How to get pregnant the first time

The onset of pregnancy is the condition of a woman when another small person grows and develops inside her belly. Its appearance contributes to the merger of the sex cells of a man and a woman. However, when trying to conceive from the first, there are often problems that can be resolved.

Factors affecting conception from the first time

When planning the onset of pregnancy, it is important to consider factors affecting pregnancy.

1. Bad habitsIf they are present, representatives of both sexes decrease the chance of conception and increase the risk of complications during pregnancy (if it has occurred). Therefore, even before planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to exclude alcohol, smoking and drugs from your lifestyle.
2. OvulationThe most favorable period for conception is a short period of time before the start of ovulation. The released egg retains its fruitfulness during the day. With the correct calculation, the probability of conception is about 25 percent.

Ovulation impairment due to various causes (diseases of the pituitary, thyroid, ovaries and adrenal glands) interferes with conception in general. It is necessary to conduct a number of therapeutic and preventive measures to restore reproductive function.

3. The quality of spermThe deterioration of seminal fluid in testicular diseases, obstruction of the ways, chronic infectious pathologies is a barrier to the onset of the first pregnancy. It is necessary to carry out appropriate tests for the timely detection of violations, in order to restore the ability of the sperm cell to fertilize. You should also lead a healthy lifestyle: optimal exercise, normal weight, avoiding bad habits; Avoid overheating of the testicles and stressful situations (the number of spermatozoa decreases). The physical health of men guarantees the quality of sperm.
4. Physical exercise and stressExcessive stressful situations and physical exertion negatively affect the positive result during the planning period of pregnancy. It is important to maintain a calm lifestyle, not to lift weights and psychologically tune in to the appearance of the first child.
5. Regular sexMaintaining an active sex life at the time of ovulation increases the chance of conception from the first time.

What is the probability of getting pregnant the first time?

Fertilization directly depends on the health of the man and woman and other related factors for its occurrence. In most cases, getting pregnant the first time is about 10 - 25%. To achieve the result - the probability of about 30%, you must adhere to unprotected sexual intercourse for six months with the complete abolition of birth control pills.

What can prevent conception from the first time

When planning a pregnancy from the first time, partners should eliminate all possible obstacles to the onset of conception. These include:

  • drugs, including antibiotics, which adversely affect the functions of the liver;
  • intimate lubrication for sexual intercourse create a certain environment, leading to the complete destruction of spermatozoa;
  • psychological obsession with the early occurrence of pregnancy prevents conception, as the body begins to block reproduction;
  • diseases of the genital and genitourinary system do not allow the reproductive organs of the female body to function normally;
  • improper lifestyle also affects the ability to get pregnant the first time;
  • immunodeficiency and weakening of the body impedes conception. It is necessary to conduct a course on the restoration of the general condition of a woman with the intake of vitamins and therapeutic and prophylactic agents.

How to count to determine ovulation

You can determine the appearance of ovulation by the characteristic lower abdominal pain and increased sexual desire. There are also methods for calculating fertile days:

  1. The calendar. After ovulation, with a 28 - day cycle, menstruation occurs on the 14th day, and on a 30 - day cycle, on the 16th day. However, if the cycle fails, ovulation may not occur at all and the probability of conception will be about 30%.
  2. Touch. During the day or during the onset of ovulation, mucus secreted from the cervix is ​​diluted to facilitate the movement of spermatozoa to the egg cell. The probability of pregnancy with this method is 50%.
  3. Basal temperature measurement. To determine the day of the onset of ovulation, you can periodically check the temperature with a thermometer, introducing it for 5-6 minutes into the rectum, in the morning and not getting out of bed. A sharp jump down, then raising the mark on the next day indicates the beginning of the ovulation period.
  4. Ultrasound (ultrasound). This method is the most accurate tool for determining the time of ovulation. This study is done on the 7th day after the end of menstruation with the introduction of a special vaginal sensor to monitor the development of the follicle and its rupture.
  5. Ovulation test. At home, it is possible to establish the estimated date of ovulation, using a special test to determine the level of luteinizing hormone in urine or saliva. Before testing, limit fluid intake and do not urinate for 4 hours for maximum accuracy. If the hormone is elevated, there is a chance of getting pregnant the first time, starting having sex in the next two days.

How to get pregnant from the first time after menstruation

The occurrence of pregnancy from the first time immediately after the completion of menstrual bleeding causes a controversial point. Experts consider this process impossible, but practice shows the opposite.

The fact is that the sperm is able to maintain its vital activity in the body of a woman for up to 10 days. Having sex during the period of termination or at the time of completion of menstruation, conception can occur exactly in the stage of ovulation in just a week or a little more.

During this time, the follicle will have time to mature and break, freeing the egg. Therefore, for a high probability of becoming pregnant, sexual intercourse is recommended for at least two weeks from the last menstrual period.

