Symptoms of cyst in the chest, features of treatment

Cysts in the chest is one of the most common female diseases. Initially, this pathology is almost asymptomatic, but over time, pain may occur, especially before menstruation. In the absence of proper treatment, cysts can be reborn into dangerous forms of cancer.

Causes of development

The main cause of the cyst is a change in the hormonal balance in the body, for example: every third woman with mastopathy has cysts.

The cause:

  1. Cysts in the chest may develop in violation of hormonal levels. This pathology occurs in 50% of women of childbearing age, as well as in almost all patients with any gynecological diseases.
  2. The formation of the mammary glands, the deformation during the menstrual cycle,
  3. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, which is characterized by a complex hormonal adjustment.

In one of the brain regions in the hypothalamus, releasing factors are produced that stimulate the production of pituitary hormones. The pituitary gland is the most important endocrine gland, which is located inside the brain tissue. The pituitary gland secretes prolactin, which stimulates the secretion of milk. In addition, he is responsible for the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones.

It is they who act on the sex glands, which, in turn, secretes estrogen and gestagen, actively affecting the mammary gland. During pregnancy, the chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced by the placenta, acts on the glands.

The tissues are also affected by the hormones of the adrenal glands, pancreas, pituitary. As soon as any violation of these interrelated processes occurs, this increases the risk of the formation of breast cysts.

The most important role in altering breast cells is played by ovarian hormones: estrogen and progesterone. One of them - estradiol, is contained in the tissue of the gland in a concentration that exceeds its level in the blood by 2-3 times.

It is this hormone that is responsible for the development and reproduction of the epithelium, which lines the ducts of the gland, stimulates the formation of lobules, and strengthens the blood supply to the tissues. The concentration of progesterone is also higher in the tissues than in the blood.

But its functions are inverse: it inhibits the development of lobules, prevents an increase in the permeability of the vessel walls, edema. In case of a deficiency of progesterone or an excess of estradiol in the mammary glands, edema occurs, the connective tissue increases, which is located inside the lobules, the ductal epithelium expands. All this leads to the formation of cysts.

All causes of cysts are divided into several groups:

  • in a stressful situation, especially if they pass on a regular basis;
  • reproductive problems, a large number of abortions, late first childbirth, lack of breastfeeding, lack of pregnancy for a long time;
  • gynecological diseases: endometritis, adenomyosis, salpingitis, and so on;
  • sexual changes: anorgasmia, interruption of sexual intercourse in order to avoid conception;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, diabetes;
  • pathologies of the liver, biliary tract, such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, and so on.

The main types of cysts


The size of the formation can be from a few millimeters to 5 cm. Often, giant cavities are formed that can change the shape of the breast.


Young women most often have small lesions that lead to severe pain. Solitary cyst are diagnosed at a later age.


Less commonly, the so-called polycystic mammary gland can be found. When it forms multi-cysts. Most often they are formed in the case of the fibrocystic form of mastopathy, with the passage of time they can turn into a nodular form.


Another name is cystadenoma (papilloma). It is a proliferation of epithelial tissue that lines the milk ducts. Also formed cavities that contain blood.

As a result, they communicate with ducts, may be accompanied by discharge from the nipple. Often these cysts are infected.


A solitary cavity in the gland tissue, which is filled with non-inflammatory fluid. Not directly connected with the milk ducts, surrounded by a dense wall of connective tissue.

Such an education may exist for a long period without disturbing a woman.


It differs from the usual presence of a thick wall, septum. The truth under this cyst may be hiding cancer.

How is the diagnosis?

Any breast examination in patients who have not entered the period of menopause should be carried out in the first half of the cycle. During this period, the minimum concentration of hormones acts on the glandular tissue, during this period they do not grow coarse, they hurt.

Initially, the mammary gland examines and palpates the doctor:

  • the patient should stand, first having lowered hands, then having raised them;
  • then a similar examination is carried out, but in the prone position.

The specialist should assess the symmetry of the breast, the condition of the skin, the presence of discharge from the nipples, seals, deformations in the structure of the tissue.

Additionally, the lymph nodes in the axillary areas are palpable. They are primarily affected in the presence of a breast tumor.

In addition, any woman needs to master the techniques of self-examination of the breast, which will help in time to detect not only a cyst, but more serious pathology.

