How can you get out of protracted depression

Constant breakdown and simply inhibited state of the body - every year more and more people experience these symptoms, which are a very complex mental disorder called depression. That is why it is very important to learn how to get out of it with the help of only your own strength, because the full picture of this disease has not yet been clarified.

Very often, doctors only write a whole bunch of pills, which in many ways even worsen the condition of the body. Well, or you have to spend a huge pile of money on a specialist psychologist, which is not available to everyone.

With the help of this article you can find out what depression is and how you can overcome it yourself without resorting to the services of expensive drugs.

What is depression, its types

Because of the modern rhythm of life, depression has long been a completely common occurrence. Statistically, it manifests itself as often as the same cold, and this already says a lot.

However, this mental illness is quite difficult to disassemble, since there is no cough or rhinitis here. Absolutely anyone, even the most successful person, may suddenly surprise you with saying that he is depressed.

Of course, this disease is much more complex and simple depression from failure in some undertakings does not at all indicate its presence.

Indeed, a person experiencing depression feels permanently helpless and depressed, however, in and of itself, he should not feel from this feeling of irregularity. Such patients do not recognize themselves as such, therefore their sense of reality is always a little disturbed, which prevents them both in everyday life and at work with colleagues.

Even the smallest mistake seems to be fatal to them, that is, they simply cannot assess the level of importance of the situation.

With the constant unstable economic situation in the world, the problem of depressive states began to deepen more and more. Due to the constant lack of confidence in the future, anxiety for the future, the level of stress rises, which leads to the symptoms of depression.

At the moment, depending on the various manifestations of symptoms, the following types of depression are revealed:

  • Endogenous depression - this type is the most severe form of this disease.

In fact, if you have exactly this kind of life, then you will ruin your life without treatment for everyone, and yourself and your loved ones, who will be hurt to watch your sufferings. The main symptoms are insomnia and lack of interest in the world.

A person feels constant anxiety and stress, even panic. Even just walking along the street one can notice such people, because very often they have an untidy appearance, dull hair, constantly slouch and speak very quietly, even hesitantly. Such people lack even simple interests, because they cannot focus their attention on anything.

  • The second type is manic depression, which is very often also called bipolar disorder.

Such a person lives highs. Then he demonstrates inappropriate behavior, performing a hundred different actions in a minute, creating many projects.

However, the patient suddenly has a sudden and unreasonable change of mood, and he falls into sadness and apathy.

If you see an overly energetic person with delusions of grandeur, then there is a big possibility that he is in manic depression. Of course, this option is the strongest manifestation of this form of depression. It also appears more gently in the form of cyclotime. By the way, postpartum is also referred to this type of depression.

  • Masked depression is completely invisible to people who are nearby.

Very often she is considered the result of what alcoholics and drug addicts are going to. At its core, it is even cataloged into subtypes only on the basis of whether a person can fully carry out his work.

  • Clinical depression occurs most frequently today.

Unlike bipolar disorder, a person here has one constant emotion, for example, sadness or depression. All this leads to insomnia, loss of appetite, even a simple lack of joy. The patient is almost deprived of self-esteem and considers himself completely worthless.

Causes and symptoms of female depression

Statistically, the most common depressive disorder occurs in women. Some depression almost always can be found in any lady.

However, this does not mean that men do not get sick of her, they just prefer to “lose” themselves in alcohol, and not just talk about it. Whatever it was, below we will talk specifically about female depression.

Most often, this condition begins with hormonal disorders. Any change in hormones during a particular cycle, such as menstruation, menopause or pregnancy, can cause this problem, since the entire nervous system collapses a little at this time.

By the way, pregnancy and childbirth much more often lead to depression than abortion, although it would seem to be the opposite. But postpartum depression, more and more often from a fairly mild condition, can lead to a serious enough illness in a few weeks.

Childbirth is stress, especially unsuccessful. If all this is exacerbated by problems in the family or even a fairly large financial disadvantage, then you should expect depression, because the baby already delivers a lot of problems on top of everything.

Depression is most common in young women under 30, so they are the risk zone. Anorexical or fat girls are the first likely candidates, as eating disorder is an important symptom of depression.

Also increases the risk of symptoms in divorced women, because of the feeling of loneliness and the loss of a life partner, their self-esteem decreases.

The first symptoms worth paying attention to in order to understand your condition are:

  • excessive tearfulness;
  • baseless guilt;
  • passivity;
  • constant feeling of fear;
  • lack of interest in life;
  • irritability.

