How to cook a classic salad Olivier with sausage

We all love to eat Olivier on the night of December 31 to January 1. But not everyone still knows the real, traditional recipe, which is passed down from generation to generation along the female line. Let's finally deal with the present composition of the dish?

The composition of the traditional Olivier

No New Year is complete without this “guest.” But everyone prepares this salad according to his own recipe and considers it only right. What is included in this recipe dishes, known throughout the world?

First of all, of course, it is worth preparing potatoes. And not only because it boils for a long time. Also because it is this root vegetable that makes the salad nourishing.

Next, choose carrots from root vegetables. It will make the dish bright and useful. This is very important, since any dish must be not only tasty, but also useful for the body.

After the carrot comes sausage. Here you choose any one you like - it can be boiled sausage, smoked, smoked or any other that you like.

In fourth place, Olivier will always have eggs. It can be chicken and quail. Secondly, of course, more benefits, but they can not be bought everywhere, and they will be needed in two or even three times more.

Cucumber is also a very important ingredient in the dish. You can add and pickles, and pickled.

Sometimes they manage to add even fresh ones in order to "crunch", but this is no longer traditional.

Of course, do not forget about the green pot and it must be canned. After all, if you add fresh peas, you get the same thing as in the case of fresh cucumbers.

Another incredibly important ingredient is mayonnaise, which is practically the basis of the salad. You can take the purchase or prepare the sauce at home. You will need: eggs (or just yolks), any vegetable oil, mustard, salt and sugar. Sometimes lemon juice, lime or vinegar is added to make the taste spicy.

Well, of course, do not forget about such a moment as spices. In the traditional version, this is only salt and black pepper. You can also add the classic greens in the form of dill or parsley.

All ingredients must be mixed together and put the almost ready salad in the fridge so that it gets cold, and all the flavors mix well with each other. A few hours later the dish can be served.

Classic step by step recipe

  • 1 carrot;
  • 260 g sausage;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 50 grams of green peas;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • 160 ml of mayonnaise.

Cooking time is 40 minutes.

Calories - 180.

How to cook a classic Olivier with sausage:

  1. Wash the potatoes, put the tubers in a saucepan, add water;
  2. Remove the gas and when it boils, cook for twenty minutes until cooked;
  3. Peel the carrots, fold them into a small saucepan and boil the root vegetable to softness too;
  4. Put eggs into a saucepan and boil them to a solid center;
  5. Drain the water from the ready root vegetables so that they cool down more likely;
  6. Once the potatoes are cold, peel and dice them with the carrots;
  7. Remove the water from the finished eggs and add cool water to them;
  8. After a few minutes, you can remove the shell with it and also grind them into cubes;
  9. Also chop cucumbers and sausage;
  10. Put potatoes, carrots, sausage, eggs, cucumbers into a salad bowl and add green peas, mayonnaise and spices to taste;
  11. Stir and put in the fridge to cool.

The classic recipe of Olivier with sausage without carrots

  • 3 potatoes;
  • 10 gherkins;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 260 g sausage;
  • 1 small pot of peas;
  • 180 ml of mayonnaise.

Cooking time is 45 minutes.

Calories - 150.

Method of preparation:

  1. Boil eggs to solid middles, removing them in cold water on the stove;
  2. Wash the potatoes, put them in a saucepan and cook until soft;
  3. While potatoes and eggs are boiled, open the peas, drain the liquid and pour it into the salad bowl;
  4. Save the sausage from the package and cut it into cubes;
  5. Cucumbers cut tails and cut them into rings;
  6. Add sausage and cucumbers to the other components;
  7. Cool and peel the finished eggs and potatoes, cut into cubes;
  8. Add both ingredients to the rest of the salad bowl;
  9. Supplement the ingredients of the salad bowl with mayonnaise and spices;
  10. Mix everything together and put in the refrigerator.

Olivier is a festive salad that is extremely easy to make. This means that within an hour after the start of cooking it can be eaten with a large spoon with fresh, crisp bread.

The preparation of a classic Olivier with sausage is also clearly shown in the following video.

Watch the video: Russian Salad. Olivier Salad Recipe. Салат Оливье (April 2024).