How to quickly get pregnant from the first time: sex postures

Pregnancy may not occur due to some features of the structure of the uterus - a deviation in the right or left side, the wrong location, which is called bending. Knowing about these physiological pathologies, it is possible to conceive a child from the first time, choosing at the same time the correct posture for sex.

  1. Lying on your back or side. Depending on the deviation of the bend, having sex on the appropriate side - right or left. When lying down, it is recommended to put a pillow under the gluteus muscles and bend the knees, to the abdomen, or throw them on the shoulders of the sexual partner.
  2. On all fours or lying on his stomach. In this position increases the chance to conceive the first time, as the penetration of the male member reaches its maximum level. You can also put a pillow under the hips of a woman so that your pelvis is raised.
After the sexual intercourse is completed, a woman is recommended to lie on her stomach for 15 minutes with her legs raised upwards in order to achieve the best sperm of the egg.

How to accurately get pregnant girl / boy from the first

It is known that sex is dependent on a set of chromosomes, spermatozoa (XY) and egg (X). Calculate the sex of the child, or conceive from the first time a boy or girl, possibly performing certain techniques.

The conception of a girl is determined by the X-sperm cell, which moves slowly, caused by a small amount in the semen and a long existence. Recommended:

  • Before sex, it is necessary to reduce the amount of sperm and provide an acidic environment in the vagina, which kills the Y chromosome. Thereby, the X-spermatozoon has a chance to fertilize an egg cell;
  • it is important during sex to avoid orgasm, which affects the reduction in sperm sperm with the X chromosome;
  • having sex before ovulation provides a positive result of conception by the girl.

The conception of a boy determines the Y-sperm cell, which is characterized by high activity and quantity in the semen with the smallest period of vital activity and strength. Recommended:

  • having sex before ovulation, or during its period in the recommended pose "on all fours," has a positive effect on the rapid achievement of the ovum S-cell;
  • with artificial insemination, it is possible to extract X-spermatozoa from sperm. After which the egg cell fuses with the Y-sperm and it becomes real to get pregnant as a boy the first time.
For accurate planning of pregnancy, a boy / girl is advised to contact a specialist the first time. He will report on all possible nuances that will help in achieving the desired result.

How can you get pregnant the first time: folk methods

Traditional medicine has various useful tools that help conceive from the first time if both partners are healthy and have completed the necessary research:

  • medicinal herbs:
  • boron uterus. The decoction prevents inflammation in the urogenital system and activates the egg. Method of preparation: Pour 2 tablespoons of the uterus of the uterus with 0.5 l of water, bring to a boil, Remove from heat and place in a dark place for half an hour. Strain and pour into clean dishes. Drink before meals and 1 tablespoon;
  • sage. It contributes to the normal functioning of the reproductive organs, as this plant contains phytoestrogens similar to the female sex hormones. Preparation: 1 tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, insist in a dark place for about 1 hour and take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day for a month with an interval of 30 days before the onset of pregnancy;
  • plantain. The effectiveness of psyllium seed is to eliminate infertility in men. Method of application: Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of seeds, simmer for 10 minutes in a water bath, then insist in a dark place for about 1 hour and take 2 tablespoons before meals 2 times a day.
  • inclusion in the diet of pumpkin, walnuts, honey, milk and kefir will help enhance the internal resources of the body and achieve a quick result.

Basic tips when planning a pregnancy

Planning to conceive a child is an important period in the life of a married couple, which is extremely important to be taken seriously. For successful fertilization and the birth of a healthy baby, it is recommended to adhere to the basic rules and tips:

  • it is necessary to take care of partners' health together;
  • refuse to use contraceptives;
  • take folic acid and eat foods that are high in vitamins;
  • stick to optimum weight;
  • follow the menstrual cycle;
  • get rid of bad habits - smoking, alcohol, drugs;
  • reduce coffee consumption to two cups per day;
  • avoid toxic substances, chemicals and pesticides;
  • take any medications with caution and only on prescription;
  • men exclude from their lifestyle baths and saunas;
  • learn to relax and prevent stressful situations;
  • observe an active lifestyle, avoiding excessive load;
  • eat a balanced nutritious diet with drinking enough water throughout the day;
  • take nutritional supplements, vitamins A and D strictly under the supervision of a physician;
  • observe caution with domestic cats - carriers of toxoplasmosis;
  • pass the necessary tests and conduct treatment, if any, before pregnancy, in consultation with the therapist.

The question "how to get pregnant from the first time" worries many married couples who have difficulties with it. Therefore, preparation for pregnancy begins long before its occurrence. At the same time, it is important to create favorable conditions for pregnancy from the first time and its occurrence in the future, following certain rules and recommendations relating to both women and men.

Additional tips on what makes for a quick pregnancy are in the next video.

Watch the video: How We Got Pregnant On the First Try. Fertility. Conception. TMI (May 2024).