Of course, in the deeper stages of the disease, thoughts of suicide, a sense of personal worthlessness, and other symptoms that completely interfere with living are manifested.

Step by step algorithm out of depression

The main problem of depression is that the sick person almost does not perceive it on their own, which leads to a difficult cure. Therefore, it is important to adjust some aspects of your life that will help restore the normal state.

Consider the step-by-step algorithm for how a woman can get out of depression on her own:

  1. Proper nutrition is vital in this case. Lack of appetite should not be a hindrance, just combine in your diet useful foods that enhance your mood with what you want. Avoid fast food and even meat by switching to plant foods that are easier to digest. Fish, cheese, nuts and a variety of fruits will not only improve the shape, but also help to cope with apathy and give energy;
  2. Sleep at least 8 hours a day is needed not only for the return of beauty, but also for a normal mental state. Patients with depression often suffer from insomnia, so it is very important to get rid of it. An early rise will also be very helpful. To normalize sleep, it is definitely not possible to drink alcohol or sleeping pills, but a massage or a warm bath would be helpful;
  3. Move more. Take any kind of physical activity. Now there is a huge number of different activities, so the imagination here is almost unlimited. Find something that will bring you joy and no matter whether it will be climbing or jumping on a trampoline;
  4. Understand your problem and work through it. Depression does not arise from an empty space, so it is very important to solve all the negative consequences. You have problems in your marriage, with your colleagues at work - talk with them all and solve it, because by itself it will not disappear, and will continue to ruin your life;
  5. Hobbies and interests charge a person with useful energy. Simple embroidery or baking the cake will give you a charge of positive emotions that will help you out of depression;
  6. Smile, if necessary, through force. After a while, the smile will become material, and the world will sparkle with new colors. Think positively and surround yourself with the same people, throwing away all negative emotions from you;
  7. Treat yourself, it's never too late. If a new dress recharges you with emotions, be sure to buy it, just then put it on necessarily to show everyone how beautiful you are. Diversify your life with the help of theater, cinema or even going to a cafe;
  8. In the book "Eat, Pray, Love," the heroine went on a trip to 3 countries to cope with depression. Such trips help very well, because new acquaintances and feelings will not let you fall into emptiness.

How to get out of protracted postpartum depression yourself

Disruption of hormones during pregnancy often leads to postpartum depression. Very often, even with the complete abandonment of this disease, it passes half a year after the birth of the child. But there are also very difficult options, when all the symptoms are so acute that it requires the intervention of specialists.

If you feel that you are beginning to show aggression towards a child or even hate your generally supporting spouse, then it is better to start taking antidepressants.

It is almost impossible to cure yourself of this form of depression, so psychotherapy, tranquilizers and neuroleptics are waiting for you.

You yourself can only help your state frankly about your feelings. Take walks, get creative. You just need to feel that you can become a wonderful mother and your problem is completely nonidentical.

Tips for getting out of depression

What if nothing helps? How to get out of deep depression? If there is absolutely no strength to do physical exercises, then according to the advice of a psychologist you should pay attention to your inner world:

  • take responsibility for your condition;
  • go deep into the spiritual world or religion;
  • start to surround yourself with people;
  • watch inspiring and favorite TV shows or movies;
  • start taking someone else's help;
  • get yourself motivating statements for each day and repeat them;
  • volunteer, because doing useful things will make you feel love;
  • and yet, do at least some exercises and normalize your day.

Depression in men

Unlike women, "men do not cry," that is, to talk about their depression is very difficult. Why does depression occur in men and how can they cope with it? Most often, this disease is manifested in the inability to express one's emotions normally, as well as to control them, which leads men to take psychotropic substances and alcohol.

That is why the most common symptoms are the presence of any kind of addiction, no matter whether it is alcohol, drugs or gambling, as well as aggressiveness.

All this can only slightly muffle the disease itself, but not cure it, so it is very important to diagnose depression in time. As you know, not a single bottle of vodka could cure someone, but it is quite capable of aggravating the condition of the body.

Therefore, it is very important for men to turn to specialists to solve the problem, because during their illness they are practically incapable of working. However, their depression often lasts much less time, but can also occur in a more intense form, which often leads to suicide.

It is very important to understand that self-medication in the case of a depressive state is not at all recommended and even harmful, therefore, self-medication is completely excluded. However, it is completely unnecessary to launch it, because it can lead to very serious consequences.

A few more tips on how to get out of protracted depression are in the next video.

Watch the video: 30 Months off of Benzos Healing from Anxiety and Depression (April 2024).