What cats dream of a woman: the interpretation of dream books

Cats at all times were considered the most magical animals, with the exception of the present time. Very often, the representatives of the cat family are in dreams. This suggests that the insight of a sleeping person is currently greatly exacerbated, and he himself is able to foresee the preceding changes, which can be expressed in problems or joy. In addition, the interpretation depends on how exactly the cat dreamed.

Interpretation of sleeping with a cat for a woman

All predictors interpret dreams in different ways. Therefore, when deciphering visions, you need to use only proven dream books of well-known soothsayers. To date, the following can be identified:

  1. Interpreter Miller. According to his interpretation, a cat, which is in a dream to a woman, symbolizes problems. In this case, the exception is a dead animal.
  2. Freight's dream interpretation. This predictor treats a cat in a dream as a certain hint to a woman or a girl. That is, if the cat was affectionate, then the girl will soon meet the same gentle and loving groom, who will be much younger than her.
  3. Book Vanga. Clairvoyant Wanga interprets the scratching animal of the feline family as strong jealousy from the dreamer, which she feels in relation to her second half. However, it should be borne in mind that this jealousy is almost always baseless, and therefore the girl should just keep herself in hand.

In addition, there are modern psychological interpreters who explain the dreamed animal as follows:

  • if a woman strokes a little kitten in a dream, then on a subconscious level, she just wants a love relationship with a partner much younger than herself;
  • if a girl in a dream torments an animal, then she has an authoritarian, imperious character, prone to sadism;
  • if a cat bites a dreamer in a dream, and the latter for some reason cannot remove a hand, this indicates its direct dependence on strangers.

The value of dreams with a sick, wounded or dead animal

Almost all known interpreters of dreams boil down to one thing: a wounded or dead cat is a harbinger of something good. For example, for a woman who sees a cooled body of a cat or a cat, means that she will very soon defeat all available enemies or one main thing - her rival.

A sick animal indicates that the dreamer has a lot of trouble from the envious.

However, these troubles will not have any effect on the woman, since all the labors of ill-wishers will be in vain.

Wounded animal is a harbinger that the dreamer is doing everything right in the fight with his rivals and enemies.

Therefore, the girl needs to act in the same way and further, it will certainly lead her to success.

Dreams involving a red, black, gray or white cat

An important detail in the interpretation of dreams is the color of the representatives of the feline family:

  1. A black cat dreams that the cherished dream will come true in the near future. The main thing in this case is patience and aspiration.
  2. Pure white animal in a dream - to life changes that should happen very soon. If the beast was on a tree, then it is to move, and if sleeping on the hands of the dreamer - to an increase in salary or in the post.
  3. Ginger cat is considered a harbinger of fun. It can be a wedding invitation or other significant celebration.
  4. If the white animal has scratched the girl, then she is expected by soon salary increase.
  5. The gray representative of the cat dreams of betrayal by close friends. In this case, you need to try not to share your problems with anyone.
  6. Tricolor animals dream of women to the imminent appearance of a rival. Therefore, girls who have seen such a dream should try in every way to protect their husband or young man from close contact with the female sex. Otherwise, the suddenly appeared rival will have every chance to achieve the young man of the dreamer.

Mom and kittens

Dreams are interpreted depending on how the cat behaves in relation to the kittens:

  • if she treats her offspring with warmth and tenderness, then the girl should expect the same attitude towards herself from her beloved people. For an unmarried girl, this dream foreshadows a meeting with a man who will take care of her. For women with children, sleep is treated as insufficient attention to their children. Therefore, this category of female needs more time for his family, in some cases it is worth sacrificing even a career;
  • if an animal has a negative attitude towards its kittens, it foreshadows unpleasant rumors and gossip that relate to the dreamer. Often, such gossip dissolves very close relatives;
  • a cat that has just lodged itself dreams of being pregnant, which must necessarily occur after seeing a dream. But it should be borne in mind that in the absence of a young man, one dream will not be enough;
  • harbingers of strong jealousy is a dreamed black animal with the same black kittens. However, this jealousy will not necessarily be reasoned;
  • A white animal with white kittens is a symbol of a good life. Therefore, having seen such animals in a dream, you can expect good news in the near future, even inviting to get married.

In a dream, feed, stroke, bathe or play with animals

If in a dream I had to feed a representative of the cat family, it means that the dream dreamer is a very decent and friendly person who helps people who do not deserve it.

Therefore, if a woman dreamed of such a vision, she should immediately stop rendering assistance to her enemies; otherwise, behind her back will grow a lump of problems and troubles.

In other cases, dreams are interpreted as follows:

  1. If you keep the animal in your hands and stroke it, then in the near future there will be serious problems to be solved, while doing without outside help will not work. For a young girl, such a dream foreshadows help from a beautiful stranger.
  2. To bathe a scratching animal in a dream means in real life to lose a prestigious job or a pretty decent amount of money. Therefore, after seeing such a dream, it is better to find a new job in advance or to improve your efforts in the old place.
  3. Games say that a young woman commits rash acts or just behaves carelessly. It is especially bad if in a dream a girl gets injured by a playing cat.

Lose, kill or save

If a sleeping dreamer loses her cat in a dream, it means that she can easily get rid of competitors, and she herself will not even feel it.

Murder in a dream foreshadows a quick victory over the most inveterate enemies. Also, this dream may mean that the recently initiated important things will soon come to a successful conclusion. Therefore, it is worth it, without thinking, to invest in them all the means and strength.

To save a representative of the cat family from inevitable death means that the young girl is very poorly versed in her environment. That is, she unconditionally trusts those people who not only do nasty things behind her back, but also openly spit in her face.

What do cats and mice dream about

In order to correctly and in more detail interpret this vision, you need to try to recall the details, namely, how the catch happened and how many mice there were:

  • The most common interpretation of such a dream means the onset of a quiet period in life. In addition, a woman will forget about her enemies for a long time, will start a new life with pleasant and, most importantly, benevolent people;
  • if the mice run in different directions, this is not a good sign for a sleeping person. Therefore, seeing such a dream, he needs to be as careful as possible in communication with others, less to share his plans for the future and thoughts about the present. Otherwise, there is a risk that another mercenary person may take advantage of these plans;
  • noisy and active catching of mice means a restless state of the dreamer and a quick commotion. Most likely, this dream foreshadows workload or unwanted guests.

As you can see, a cat in a dream foreshadows a lot: if you remember a dream, you can interpret it according to modern dream books.

Watch the video: Top 60 Dreams And Meanings (April 2024).