If during the examination the doctor finds any seals, he will prescribe the following diagnostic options:

  1. Mammography. Examination of the mammary gland with x-rays. The picture is carried out in two projections without the use of a contrast agent. This diagnostic method allows you to identify education, which can not be determined by palpation due to too small size - up to 1 cm in diameter. This method is a screening method, it is carried out to all women over 40 years old annually to rule out the early stage of breast cancer. Mammography is not prescribed in the period of carrying a child during breastfeeding. In addition, this technique is not very suitable for young women, because it shows an unreliable result due to the increased density of the gland tissue.
  2. Ultrasound. One of the most popular methods. It can be carried out to young women. Ultrasound is harmless, allows you to detect the formation of a diameter of 2 mm, for example, small cysts. It also helps to assess the condition of the lymph nodes, identify signs of diffuse mastopathy. The only limitation is poor visualization of tissues during involution of the mammary glands, which usually occurs in old age.
  3. Echogram. With this procedure, you can detect the inner layer of education. If the doctor has discovered a cyst or tumor, a puncture is performed from the contents of the cyst for further examination under a microscope. The main goal of this research is to make sure that a woman does not have a malignant transformation of education.

Features of treatment

Psycho-emotional state

The basis of the treatment of any pathology is proper nutrition and lifestyle. Women need to protect themselves from serious physical and emotional stress. It is important to remember that stress is the cause of most psychosomatic diseases, the breast cyst is also referred to them. If you can not cope on your own, you need to seek help from a specialist.


The nutrition of women who have found a cyst should be adjusted. Scientists have shown that patients with cysts were very fond of chocolate, coffee, tea, and other products that included xanthines.

By eliminating them from the diet, you can significantly improve well-being.

However, a number of patients did not have such a dependence on products, therefore at the first stage it was recommended to limit the use of the listed products for several months. If there is no effect, then they will not harm you in moderation.

In addition, in the presence of a cyst of the mammary gland, it is necessary to normalize the work of the liver, biliary tract, reduce weight, if extra pounds are present.

It is recommended to follow the diet number 5, which provides for the restriction of fried, fatty foods, as well as animal fats. It is also recommended to cook food for a couple, while the diet should be dominated by fish, vegetables, dairy products.

It is necessary to normalize the bowels, avoiding constipation. This can help oat bran - very useful to eat 50-100 grams per day. If it is not very pleasant to use in its pure form, you can add them to a porridge or a glass of kefir.

Conservative therapy

Treatment of cysts without surgery is possible if the formation has a smooth internal surface, which is well treatable with medications. However, it is also important that when conducting a biopsy, doctors do not detect atypical cells that are a sign of the presence of cancer. Preparations for the treatment of cysts:

  1. Sedatives such as valerian, motherwort and adaptogens: lemongrass, pink rhodiola. Take courses for 4 months with a break for a half to two months. The duration of treatment is 2 years.
  2. Vitamins. A - has an antigenic effect, enhances the effects of progesterone, B6 - reduces the concentration of prolactin, which improves blood circulation, relieves swelling.
  3. Hepatoprotectors. Necessary to protect and restore liver cells, improve fat metabolism, increase the emotional background. The most famous representative - Hofitol.
  4. Diuretic drugs - 7-10 days before the onset of menstruation. They will help prevent engorgement of the gland. For example, Triampur, Furosemide, Hypothiazide.
  5. Hormone therapy with the use of progestogens for local use, such as Progestogel gel. Also, doctors can prescribe drugs in the form of tablets, such as Utrozhestan.
  6. According to the testimony of a doctor, Danazol, combined oral and dauphin agonists may be prescribed.

Previously widely used drugs based on iodine, but because of the common thyroid disease, in which they could upset the balance of steroid hormones, they refused to use it. Prescribe such drugs only after consulting with an endocrinologist.

After 4-6 months of conservative therapy, you need to repeat mammography or ultrasound. If there is hardening of the cyst, continue with conservative treatment.

If cyst aspiration has proven ineffective, a lot of fluid has accumulated, surgical treatment methods are prescribed.

Cyst removal

The operation is usually carried out by sectoral resection, that is, removal of formations and healthy tissues, which form part of the gland with the apex directed toward the center.

During the operation, an urgent histological examination of the affected tissues is also carried out in order to exclude malignant neoplasms. If signs of cancer were identified, then the volume of surgical treatment is expanded.

Multiple mammary cyst cysts, which are not amenable to medical treatment, are removed by extensive surgery, including subcutaneous mastectomy and prosthetic gland with implants.

Some women are interested in whether a cyst can resolve if nothing is done. Yes, this possibility exists, but the percentage of such an outcome is small.

Often, patients who hope for a spontaneous disappearance of cysts do not immediately go to a doctor, but come to a specialist with an advanced stage of cancer, when it is very difficult to help.

Finding any education in the chest, you should immediately contact a breast specialist and gynecologist. Modern diagnostic techniques are safe and effective, and conservative therapy is based on the preservation of the organ and function of the breast.

