to combine the incompatible.

In this case, it is desirable to pre-determine the priority direction and strictly adhere to the end of the critical situation. Do not grab all projects and charge yourself too much.

Scorpios are better off keeping emotions under control: not saying what they think, not hitting plates in public, and so on. Suddenly they will say a rashly to the authorities or an influential person. Silence is gold.

Solving your own problems can begin in March, this is a very good month to deal with the affairs of last year. But February is not shaky, not shaky - you can sit quietly, drinking tea with Valerian or chamomile.

Professional horoscope

Starting in March, entrepreneurs will find new opportunities, and those working in the organization will gush forth with creative ideas and approaches. Scorpios will daily feel themselves on the wave, feel tides of energy, and if they think through a plan, they will clearly understand where to go.

At the beginning of autumn, many Scorpios will want to change jobs, so the second half of the year is well suited for changing activities. And if they are too lazy to change the company, the boss can do it for them. Do not be afraid. The hard workers who are not afraid to express themselves will get the maximum out of a year.

For men

A lot of unpleasant moments waiting for a strong half of the sign, and all will have to cope on their own. Some friends will offer their help, but the consequences will not be the best. Around will begin to spin a lot of gossipers, forcing to behave with restraint, carefully and look, so that rumors do not affect the career.

For women

Relations with the leadership will be good: the ideas and projects of the beautiful half of the mark will appeal to the authorities. The dog does not advise Scorpios to enter into fraud and dishonest transactions - even if they fleetingly bring some benefit, then in the future it will disappear like smoke. In the fall, representatives of the sign will fall on their heads unexpected meetings and pleasant business acquaintances.

Money horoscope

Even those who do not set themselves such a goal will be able to earn money and increase income. Many expect success: someone will receive money from outside, someone will be promoted. But you should not invest in a lot of risky projects that promise one hundred thousand million somewhere in the future, it’s better to double-check everything and invest in one, but surely, case.

For men

Strong representatives of Scorpions can easily get into a dubious financial adventure, so you need to keep track of your surroundings and not give in to provocations of friends and acquaintances. Otherwise, they are waiting for global ruin in early December.

For women

As for income, there are no problems for women here: things are arguing, ideas are in full swing, the bosses are not happy. It is more prudent to send the finances that came to the family and work, and not to let all the fun.

Love and family prediction

The year 2018 promises to be stormy and in private life. Even modest representatives of the sign will be easy to get rid of the awkwardness of communication. All this applies to both men and women. There will be power over almost any partner, and the magnetism of Scorpions will have an impact even in the working team, which threatens with quarrels, disputes and resentment of colleagues.

Scorpio will need a strong partner who has a firm position on many issues, because in the worst case he will simply weaken the weak, at best he will simply ignore.

The Year of the Yellow Dog guarantees a lonely Scorpio a gift in the form of a stable relationship, but the latter will constantly pull to the side. Family people are guaranteed a lot of love affairs on the side, and if they are not very attentive, they will face a major quarrel, or even a divorce.

Sharp representatives of the sign have a chance to get dry out of the water. These intrigues can help some families to reach a new level, renew feelings, and uncover sexual opportunities. But all this will work if the campaigns to the left remain secret. But otherwise, the "debriefing" will continue until the fall, where hot-tempered Scorpions can file for divorce.

Relations with parents will develop only in adults Scorpions. Teenagers will begin riots for the right to express themselves, to be friends with people interesting to them, to choose their own profession. In children, everything will go more smoothly, but the whims on the theme "tasteless porridge" and "I don't like soup" cannot be avoided.

Scorpio parents will pull into authoritarianism, children will be obliged to obey them and immediately fulfill their will. That also will not bring happiness to family life, unless, of course, parents remember their own youth in time and how they wanted to be a rock musician, not an office worker.

For men

All year men expect the attention of the opposite sex. Summer vacation promises a romantic adventure that can last for many years. Relationships in the distance quickly subside.

For women

For representatives of the sign this is not the easiest year, albeit a very successful one. In the love sphere there will be a lot of tests for strength, family quarrels, quarrels with parents and disputes with the husband are possible. In order not to be left alone, it is recommended not to start a dispute at the slightest occasion, and, having rested, to decide whether it is so important that the pious stumbled after a working day into watching football, and does not go to throw away trash that will perfectly make it to the morning.

Scorpio health forecast for the new year

Constant anxiety and stressful situations can negatively affect the health of representatives of the sign. In order not to bring this up, it is advisable to buy a subscription for the whole year and not to miss classes. Spring will come with bouts of allergies, manifested in the form of sneezing, rash or itching. Exotic rest in distant countries can turn into infection with a local disease, which will have to be treated long and hard.

The dog advises to pay special attention to the thyroid gland, its neglected condition will provoke attacks of serious diseases. By the end of the year, representatives of the sign will feel tired, insomnia may begin. Therefore, the winter holidays they can safely devote themselves. You can arrange a beach holiday.

What awaits Scorpio on the eastern calendar


(1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

Born in the year of the Rat will be different risky behavior. Scorpion rats will continually get into debt, think outside the box, save kittens from the tree, stop being afraid of much. Stars can turn away if the risk goes beyond the law and morality.


