Why do flies appear before your eyes and how to get rid of them

Sometimes it happens that opening wide eyes, can manifest various visual effects, which are a bit like flashing flies. Such visual deception can occur at any age and for completely different reasons, sometimes even turning into pathology.

Especially often this happens in older people, as well as those who suffer from myopia. As long as such flies are rare, a person standardly ignores them, but if they start interfering, becoming more intense, then some therapeutic measures should be started.

In this article, we will discuss how to achieve a positive effect of recovery from the flies, as well as what exactly affects their appearance.

Types of flies before the eyes and their manifestation

Despite the fact that all visual disturbances of this type are united by a single name - flies, there are several different species, each of which manifests itself in its own particular visual state.

  1. Filamentous. If the flies appear due to the fact that the connective tissue of the vitreous body begins to thicken more and more, the flickering resembles threads or stripes. This condition gradually deteriorates, so the simple threads develop over time into spider webs or jellyfish tentacles;
  2. Grainy. When fiber particles of the vitreous body exfoliate, appearing in the internal environment, the stripes begin to round out, becoming rings, circles, or points.

At its core, the fly is based on the same thing. Vitreous humor and collapsed fibers and acids. As soon as they fall away, they begin to swim slowly, so when turning the head, this destruction occurs.

In fact, such a detachment of fibers is not dangerous to vision, but if there are many such fibers, then it is already impossible to see clearly. If there is a constant increase in the flies, it is desirable to immediately consult a doctor. Other reasons for seeking medical attention are the following problems.

  • if after any injury the number of flies constantly increases;
  • the appearance of the flies after 50 years is normal, but they should not be a constant phenomenon;
  • as soon as the flies become a visual problem, intervention is required in order not to lose sight;
  • For myopic patients, the development of flies before their eyes is incredibly dangerous.

If the number of flies increases only during overwork or pressure drops, then there is absolutely no reason for fear, because in the normal state they simply disappear and do not interfere with life. In all other situations it is better to contact a doctor with this problem.

The causes of the flies in the eyes

At the moment, the official medicine does not give one hundred percent way to get rid of flies, although many people face a similar problem. The problem is that most people simply choose to ignore this problem in the early stages.

Most often, the melteshipping effect of the flies is noticeable when you look closely at a white or very bright surface. That is why in winter, when looking at snow, almost any person can notice a similar effect. This is a completely normal phenomenon, which, under normal lighting, simply disappears, completely without interfering with a person’s life.

But if this problem does not disappear after a short time, bringing visible discomfort, then an appeal to an ophthalmologist is necessary.

It is also advisable to contact the therapist, because there may be somatic diseases that affect the appearance of disorders.

  1. Eye disease is the most common cause of flies. If there is a problem in the vitreous due to missing fibers or collagen, then the effect of flies is manifested. This problem is called destruction and it manifests itself mainly with age, although it is also found in young people. Flies before the eyes can be signs of injury, hemorrhage of the eyes, retinal detachment and the posterior vitreous body. The most dangerous condition is retinal detachment, which often leads to blindness;
  2. Vascular diseases are also a frequent sign of the appearance of flies. When blood pressure fluctuates, the blood supply is gradually disrupted. If it begins to deteriorate in the retina, then the flies begin to appear. The destruction of the capillaries can also lead to a problem, but the fading will be only in one eye. Diabetes mellitus can also lead to front sights, because retinal vessels become very fragile. Due to the constant breaks, blood accumulates, and as a result, flies appear;
  3. Flickering flies very often become a sign of neuralgia. White flashes almost always accompany migraines. Traumatic brain injuries are very often affected. During the very injury of the flies and sparks the most frequent phenomena. Flies are a likely symptom of a tumor of the occipital lobe of the brain, since it is she who is responsible for visual information. However, this disease is very rare, so do not immediately panic;
  4. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is compression of the vertebral artery. Because of this, the blood supply to the brain and eyes is disrupted. Flies are an obvious sign of this disease;
  5. If a person is anemic, hemoglobin levels are lowered in the blood. When flies appear in a patient with anemia, there is a possibility of internal bleeding;
  6. Neurocirculatory dystonia develops due to chronic stress, as well as improper sleep patterns. In such a state, very often fading occurs during sudden changes in the position of the body immediately after sleep;
  7. Pregnant women often suffer from black spots before their eyes, because the body during this period contains very few vitamins and is characterized by anemia. Pressure very often jumps, therefore visual disturbances are frequent enough;
  8. When a stroke occurs, the veil can immediately cover the veil, but it happens that sometimes only circles appear. It is always accompanied by a strong headache, weakness and neurological deficit.

