Overview of antipyretics at high temperature in adults and children

Every person, even the healthiest, is experiencing a disease at least once a year, which most often occurs in the midst of seasonal epidemics. Malaise in most cases caused by a virus and provokes an increase in temperature.

The natural desire to relieve the heavy state of health pushes to the appeal to medicines. That is why it is necessary to understand what constitutes hyperthermia, in what cases it is necessary to deal with such a condition, and what antipyretic drugs exist at high temperatures in adults and children.

When pills from high temperature are needed

Fever is a powerful protective reaction to the presence of an alien protein that causes an inflammatory process in the body, in which the immune system begins to work harder, producing more cells to fight the disease.

Therefore, doctors recommend to beat the temperature not in all cases, but only in those when the thermometer shows a value outside of 38.5 degrees, low is dangerous for people with severe chronic diseases of the cardiovascular or nervous system, as well as in the postoperative period.

The measurement is usually made about ten minutes using a mercury thermometer in the "armpit", after drying the skin with a towel, there are electronic counterparts that give instant results. Measurement mode - twice a day, early in the morning and in the middle of the evening.

Depending on the cause, there are two types of fever: infectious and non-infectious.

According to the degree of hyperthermia, species such as are distinguished:

  • low-grade (up to 38 ° C);
  • moderate (38-39 ° C);
  • high (39-40 ° C);
  • excessive (above 41 ° C).

By character distinguish:

  • constant fever (more than 39 ° C) - with a temperature of several days or even weeks for acute and life-threatening diseases;
  • exhausting - with large fluctuations (about three degrees) during the day in a short period;
  • return - after normalization appears again;
  • laxative (with fluctuations of one or two degrees);
  • intermittent - with sharp rises and equally unexpected recessions;
  • perverted - in the morning the thermometer shows the value higher than in the evening;
  • wrong - without patterns.

It is worth saying that with the last two types the average person is most common - they are characteristic of SARS and influenza viruses.

In addition to receiving antipyretics, doctors recommend to continuously monitor the breathing, the patient's heartbeat, and when they are violated, resort to emergency care. Plentiful drink, change of linen, cooling compresses and ventilation of the room are obligatory.

There are three stages of fever:

  • fast and smooth temperature rise;
  • approximation to maximum values;
  • return to normal values.

The first segment is characterized by malaise, chills, headache, and skin soreness. The second is accompanied by reddening of the skin, the patient finally gets down, the appetite disappears, the muscles begin to ache.

The final stage takes place either rapidly or gradually. The first option is not desirable, since it adversely affects blood pressure and the general condition of the circulatory system, dizziness appears and the patient may lose consciousness.

Smooth decrease in body temperature does not overload the body. As a result, the patient feels weakness in all muscles, and the body's need for new energy is satisfied with sleep.

Antipyretic drugs at high temperature in adults

Most often, antipyretic drugs are divided depending on the active substance that they contain: paracetamol, ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid or metamizole sodium.

Paracetamol relieves fever and acts as a pain reliever, relieves muscle and headache, does not cause serious side effects.

Ibuprofen has a similar purpose, has a long-lasting effect, among other things, fights inflammatory processes, triggers the body's immune "defense".

Acetylsalicylic acid is suitable only for adults and negatively affects blood clotting, respiration and the digestive system, etc.

Metamizole sodium is used for injection, can cause anaphylactic shock, because the presence of a doctor is required.

Paracetamol Paracetamol, Panadol, Febridol, Febrinol, Nazprin and others.The most common and affordable type of medication is allowed from a young age. If used, nausea, muscle pain, allergies, anemia, a decrease in the number of platelets, kidney damage - with prolonged use.

Not allowed for diseases of the blood and kidneys, sensitivity to the drug.

Paracetamol and ascorbic acid
Efferalgan with VitaminTo start the work of immunity added Vitamin C, which strengthens blood vessels.


Acetylsalicylic acid
Acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin, etc.It is impossible for ulcers and gastritis, liver disease, weak clotting, before meals.
Acetylsalicylic acid and ascorbic acid
Aspirin-C Designed for the treatment of fever with a cold. Side effects and contraindications are the same as for acetylsalicylic acid.
Effervescent tablet should be dissolved in a glass of water and drink. Dosages - as in acetylsalicylic acid.
Acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol and caffeine
CitramonParacetamol dosage is reduced, it is easier tolerated.
Ibuprofen, nurofenUsed in children, quite safe.
Naproxen and salicylamide, caffeine
Cefecon H The analgesic effect, is available in candles, is not allowed for hypertension, pregnancy and lactation.

Preparations for pregnant and lactating

During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, it is important to beware, fever is dangerous, especially in the early stages. Paracetamol is the only drug that does not harm the fetus and is possible on any term of gestation with the flu, sore throat and viral diseases.

The dosage does not exceed 2000 mcg per day. Of course, you should first call a doctor and get advice.

A nursing woman can also use paracetamol as well as ibuprofen. Aspirin in young children through milk can even cause death.

You can not violate the dosage or to prolong the reception, if once the drug did not work. When taking these drugs should not interrupt feeding, especially since the milk of an infected woman contains useful antibodies.

Antipyretic at high temperature in children

For children, nonsteroidal drugs of the last generation are most often used: analgin, ibuprofen, amidopyrin, butadiene. We give a brief description of these antipyretic drugs at high temperatures in children.

Analgin can cause nausea, diarrhea, anemia, an allergic reaction, convulsions to reduce the production of leukocytes. Abroad it is not used, in Russia the well-known analogue is Spazmalgon.

Amidopyrine is not recommended for use, because it has too serious side effects, but is effective against very strong hyperthermia.

Ibuprofen - acts faster than others, has easy side effects.

Paracetamol is relatively safe, but in very young children it can cause brain swelling and fluid retention. Do not use it for more than three days.

Aspirin is not acceptable for a child under 12 years old, as it causes internal bleeding.

Butadion excessively irritates the gastric mucosa, provokes bleeding and anemia.

Thus, proven drugs are drugs based on ibuprofen and paracetomol.

Folk antipyretic drugs: do without pills

Folk remedies are time-tested methods that have a positive effect on immunity:

  • cranberry is a natural antibiotic that helps with colds, flu and sore throat;
  • linden flowers - has diaphoretic drugs, useful for coughing;
  • rubbing the body with vinegar, honey or alcohol (one to two with water);
  • currant is rich in vitamins, leaf tea is an excellent diuretic;
  • raspberry - a delicacy known from childhood for diseases;
  • Chamomile is a natural fighter against inflammations.
In conclusion, it should be said that recent studies by foreign scientists come to the conclusion that knocking down the temperature contributes to the spread of infection and even increases the lethal outcomes, since the body’s natural “resistance” decreases.

A lot of additional information about antipyretics - in the next video from Dr. Komarovsky.

Watch the video: Immediate steps to counter fever in children- Dr. Varsha Saxena (May 2024).