(1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

Those born in the year of the Bull can safely rely on a communicative year filled with many meetings and conversations. There will be new acquaintances, perhaps the restoration of old connections. New people will stay close to the Scorpion Bulls for a long time, and some of the meetings will even be fateful.


(1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

Those born in the year of the Tiger can safely expect an interesting business proposal. For them, it will be a complete surprise.

Cat (Rabbit)

(1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Oddly enough, the Scorpions born in the year of Kota will have the calmest year. You can safely begin to live for yourself: to do unfinished business, go to Mexico, resolve conflicts with relatives, friends or family, finish building the house, and engage in health. Children will delight parents - not much swearing. This is a great year for Kotov.

The Dragon

(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

Dragons Year of the Dog will be remembered year of fantasy, even if not all of them come true. 2018 promises to be insane and creative, with lots of communication and dating. Straining people will leave the life of the Dragon, and new interesting people will take their place. Do not miss the moment. The dog recommends concentrating on the practical application of his ideas, otherwise all this will only be barking.


(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Born in the year of the Snake will have to constantly take the initiative to have time to enjoy the benefits of the year. Snakes will need perseverance, cruelty and confidence, and if they feel that someone has sat on the neck, and this someone is an unloved relative, then you can safely throw insolent.


(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

For Scorpion Horses, the year 2018 threatens to be tense in all respects, especially subtle - in family-wide relationships. Neither long-distance relatives, nor even close relatives, will get bored. At the most inopportune moment, a bunch of unnecessary work may come over, which will hit hard on one's own health. So full load for both small and adult Horses is provided.


(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

Kozlov-Scorpions will be very visible, and Sheep-Scorpions will unwittingly constantly converge in the crowd. Born in the year of the Goat, you can safely count on the mountains of money and new acquaintances. Natural magnetism and charm will not leave aside Kozlov.

A monkey

(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

Scorpios, born in the year of the Monkey, will feel that they can move mountains. Stars say - go for it. The year is good for ambitious goals, the Dog is on the side of Scorpio Monkeys. Maybe those will become famous bloggers from Kenya or make a career breakthrough.


(1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Born in the year of the Rooster, Scorpions will emerge from the 2017 depression. A new stage of development will begin, everything will be calm and comfortable. Sometimes it will seem that even too much, but do not worry: the dog will not give offense. The year will be good for the family: it is recommended to invest in the family budget and purchase the long-desired one, for example, a house in the village.


(1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Great time for Scorpios born in the year of the Dog. Lucky even those who have not been lucky for a long time. Year very good. But let the dogs not forget about the envious, who are activated just immediately, and which will seem to be - the crowd. Colleagues will begin to argue that Scorpion Dogs are doing everything wrong, you need to do it differently. So the main thing for dogs is not to listen to anyone and do it their own way.


(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

The boar will immediately feel that the year will be difficult. Already at the end of winter, a lot of cases would come on, it would even seem that someone sat on the neck and dumped his own work. The family will also have a lot of willing attention, as well as household chores that cannot be postponed. The dog recommends patience.

This article describes the analytical mind and how it can be improved.

How to make a wish card for Feng Shui can be found here.

Here you can understand the crises of family life over the years.

Short forecast for each month


January will be a month of initiatives at work. It is recommended to draw up a daily routine and strictly adhere to this plan. Particularly stubborn hardworking Scorpions will receive bonuses.


In February, the Scorpions will receive a lot of ideas for the global improvement of a material or other state. In the imagination will begin to draw the most incredible pictures. This month more than ever need a good friend who will be able to cool the scorpion's heat, soberly assessing the situation.


In March, the coming of a new love or revival of the past. All this can greatly affect the work accomplishments.


The middle of spring is rich in different movements. Starting from a business trip and ending a long journey to hot countries.


In May, the Scorpions will need to pile up all their diplomacy. We'll have to keep track of reputation, control one’s own emotionality and avoid conflict situations.


The beginning of summer time is great for love and family affairs. We need rest in a circle of loved ones, do not forget about their interests and needs. All this will help to avoid various omissions.


In July, many Scorpios will want vivacity and updates. Especially cool everything will turn in the business sphere, there will be a desire to change jobs.


The end of summer will make the Scorpions be economical. It is not recommended to spend money on meaningless and expensive expenses, it is better to invest it in the future.


A good month for physical education, the beginning of training in the gym. The dog recommends cycling, fitness, morning jogging. Male scorpions can go to the boxing section.


October for Scorpios - a very conflict period. This month is to follow the words, because the careless word can involuntarily offend a loved one. The work will also require greater diplomatic flexibility.


The end of autumn is well suited for family affairs and hanging out with close friends. Some Scorpios may start something new.


The last month of the year will be very calm. You can win in the lottery, unexpected financial assistance or cash incentives from the authorities.


Scorpio should take advantage of a favorable period for employment and business negotiations:

  • May 13-28;
  • October 10-31;
  • December 7-13.

These dates are well suited for Scorpio to study, improve education, obtain new qualifications:

  • March 1-17;
  • May 23-30;
  • July 5-17;
  • November 13-25.

Adverse periods when it is not recommended to hire new employees or look for a job:

  • April 15-20;
  • July 26 to August 19;
  • November 17-23.

For business cooperation and friendship, it is worth looking at Aries, Scorpios and Sagittarius, while with Pisces and Capricorn nothing will come of it. More information about the forecast for 2018 Scorpions can learn from a short video.