In almost all these cases, flies before the eyes can be the first sign of a sufficiently serious disease, so they should be taken very seriously.

Methods of treating flies before the eyes

Melting before the eyes is a sign of a fairly large number of diseases, so initially it is very important to correctly diagnose the disease in order to find out the correct treatment.

Flies cannot be cured on their own, since the fibers simply float in the vitreous, moving out of the visible zone. But they simply cannot physically disappear. If there are no dangerous problems, then treatment is not required, but only psychological adaptation.

If the root cause of the flies is, for example, diabetes, then it is first necessary to cure the underlying disease, since universal treatment simply does not exist.

Most often, antioxidants, antihypoxants, lutein pigment, enzyme preparations and vitamins are used during treatment. The medicine is selected exclusively by a specialist, so in no case can you prescribe self-treatment, since in some situations you can only worsen the situation.

Emoxipin 1% eye drops or Wobenzym tablets are standardly prescribed. It is also useful to drink vitamins for the eyes with lutein. Such complexes, in addition to the flies, are also capable of relieving other impairments of eye health.

In some situations, the ophthalmologist recommends surgery. This procedure is called vitreolysis, during which the laser splits opaque fibers that float in the vitreous to such small particles that cannot interfere with normal seeing.

In special cases, the operation is performed to remove the vitreous body. Instead, a special transparent gel is injected into the cavity of the eye, which does not interfere with optical permeability.

Treatment of folk remedies

Since there is no drug treatment for this problem, and not everyone can be operated upon, many people begin to resort to traditional methods.

One of the most popular methods is eye massage, which is aimed at stimulating blood circulation in the vitreous body. This helps prevent problems from deepening.

It is necessary to do massage through pressing on the eyeball closed by centuries in the direction from an internal corner to external. 2-3 minutes of similar patting movements will regularly help reduce spawning.

Self-made eye drops from aloe and chalk juice are considered another effective remedy. It is worth only bury them 2 times a day for a couple of drops. Drops can be made from the infusion of propolis, which is infused on schungite water. They should be dripped only when revealing the pathology of the vitreous body.


Help in this case can only adjust the overall lifestyle. Changing bad habits is not as effective as treatment, but as a preventive measure this method is truly perfect. To cope with the problem of flies before the eyes at an early stage, in general, it is possible, since it is the state of the organism that primarily affects the organ of vision.

Disruption of diet and sleep adversely affects the composition of the vitreous fluid. If you completely eliminate alcohol and nicotine from the diet, and instead of introducing a large amount of fruits and vegetables, the improvements will be noticeable very quickly.

In addition to nutrition, an increase in physical activity has a positive effect, since they improve the flow of oxygen to the eyes, and, in general, slow down aging. Limiting the time spent in front of a computer or phone, as well as regular exercises for the eyes, helps greatly reduce the occurrence of pathology.

Long walks in the fresh air, intake of additional vitamins will also greatly affect. There is additionally a special gymnastics, which is designed specifically to get rid of the flies.

To do this, sit on a chair and straighten the spine. Start doing quick left-right movements, and then up and down. This will help the fluid in the vitreous body to redistribute, so the fibers are gradually removed to the edge of the field of view, so they do not interfere with normal seeing.

In general, the very state of the eye is very strongly connected with the general condition of the body. If you correctly observe a healthy rhythm of life, treat all diseases in a timely manner, the appearance of the flies before your eyes will not interfere so much as to become a weighty problem.

You can learn more about the causes of the flies before the clashes in the following video.

Watch the video: Mix These 2 Ingredients and Your House Will BE FREE OF FLIES - How to get rid of flies in the house (May 2024).