How to treat periodontal disease at home with pharmaceutical and folk remedies

Periodontal disease is a complex lesion of the tissues around the teeth: the reduction of bone septums and the atrophy of the cells in which the dental cervix is ​​located. Patients often form gaps between skin and enamel, and exposure of the cervix can lead to complicated caries, tooth loosening and subsequent loss.

This disease is quite rare, only in 2-9% of patients in dental clinics.

Signs of periodontal disease

In most cases, the disease occurs in mild forms and does not cause discomfort to the patient. Therefore, people go to the clinic already with a neglected gum lesion, when an ailment is felt. But, of course, the disease is better to recognize at the initial stage, so you should pay attention to these symptoms:

  • One of the first signs of the disease is a reduction in blood flow to the periodontal, causing the gums to lighten and become dull;
  • the appearance of plaque and the impossibility of removing it with a brush with a paste from hard-to-reach places on the tooth neck;
  • bleeding of interdental areas often indicates the beginning of destructive processes;
  • exposure of the neck, which can cause a painful reaction to a cold, hot, sweet or sharp, severe itching;
  • destruction of the alveolar processes - parts of the jaw of a person to which the masticatory organs are attached;
  • in the neglected state of the disease, loosening of the dental roots may occur, followed by loss of both incisors and canines, as well as chewing - the number of roots does not matter here;
  • strong pulsation, reminiscent of nerve irritation;
  • pus may be excreted and bad breath may be formed.

In addition to the high risk of loss of the chewing organs, the disease is dangerous because of its complications on the oral cavity, cardiovascular and circulatory system. Sometimes pathology becomes a cause of disorders of the digestive organs and can even cause blood infection.

Accordingly, by diagnosing these diseases, it is possible to accidentally detect a progressive affliction in a patient.

Recognize the problem can, having knowledge of the stages of the disease.

  1. At the first stage, only small visual changes in the interdental area can be seen. Symptoms will not manifest and in any way affect the patient's life.
  2. At the next stage, the patient will often receive blood after cleaning with toothpaste, and due to the widening of the lumen, food remains will get stuck.
  3. In the severe stage, the destructive processes of the dental-toothed tissues become already pronounced and irreversible, ulcers appear, teeth become loose and fall out.

Causes of periodontal disease and their removal

The syndrome can be caused by a large number of causes.

  1. Patients with diabetes are at risk.
  2. The disease is manifested in diseases of the endocrine system: the malfunction of the endocrine glands leads to disruption of the production of enzymes responsible for the normal state of the gums.
  3. The appearance of tartar, the systematic chewing of coarse food.
  4. Insufficient blood supply to the tissues around the teeth, which is possible with any pathology of the heart and arterial system.
  5. Low intake of vitamins of group C or insufficient amount of enzymes that secrete them from fresh fruits and vegetables. Therefore, in the days of the sailing fleet, even those sailors who, by happy coincidence, avoided scurvy, in the end, remained with an empty jaw from the destruction of the periodontium.
  6. Diseases of the digestive system, in which the absorption of certain vitamins and enzymes that strengthen the bone tissue in the human jaw is impaired.
  7. Doctors fix the genetic predisposition to this ailment.

Eliminate the causes of the disease is possible only when the person they are understood. Depending on the factors causing the problem, either superficial or deep complex treatment of the pathology itself and the infections that caused it will be required.

With the main manifestations of fighting the following means:

  • drug therapy;
  • massage method to improve the blood supply to the skin and oral mucosa;
  • physiotherapy device treatment;
  • by surgical implantation of artificial sites in the tissue and restoration of the affected areas;
  • treatment of folk remedies.

Fixed assets of conservative treatment of periodontal disease: drugs and ointments

Now the question arises, how to treat periodontal disease gums at home? The course of drug therapy is selected only by a doctor on the basis of diagnostic data. Self-medication of any illness with medicines can lead to both complication of the disease itself and serious side effects.

When confirming the diagnosis, agents with a high content of propolis are usually prescribed. Propolis acts as an anesthetic, its active substances destroy pathogens and strengthen tissues.

Medications for the restoration of gum tissue are written out in advanced forms: Solcoseryl or Karotolin, which accelerates the process of wound healing.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are taken during the treatment. For example, calcitonin, which reduces swelling.

Antibiotics affect pathogens and reduce the inflammatory process. The most effective of them in the treatment of this disease are doxycycline and metronidazole. To effectively relieve symptoms, medications are used in combination with Chlorhexidine.

During treatment, vitamins (groups B and C) and immunomodulators, such as Immunal, Echinacea, Dekaris, and others, are prescribed to strengthen the immune system. With strong tissue degeneration, aloe injections are introduced right in between the teeth.

To get rid of inflammation and wounds on the periodontal ointment is widely used. Local application of gels relieves inflammation, reduces pain and promotes tissue self-healing.

Thus, the choice of funds is quite wide, but before buying it is important to ensure that there are no contraindications and allergies to the active substances of drugs.

