How to distinguish bleeding from normal menstruation during pregnancy

There is an opinion that menstruation can go even during pregnancy. Stories among the people about how an unsuspecting woman goes to see a doctor with suspected stomach disease, learns about her situation, can be heard often.

Are there any periods during pregnancy

Monthly during pregnancy, rather, an exception to the rule, rather than the norm. Doctors argue that any bleeding from the vagina, after the diagnosis of pregnancy, are not monthly and can serve as a threat of failure.

Therefore, if a woman wants to preserve the fetus and monitors her health, she simply must consult a doctor for advice.

In the earliest terms, it is difficult for a woman to determine her monthly or bleeding. This is complicated by those who have irregular, scanty or abundant critical days with different durations.

With a standard cycle of 28 days, ovulation comes in at 13-15 days, but it is wrong to rely only on these facts. Other factors can affect ovulation, such as:

  • stress;
  • drug intake;
  • fluctuations in body weight;
  • regularity of sex life;
  • viral diseases.

Under the influence of these and other factors, ovulation can take place at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the cycle; therefore, it is sometimes difficult for a woman to distinguish the onset of menstruation from bleeding during pregnancy.

The reasons for the appearance of menstruation in the early stages

There are cases when periods appear in early pregnancy and do not pose a threat to the health of the expectant mother and child. But when monthly during pregnancy are dangerous? Let's examine carefully all possible causes.

  1. Late ovulation. In some cases, ovulation can take place on the 21-25 day of the cycle, then the egg is not implanted in the uterine lining and the endometrium begins to be rejected. Despite the fact that conception happened and hormonal changes began, it is rather difficult for a woman to determine the fact of pregnancy;
  2. With early ovulation there is a risk of getting pregnant and waiting for menstruation. With unprotected sexual intercourse in the last days of menstruation, you can conceive a child, and the duration of discharge should be written off as monthly;
  3. Ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous for its consequences. It may appear due to the fact that the egg for some reason can not attach to the uterus and is attached to the tube. At the time of rupture, bleeding appears, which is also easily confused with menstruation. It appears with a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, it is felt that menstruation must go;
  4. In some cases, ovulation can take place several times. The reason for this may be the interruption of the intake of oral contraceptives. At this time, unprotected sex acts are more likely to conceive, while menstruation may go, but differ from the usual;
  5. Features of the structure. There are women who have an abnormal development of the genitals. With a bicuspid septum, fetal development and menstruation can occur in the uterus. In this case, it is difficult to determine the pregnancy of a woman who does not notice any changes in the body, and only pays attention to the monthly ones, which can go several months on schedule;
  6. Bloody issues. If the embryo does not immediately enter the uterine cavity, and the entrance to the endometrium occurs on days 14-21, then menstruation may appear during this period. They may differ slightly in color and intensity, but it is rather difficult to determine the bleeding in them;
  7. Frozen fetus. In the very early stages of pregnancy, fetal death may occur, the reasons may be very different. The result is bloody discharge, which is easily confused with menstruation;
  8. The threat of disruption. The most common cause of bloody discharge during pregnancy. If you feel aching and nagging pain in the lower abdomen, and then there is a brown or red discharge, scarce or abundant, this indicates the threat of abortion. In such cases, you should consult your doctor, especially if there is a confirmed diagnosis of pregnancy;
  9. Low and central placentation may cause bleeding to begin for no apparent reason. Chorion is implanted in the wrong place, it leads to pathology, as a result of which there is bloody discharge, which can be taken as menstruation;
  10. In some cases, bleeding occurs when there are serious deviations in the development of the embryo. In this way, the body itself pushes the not quite healthy embryo;
  11. Sex and mechanical damage. Frequent intercourse associated with unusual postures, rudeness and intensity can damage the cervix and cause bleeding. There are nagging pains, and bloody discharge sometimes discharge is strong and have similarities with menstruation.

If the fact of pregnancy is confirmed, and bleeding occurs, it is worth to consult a doctor and undergo a series of examinations, because such phenomena may be a consequence of the threat to the healthy development of the embryo.

How to distinguish regular menstruation from bleeding during pregnancy

So, monthly during pregnancy - how to distinguish from the usual? It happens that a woman does not pay attention to possible changes in her body, connects them with fatigue, stress or other causes.

Waiting for menstruation at the appropriate time leads to their appearance and the woman can not guess that she is pregnant. If the pregnancy is confirmed, and monthly go, it is worth to be safe and exclude the possibility of bleeding leading to failure.

Pregnancy is, if this is indicated by two strips in the test. Even when the second strip is slightly visible, it should be considered that conception has come.

The hCG level is high. This analysis also says about the onset of pregnancy.

The basal temperature does not fall below 37 degrees. If there is a delay of menstruation, and the temperature is 37, it is worth suspecting that there is a pregnancy.

Nausea, vomiting and pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, can talk about pregnancy.

At the very beginning of conception, women confuse changes in their bodies and deterioration of well-being with the appearance of menstruation. Many feel nausea increase in mammary glands, irritability, drowsiness, waiting for menstruation.

It should be considered that pregnancy has come, despite the appearance of menstruation, if:

  1. Scant brownish discharge appeared;
  2. For this girl, the appearance of menstruation is considered strange. They can be abundant or, on the contrary, scanty, painful or sudden;
  3. Monthly began after the estimated number of monthly.

Do not panic and make the most diagnosis. If there is a pregnancy, it should be understood that the period should not go and should take some kind of action. It is necessary to find out the cause of the bleeding.

Perhaps, on the eve there was sexual intercourse, which was distinguished by stormy manifestations. If you led a quiet lifestyle, and monthly go, it may make sense to do a pelvic ultrasound, which will appoint a gynecologist.

Modern medicine and a quick reaction to this kind of phenomenon will help prevent the possibility of miscarriage and other threats to the mother and the unborn baby. The main thing is not to turn to traditional medicine and not to listen to all sorts of advice, because only your doctor can give a full assessment and make the correct diagnosis.

Additional information about the difference between menstruation and bleeding is in the following video.

Watch the video: What Is The Major Difference Between Implantation Bleeding And Periods That You Should Know (April 2024).