In most cases, patients after treatment get rid of the pathology, but it often happens that cysts recur if there are predisposing factors left, for example, hormonal imbalance, stress.


To prevent pathology, it is necessary to influence the factors that may cause it. You need to avoid stressful situations, do not charge yourself a serious burden. It is required to lead a sex life without changing sexual partners. An important point is the implementation of the child-bearing function, the avoidance of abortion.

It is required to treat gynecological diseases, to be observed by a specialist. After 40 years, you need to have a mammogram every year. It is important to keep under control all liver diseases and genital diseases, to follow a diet that is rich in vitamins, fiber.

Who is at risk?

In theory, this disease can be unpleasant news for any woman, but there are several risk groups:

  1. Women who have an abortion. Termination of pregnancy causes hormonal disorders, which can create the basis for the growth of cysts in the breast.
  2. Denial of breastfeeding or early termination. Even before the birth of the baby, the woman’s body begins preparing the mammary glands for feeding. If such an action does not occur, the hormonal system simply cannot adapt to such changes, which causes a failure, and with them the growth of cysts.
  3. Late pregnancy, after 32 years. No wonder experts note the importance of the birth of the first child during the reproductive period. Late pregnancy can not only provoke this pathology, but also cause many other diseases.
  4. Diseases of the genitourinary system. The breast and reproductive system in women are closely related, and the pathologies of one of them immediately affect the other system.

In addition, women need to be careful with hormonal contraceptives and other drugs, which include hormones. Their incorrect use is very harmful, as it will disrupt the hormonal background, which can lead to the appearance of cysts, infertility.

In addition, the risk of getting this pathology increases with problems with the thyroid gland, any other endocrine disorders.

Treatment of cysts with traditional medicine

Comprehensive treatment of breast cyst also includes various popular methods, which are mainly based on the use of various herbal ingredients.

However, it is necessary to use such methods of treatment after consulting with the attending specialist, since not all of the tips are universal, some may not be compatible with the main drugs.

External therapy

Cabbage Leaf

The most famous way is to attach a cabbage leaf, which you need to pre-knead and wrap with gauze, then apply to the diseased chest. For convenience, fix the bra. This product has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling, lowers the level of prolactin - one of the hormones that promotes the growth of cysts.


Another effective product in the treatment of the breast. The root crop is grated in a mush, then heated for 15 minutes in a water bath. Stirring continuously, add 9% vinegar to the mixture - one tablespoon per 100 g of beets.

The finished mixture in the form of heat is applied to the chest, fixed with a bandage. This compress is also more effective to leave overnight. In the morning, the breasts are washed and wrapped in a warm scarf or shawl. Beet juice has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, helps to reduce cysts.


A very effective compress of burdock or burdock. To prepare it, you need to take one burdock root, pour boiling water over it - one glass of water for 10 g, leave to infuse for 2 hours under a closed lid.

In the resulting infusion, moisten the prepared napkin for a compress, apply to the chest. The roots and leaves of burdock have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, contain in the composition of the substance, which contribute to the reduction of cysts and various benign formations.


Among the homemade recipes are very common tools on the basis of celandine. This plant has a huge amount of healing qualities: bactericidal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory. This allows you to use these plants in the treatment of a variety of diseases. To prepare the ointment, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of leaves of celandine with 2 teaspoons of ghee.

The mixture is heated for 10 minutes in a water bath, then applied in a warm form to a tight chest area. However, the use of celandine should be as cautious as possible, since this tool can cause allergies and severe irritation.


A tablespoon of chopped burdock root is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for an hour. Ready infusion taken three times a day before meals. It is not recommended to harvest a large amount at once, since such decoctions retain their healing properties for a short time.

The main advantage of burdock - low allergenicity, so these drugs have virtually no contraindications. Another means for preparing infusions is the pine forest. Plants are boiled with boiling water or boiled in a water bath, the finished infusion is taken three times a day.

Borovaya uterus

It stabilizes hormones, has an anti-inflammatory effect, regulates metabolism.

Alcohol nastoka

The most popular tincture is walnut shells. Для этого берут 15 скорлупок, раскалывают их, отправляют в 1,5 л банку и заливают водкой.

Затем средство настаивают около полутора недель в темном месте. Готовый настой процеживают и принимают по 1 чайной ложке утром.

Эффективность такого средства основана на высоком содержании гормонов и дубильных веществ. Они оказывают благоприятное воздействие как на гормональный фон, так и на другие системы, способствуют снятию воспалительного процесса.

Watch the video: Gross Cellulitis! MRSA, Cysts, Pimples, Surgery and Infection (April 2024).