Methods of treatment of periodontal disease at home folk remedies

Folk remedies will provide invaluable assistance in treating the disease only if they are used in conjunction with the main therapy on prescription and under his supervision. How to treat periodontal disease at home folk remedies?

To strengthen the mucous membranes is very useful rinsing the mouth with herbal and alcohol infusions after meals. There are many recipes. The most common and effective are the following tinctures:

  • in a half-liter container with vodka, stir a glass of grated horseradish;
  • mix on 20 gr. propolis, mint leaves and calamus root, then insist in a solution of 30% alcohol for a month;
  • use 1 tbsp. l. Calendula flowers in a glass of boiled water. Also suitable strawberry leaves (2 tablespoons.) Nettle or oak bark);
  • Many people are helped by the infusion of 6 fresh nut leaves per half liter of boiling water.

During the application of rinses, it is important to remember that it is better to simply hold the tool without sudden movements, so as not to damage the oral cavity. Also, do not take a mouthful of medication so that excessive pressure is not affected by severe pain.

It is better to dilute any alcohol solutions with water, otherwise they can burn the mucous membrane and injured areas. During the procedure, itching and burning often occur. This is normal, so the symptoms should just endure.

An excellent home remedy can be the usual chewing of various strong substances. The procedure should be carried out carefully to avoid falling out of the staggering masticatory formations and painful touches of wounds and ulcers. For such exercises you can:

  • in this case, shredded pine needles are very good;
  • sauerkraut;
  • like chewing gum, chew plantain until its taste disappears in the mouth.

Gum massage techniques

A full recovery effect has a massage of the gums, which should be carried out twice a day, but only after cleaning the oral cavity. Massage is accompanied by rubbing in therapeutic ointments.

Massage can either fingertips or a soft brush. Movements must be made carefully so that they do not injure the affected areas.

The procedure will improve blood flow, the active substances of the rubbed gels will have a therapeutic effect.

There are many folk remedies that can be used during the massage:

  • rub aloe juice;
  • massage with a mild solution of hydrogen peroxide (10 drops per 25 ml.);
  • push the cranberry flesh into the infected area;
  • process the area between the teeth with a mixture of fine salt crystals with olive oil;
  • salt can be mixed with honey or soda and rubbed, putting on the brush.

Vitamins and nutrition with periodontal disease

The most important vitamin complex to strengthen the problem area is Group C, therefore, when symptoms of periodontal disease, eating large amounts of citrus fruits is mandatory.

But be careful, because acid can damage the irritated areas between the teeth and cause acute pain.

Therefore, after taking the fruit rinse your mouth with warm water.

The necessary vitamins are contained in the following products:

product namevitamin group
1liver, carrot in any form and pumpkinA
2dishes from potatoes, beans, beans, cereal from wheat and buckwheat grains, cheese, salted fishB
3lard, pea products, sunflower and olive oilE
4any red berries, sorrelP
5For better absorption of other vitamins, you should sunbathe more oftenD

In conditions of the defeat of the oral cavity, it is necessary to follow a diet. At the same time its term can be calculated 1-3 years. In general, you need to use those products that strengthen the teeth and, conversely, eliminate from the diet everything that destroys the enamel.

To enhance the stability of the roots in the tooth wells and saturate the body with vitamins, you must eat fresh vegetables and fruits. More hard food should be chewed to strengthen the position of the teeth in the holes.

But it is not recommended to use seeds or nuts that can scratch the affected places with their sharp husks. Doctors recommend including more dairy products in the diet, as they are useful for gingival tissues.

You need to drink a lot of ordinary water, fresh juices without sugar, recommended green tea.

You can not eat the following foods:

  • any sweets;
  • coffee and black tea;
  • horseradish, mustard, pepper and any other bitter or spicy seasonings;
  • Do not lean on flour, especially on bread and muffins;
  • Food sticking to teeth is excluded.

The diet of the patient should consist of foods rich in vitamins.

Food should not be served hot or cold, as this can cause severe pain in case of hypersensitivity of the affected areas.

Disease prevention

Prevention of ailments involves a large number of preventive means:

  • regular oral hygiene;
  • appeal to dentists for professional cleaning of teeth from plaque and deposits;
  • ensuring the intake of sufficient amounts of vitamins, fresh apples and carrots are especially useful;
  • for the prevention of the disease are used folk remedies:
  1. Add a lot of garlic;
  2. Tea with honey;
  3. Salads from sauerkraut;
  4. Beet Juice
  • proper nutrition with an emphasis on products containing beneficial elements for the teeth: copper, phosphorus, calcium, iron;
  • timely visit to the dentist;
  • maintaining their health and the absence of neglected diseases.

Periodontal disease can be called a silent teeth killer. Even if a person manages to keep them in immaculate condition, without fillings and other signs of healed caries, they hopelessly fall out in the advanced stages of this disease. Of course, it will be a shame. Therefore, it is recommended to detect pathology in the early stages.

Additional information about the treatment of periodontal disease - in the next video.

Watch the video: Gingivitis - Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies (April 2024).