How to grow real ginger at home on the windowsill

Ginger is famous for its beneficial properties. Especially valuable is the root of the plant. But few know that exotic seasoning lends itself well to cultivation at home. The main thing is to follow some rules during planting and care.

Ginger at home: conditions for successful growth

Before proceeding to root planting, it is necessary to carefully study all the recommended conditions for normal growth. If you well prepare the capacity and soil for ginger, you can safely count on the successful growth of the plant.

The choice of capacity for landing

Ginger root does not grow deep, but wide. That is why it is necessary to choose a shallow capacity of a large area. It is important that the container is large and plastic, not small and clay. In this case, there is a possibility that the ginger will rest against the rhizome in the wall and the clay pot will crack.

If there is an opportunity to purchase a deep and wide container, then you can plant a root in it. Quite often in nature, the rhizome grows deep into. In this case there is a big chance to get more yield.

It is also necessary to take care of the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. The tank should be with a pan, so that after watering all the excess moisture drained into it.

What should be the soil for planting

Ginger should be planted in very loose and fertile soil. It is also desirable that it be acidic by the reaction. You can take the finished substrate on the basis of peat and mix it with sand.

To independently prepare the ground for planting ginger, you need to mix:

  • sod land - 1 part;
  • humus or compost - 1 part;
  • river sand - 1 2 parts.

It is recommended to disinfect the ground before planting. To do this, pour it with potassium permanganate or calcined in the oven.

Place for growing ginger

Ginger germinates in hot tropical countries. Based on this, and you need to choose a place where there will be a pot of ginger. In winter, you can put it on the windowsill near the battery. It is advisable to choose the sunny side. You can also choose a warm place, and create artificial moisture, like lighting.

In their native lands, ginger mostly sprouts in shady places. But in cold climates, the shadow can be detrimental to the plant. At home, you need to ensure the plant the presence of sunlight at least until noon.

The place for growing ginger should be warm (18-20 degrees), moderately lit and moist. It is unacceptable for ginger to be in a draft.

Planting ginger at home

When everything necessary for planting ginger is ready, it remains to choose the optimal time for planting and prepare the root itself. Planting plants preferably carried out according to the instructions.

Planting dates ginger

Ginger root fully ripens in 7-10 months. It is advisable to plant it in early spring. This eliminates the need to artificially extend daylight hours.

Ginger can also be planted at any other time. The main thing is to be able to provide the necessary conditions. But spring is the most favorable season for planting the root.

Important! Ginger does not like temperature drops. That is why it is undesirable in the spring and autumn to leave it in an open window or carry it out onto the street. In the summer, you can put a pot with a plant in the sun, but at night you need to bring in the room.

How to choose and prepare ginger for planting

In order to grow a good crop, you need to purchase high-quality planting material. In the case of ginger, it can be purchased at the supermarket. When choosing, you should pay attention to such nuances:

  • root skin should be tight and elastic;
  • ginger should not be damaged, decay or signs of disease;
  • the presence of at least one growth point (light cones);
  • the length of the planting material should be at least 5-8 cm, and width - 3-4 cm.

Before planting, the root must be properly prepared:

  1. Soak ginger in warm water for at least 4 hours. This will give the kidneys a signal to wake up. It is also recommended to soak the plant in a solution of potassium permanganate. This at the same time disinfects the material.
  2. After the root is well saturated with moisture, it is necessary to multiply the material. This is not necessary, but if only one root is available, it can be cut into jumpers. Sections need to be powdered with coal, an ordinary pharmacy will do.

Important! When reproducing the root, it is necessary to take into account that there must be a kidney on each cut material. If this is not done, the root will simply rot in the soil.

Planting ginger

Ginger planted according to the instructions:

  1. It is necessary to pour claydite and sand into the selected tank for good drainage.
  2. Pour the prepared soil and moisten with warm water.
  3. The root of the plant is simply put on top of the soil so that the kidney is looking up. Some gardeners recommend planting in one pot along the edges of 3-4 roots so that the buds look inside the formed circle.
  4. Next, you need to sprinkle the root of the soil with a layer of 3 cm and pour it again.
  5. In order to accelerate the emergence of the sprout, it is necessary to create greenhouse conditions. To do this, you can cover the pot with cling film and periodically open it for air. After the first shoots appear, the film must be removed.

With a favorable outcome, you can expect the emergence of a sprout a week after planting. But at home ginger grows very slowly. So do not worry if the sprout does not appear for 3-4 weeks. It's quite normal. As soon as the first greenery starts to grow, the plant will begin to grow more actively.

Ginger is mainly grown at home due to the root. In rare cases, use flowers. But to wait for the flowering plants, you must carefully care for ginger for 2-3 years. Ginger itself is a perennial plant, but in the case of home cultivation to use the roots it will become one-year.

How to care for ginger in a pot

Productivity will directly depend on care of a plant. If you give him everything you need, it will actively develop the root system.

How to water the plant

The plant is watered with warm water. It will be better if the liquid is pre-filtered. Ginger loves moisture, so you need to make frequent moderate watering as the soil dries.

You also need to create high humidity, especially in room conditions, when heating devices dry the air. It is enough to spray the plant 1-2 times in 2 days.

If the irrigation regime is violated, the following symptoms of the disease may appear:

  1. The leaves turn yellow. This is a signal that the plant has been transfused. It is necessary to reduce the amount of water for irrigation and in the first days to reduce to a minimum.
  2. Leaves wither. The plant signals that it does not have enough moisture and light. In this case, you need to plenty of spray, water the plant and put in a bright place.

Important! If the plant grows in low humidity, this will provoke the invasion of a spider mite. Proper care and conditions will ensure the absence of disease.

Also, for the supply of moisture and oxygen to the root, it is necessary to loosen the soil with each watering. The main thing is not to disturb the plant itself, but only to loosen the ground around the base.

A week before harvest, it is necessary to completely stop watering the plant.

Features feeding ginger

In order to get a rich harvest, it is necessary to feed the plant. It is also desirable that the soil in which the root is planted is as fertile as possible. To do this, you need to add as much humus or compost as possible.

During the period of active growth, the plant is fertilized with complex mineral additives. Also use solutions of organic fertilizers. For example, bird droppings or humus. Enough to make a small part of the humus once a month.

At rest, the plant can not be fed. But in the case of growing for harvest in this period, as a rule, the roots have already been collected. In the event that the plant is grown for beauty, feeding is stopped when cold weather comes.

Ginger harvesting and storage

Crop harvested after 7-10 months from the date of planting. The plant itself will tell you when to harvest. As a rule, the tips of the leaves will begin to turn yellow and dry, but it is best to stick the planting date onto the pot of ginger and stop watering a week before the harvest date.

The harvest will be modest. Roots will increase about 2 times during this time. Such inactive growth occurs due to lack of time. 10 months is not enough for the development of a full-sized large root. But the nutrition and taste of it will be much better than the store counterparts.

For 2 years, the root develops more fully. Many gardeners do not dig out the base of the plant, but settle for small shoots. This will eliminate the frequent planting, and the roots will constantly ripen to the desired state. The maternal rhizome in this case will begin to bloom and will delight you with a beautiful purple flower.

It is recommended to plant ginger at once in 3-4 pots. In each plant 3-4 roots. This approach will help every year to get more and more yield. In the first year, they harvest from one pot, in the second - from another. This way you can continuously get a good result.

Store ginger at room temperature, as the root in the refrigerator quickly fades. Enough to allocate a small cardboard box for the harvest.

Watch the video: 8 Vegetables and Herbs You Can Re grow Again and Again Inside your House or Garden (May 2024).