The most effective iron supplements with low hemoglobin

One of the common forms of anemia is iron deficiency anemia, which is often diagnosed in both adults and children. The basis of therapy for this disease are medications containing iron. There are some contraindications to the use of such agents and possible development of adverse reactions, therefore, before starting treatment, the attached instructions should be carefully studied.

Causes of low hemoglobin

Hemoglobin is a trace element that is found in red blood cells. Its main purpose is considered to be the transfer of oxygen to organs and tissues. In addition, hemoglobin controls the connection of proteins and iron in the structure of red blood cells.

The concentration of hemoglobin in the body may decrease for various reasons, most often this occurs with overt and covert bleeding. Anemia usually occurs with too long and heavy bleeding during menstruation, with hemorrhoids, injuries, injuries of various kinds and operations.

The causes of hidden bleeding may be in some pathologies of the digestive system and reproductive - in women. Cystic masses in the ovaries, uterine fibroids, and autoimmune disorders can cause anemia.

Often the cause of low hemoglobin in the blood are the following pathological conditions:

  • chronic anemia;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • malignant blood diseases;
  • pneumonia, hepatitis and tuberculosis;
  • chronic gastritis.

An additional reason for lowering hemoglobin is considered to be vitamin B12 deficiency, too frequent donation (more than 4 times a year), hard diets and vegetarianism.

Features of iron preparations

Iron deficiency anemia is considered one of the most common forms of the disease. Usually, with such a pathology, agents with a bivalent and trivalent form of iron are selected. They differ in the criteria for the assimilation of iron, and the trivalent derivative of the metal rather quickly transforms and combines with the components of the blood. The trivalent metal is transported quite easily by the body, and the risk of undesirable consequences is minimal. Medicines with ferric iron content are characterized by a high price, it is not so easy to get them at the pharmacy.

In case of B12-deficient or folic deficiency anemia, usually the patient is not prescribed medication with iron, since their intake will not have any effect. The treatment of such forms of the disease is carried out with the use of injections of vitamin B12 or medicines containing folic acid. Therapy of hemorrhagic anemia is carried out with the use of products containing desferal, glucocorticosteroids and immunoglobulin.

Overview of popular iron preparations

The composition of drugs to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood, in addition to iron, contains vitamin supplements that increase the absorption of substances. The effectiveness of the drug is directly determined by the amount of the active substance and its constituent components.

To increase hemoglobin levels in adults, the following medications may be prescribed:

  1. Sorbifer Durules. The drug stands out among the rest at its affordable price and helps to quickly restore the necessary indicator of hemoglobin in the blood. The preparation includes vitamin C, which improves the digestibility of the main component. When treating anemia, the patient is shown taking two capsules per day, and for the prevention of illness, the dosage should not exceed 1 tablet per day.
  2. Maltofer. In the composition of the drug is present trivalent iron. The main forms of release are pills, syrup and injections. Maltofer is considered an effective medication for the elimination of blood diseases, and the likelihood of adverse reactions is minimal.
  3. Irovit Such a vitamin complex has an affordable price and contains iron. Often the tool is prescribed to women during pregnancy and children because of the too low probability of adverse reactions. Irovit is quickly absorbed by the body and contributes to the restoration of the necessary level of hemoglobin at various etiologies of the disease.
  4. Ferro-Folgamma. Basically, this drug is available in capsules, thus avoiding irritant effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Ferro-Folgamma is considered a vitamin complex with a content of divalent iron in sufficient quantity, which allows you to quickly cure the disease.
  5. Tardiferon Tardiferon tablets are effective in combating anemia, as a part there are folic acid and additional substances.

No less popular drugs in the fight against anemia are Totem, Heferol and Ferrum Lek, which have a minimum of contraindications to receive and a low probability of unwanted reactions.

In the event that a patient has serious contraindications for taking medication in the form of tablets, then injections are selected for him. Most often, iron-bearing solutions for injection, such as Maltofer and Ferrum Lek, are prescribed to patients with anemia.

In addition, effective drugs are Venofer and Ectofer, which contain trivalent iron. The drugs are indicated for use in various forms of anemia and to restore the body after serious blood loss.

Rules for taking iron

The human body is designed in such a way that it is not able to process more than 200 mg of iron. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to exceed the indicated rate, since an excess of iron can cause problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is possible darkening of the teeth and lower performance.

In the treatment of anemia, experts prefer those drugs that must be taken orally. It does not need to chew the capsules, it is better to swallow whole, which will help to avoid problems with the enamel of the teeth.

Usually, the dosage of bivalent iron reaches 100-200 mg per day, and periodically during treatment and several months after its completion, a general blood test is required. It is important to remember that it is not allowed to immediately stop taking iron-containing drugs after normalization of hemoglobin in the blood and other blood parameters. After the level of iron in the human body is normalized, you should continue to drink medicines for a few months to fix the result.

It is possible to improve the process of iron absorption by changing the diet, which must be enriched with products containing vitamin C and folic acid. The best option is the reception of iron supplements, which contain ascorbic acid. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, women need to take iron-containing drugs under the supervision of a physician for the prevention and treatment of anemia.

Treatment effectiveness

The dosage of the drug is determined by taking into account the patient’s body weight; it is imperative that you consult with your doctor before starting therapy. Already in the third week after the start of iron supplementation, a slight increase in hemoglobin is observed. The therapy performed is considered effective if 2 months after the start of the course it is possible to achieve a normal level of hemoglobin in the blood. After this, the patient is prescribed only supportive therapy.

In order to maintain the achieved result, it is recommended to fill the diet with vegetables and fruits. In addition, the introduction into the diet of a large number of protein products in the form of meat and dairy products.

It should be remembered that it is not allowed to choose drugs containing iron. This may not only bring no results, but also further aggravate the patient's condition.

Side effects of anemia drugs

Iron preparations, like other drugs, have some contraindications to use. It is necessary to take them into account in order to avoid the development of undesirable reactions.

There are the following contraindications to treatment:

  • increased iron concentration in hemolytic anemia;
  • aplastic anemia, in which the process of iron absorption is disturbed;
  • sideroachrestrial anemia;
  • deficient anemia with a lack of folic acid in the blood;
  • infectious pathologies in which microorganisms use iron for active reproduction and growth.

Side effects in the treatment of iron-containing drugs most often occur in violation of the rules of their admission or exceeding the specified dosage. One of the most common adverse reactions is irritation of the gastric mucosa. It is for this reason that it is best to acquire iron-containing medicines, which contain a substance that envelops and protects the intestinal mucosa.

In some cases, there are side effects such as staining of feces in a dark color and discoloration of tooth enamel. In addition, an allergic reaction to drugs is possible, but the risk of developing individual intolerance is negligible.

Watch the video: The Role of Iron in Memory (April 2024).